Chapter 3

You're Mine

Daehyun’s eyes are welling up. He can’t even begin to describe how emotional he is right now.

His fingers shake as they run through the boy’s brown hair, and tracing over his beautiful features. His scent is slightly different, but not too far off from what Daehyun remembers.

Feeling his vision go blurry at the sight of Jongup’s face, he wraps the frozen figure in his arms tightly before allowing his tears to spill incessantly on the boy’s shirt.

It’s been too long.

He chants the boy’s name over and over again, still trying to absorb this reality.

Jongup’s breath hitches a little.

Daehyun feels a pair of hands pushing against his chest.

He reluctantly lets go, though his sobs doesn’t cease.


He sees Jongup back up a little, shaking his head.

Their eyes meet, though the younger boy breaks the eye contact as quickly as it came.

 “It’s been a long time, Daehyun-sshi.” His soft voice rasped, cracking slightly. The older man feels himself tearing up more.

Resisting the urge to hug the boy again, Daehyun opts to wipe his tears on his sleeves.

“It has been 5 years.” He replies, feeling a surge of emotions threatening to overwhelm him again.

“Where have you been?”

“Here and there.” Comes a curt reply. Jongup is avoiding his eyes, focusing on the closet instead.

“Why haven’t you contacted me for these past years? Do you know-“ Daehyun shuts his eyes in frustration. “how much I missed you?”

Jongup purses his lips, fingers clasping over the bed covers tightly.

“Daehyun-sshi. I’m afraid your memory is failing you.” Daehyun's heart jolt at the boy’s cold tone.

“Our relationship was over five years ago. There is no reason why you should miss me.”

“I have never once thought that we should remain as friends. So I never bothered to keep contact.”

Daehyun’s heart is being stabbed repeatedly.

“Jongup-ah.” He grabs the boy’s hand, attempting to reason.

“Why? Why did you break up with me in the first place?”

“Because…!” Jongup tries to retort, only to be cut off.

 “I was preparing to propose to you back then!” He recalls how he had waited at the restaurant five years back, only to receive a letter from Jongup saying that he wanted to end the relationship.

Daehyun places his hands on Jongup’s face to make him stare straight into his own eyes. Jongup tries to pry his hands off, only to wince as the older male tightened his grip.

 “All you gave me was a ing letter, saying things that were completely out of character! Then you ing disappeared!” Daehyun growls angrily, before pulling the boy into another crushing embrace.

“You vanished into thin air! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find you at all!”

“I nearly ended my life, not knowing whether you were dead or alive.”

His voice comes out strangled, as Jongup gasps, slightly stopping his struggle for the first time.

“You should have just given up on me…” The boy gives a shaky sigh, covering his face with his fingers in frustration.

Daehyun lets out a small chuckle in spite of himself.

“I couldn’t.” He pulls back to stare sadly at Jongup; their eyes meeting again. “I can’t. And I never will give up on you, Moon Jongup.”

“I love you too much.”

“Nothing in this world can ever stop me from finding you.”

Daehyun gives a bright smile for the first time, tears rolling down from the corners of his eyes.

 It is proving difficult to even breathe, as Jongup feels his heart pounding rapidly and insides being twisted harshly by an invisible hand at the heartbreaking sight.

Why?” Turning away from the older male, Jongup whispers softly to no one in particular. "Why do we have to meet again?"

Daehyun lets go of his face, letting his hands fall onto the boy's hands instead. He clasps his fingers over the smaller palm in a soothing manner.

The gesture is simply too familiar.

Tears roll down his cheeks; he simply can't take this anymore.

The room is quiet now, as they sink into a deep silence, occassionally broken by Jongup's sobs.

“I still love you, Jongup.”

"Don't say that." Jongup begs, as he continues to sobs erratically.

“I love you, Jongup.” Daehyun says again.

“Stop that. I don’t love you anymore.”

More lies, Jongup thinks.

When will he ever stop lying?

“Stop lying.” Daehyun breathes into the boy’s ear, making him shiver slightly.

“I’m not!”

“Why are you crying then?”

“I’m not!”

Daehyun is more than certain how Jongup feels towards him now.

 “I know you still love me.”

 “What are you—“ Daehyun captures Jongup’s lips in a bruising kiss, shutting him up. The boy’s eyes widened in surprise, his hands curled up in fists to punch against the older male’s chest.

“You are really a bad liar. No wonder you sent a letter to break up with me.” Daehyun finally breaks the kiss, breathing hotly into Jongup’s ear.

“I will never let you go again, Jongup.”

“You’re mine.”





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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 9: Squeetastic that is all //@^@//
Saaaam #2
Chapter 5: iijdsujcxiufmjdxiawhudfhthhhhhhfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa+ppp````'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''icjvnvj ncfdjn
hanabira #3
Chapter 9: thank you for writing~~~~~ ^^
hope you will make another daejong fic later.. ^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhhh sooo good :) oh how I've missed this story so much :) I'm so glad it was a good ending :)
Kacichan #5
Chapter 8: Ah, Daehyun-ah, why so sweet?
Chapter 8: *claps* Yay Jongup I hope your happy with Daehyunnie
Chapter 8: odfjosidfjiawf sooo good =] Jongup is finally able to let Daehyun in his life... and accept it =] yay =]