Chapter 5

You're Mine

The ride to the cemetery is awkwardly silent, as Jongup pointedly ignored Daehyun’s various attempts to strike up a conversation. He keeps his eye on the road, while Daehyun ironically pays more attention to himself.

The older male opens his mouth for the fourth time, only to be cut off sharply by the younger boy.

“We’re almost there. Turn left.”

Jongup steps out of the car first, before making a dash towards the cemetery gate. Daehyun recognizes their destination as the local cemetery, and wonders who Jongup has come to pay his respects.

He quickly follows suit, afraid to let the boy out of his sight again.

It’s 7.05pm; to Jongup’s relief, the gate is still open. He quickly informs the guard that he will not take more than 10 minutes, before heading straight for his mother’s grave.

Her name is neatly craved on the white marble stone, but weeds have not been cut, blocking a few letters from view.

Jongup bends on one knee, his fingers trailing over the words.

“Mum.” He calls softly, feeling slightly choked up on the inside. “I’m back again. Sorry I took so long to settle you down…”

He looks down, letting a few tears drop on the surface.

“I…I’m so sorry I didn’t get you anything for your 1st anniversary. I will definitely come back soon to bring you your favourite coffee.” He realizes that he didn’t buy any flowers either and curses himself repeatedly. “And flowers, of course.”

“Are you feeling lonely there? Do you have enough to eat? To sleep?”

He continues to make small talk, hoping from the bottom of his heart that his mother is listening. Tears continue to well up in his eyes; Jongup is feeling fatigued.

He’s too tired to hold any of his emotions in at this point.

Daehyun finally catches up, spotting the small figure at the white grave. He immediately notices that the figure is shaking slightly; most probably crying.

He slowly walks to Jongup; stealing glances at the grave.

Jongup’s mother, he quickly realizes; gasping a little at how recent her passing was.

Last year.

“Jongup-ah…” He whispers, bending down to smooth a hand over the shaking figure; Jongup is overcome with sadness now, letting tears flow freely down his face.

They remain in their positions for the next few minutes; Daehyun wraps his right arm over Jongup, enveloping him in a warm embrace.

“L-let’s go.” Daehyun feels his heart crack a little at how heart-broken Jongup sounded. He nodded briefly, bringing the boy to his feet.

On the ride back, Daehyun reprimands himself silently for being so inconsiderate just now. Jongup has probably gone through a lot more than what he had imagined. And the circumstances 5 years back could be the cause of his suffering.

He has so many questions, but he is sure that Jongup isn’t up for any interrogation tonight. From his peripheral vision, he sees Jongup staring blankly out of the window; a stray tear trickles down his cheeks, but is hastily wiped away.

Daehyun decides he isn’t going to let the boy suffer without any comfort. God knows how much pain he has experienced. He has, with exceptional luck, found Jongup.

And he’s never letting go again.

He lets his right hand fall onto Jongup’s left hand, clasping their fingers together in a what Daehyun hopes is a comforting hold. Jongup tries to withdraw, as a reflex, but is firmly held in place.

He blinks at Daehyun, who opts to keep his eyes on the road.

They finally arrive. Under Daehyun’s insistence, Jongup is escorted upstairs.

And under that same determination, in combination with Jongup’s fatigue, Daehyun has successfully coerced the boy into letting him stay overnight.

“You don’t have to follow me into the room, you know.” Jongup pouts irritably.

“I don’t like sleeping alone.” Daehyun quickly states, before blushing at how terribly wrong the declaration sounded.

Jongup blinks in surprise, before breaking into a bubble of laughter; as cute and awkward as how Daehyun remembers it to be.

It quickly transcends into a punctuated series of chuckles, before the boy bites on his lower lip harshly; eyes b with tears. Daehyun quickly discerns the nuances of the situation, holding Jongup’s head with his right hand and pressing it against his chest.

The boy surprisingly doesn’t object against the gesture.

It is such a comforting position, Jongup thinks. He likes it, adores it and possibly loves it. He wants to melt in this position-

Jongup feels the rumble in Daehyun’s chest.

“For today…I will be here.”

His hands tightened around the fabric of Daehyun’s shirt. Emotion threatening to overcome him; they are like the oceanwaves, crashing against the gates of the waterway, so harshly; the gates are about to give way.

“Let it out. Just…cry.”

And they do.

The night is filled with Jongup’s heartbreaking wails and cries.

He had these nights before.

But tonight is different.

Because…Jung Daehyun is here.


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 9: Squeetastic that is all //@^@//
Saaaam #2
Chapter 5: iijdsujcxiufmjdxiawhudfhthhhhhhfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa+ppp````'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''icjvnvj ncfdjn
hanabira #3
Chapter 9: thank you for writing~~~~~ ^^
hope you will make another daejong fic later.. ^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhhh sooo good :) oh how I've missed this story so much :) I'm so glad it was a good ending :)
Kacichan #5
Chapter 8: Ah, Daehyun-ah, why so sweet?
Chapter 8: *claps* Yay Jongup I hope your happy with Daehyunnie
Chapter 8: odfjosidfjiawf sooo good =] Jongup is finally able to let Daehyun in his life... and accept it =] yay =]