Another grandson?!

A Key to a Locked Heart


Key and Taemin are in the dining area with their beloved grandma. They are discussing about the Kim’s clothing business. Key’s father and mother are in Los Angeles together with Taemin’s family and doing their business while her grandma chooses to stay in Seoul to guide the sales with their local business. Actually, Taemin and Key are cousins. Key’s father is actually the older brother of Taemin’s mother. The Lee (Taemin’s family) and Kim (Key’s) are business partners.


“You can work with me in our local business when you graduate.” Mrs. Park tells them.


“With my spare time after school, I can work with the business.” Key says looking at his grandma.


“You don’t have to. You need to focus on your studies. And after that, you can give all your time to this business. For now, enjoy yourself as a student.” Grandma tells him. Key knows that his grandma is much stricter than his parents. So he wouldn’t insist.


“Anyway, I have already contacted my other grandson to help me with our local business.” Grandma says, smiling. Key gives his grandma a confusing look and stares at Taemin who is also confused.


“You remember him, right?” Grandma asks. Sipping a cup of tea.


“I don’t remember him.” Key and Taemin say at the same time.


“Yes. I don’t remember anything about another grandson.” Key says and Taemin nods. As they all know, they are the only grandsons.


“Okay. I can’t remember what I have told you about him.” Grandma says. “Prepare for tomorrow. You’ll meet him.” She continues. Key and Taemin nods and their grandma command them to sleep because tomorrow they’ll meet their adopted ‘cousin’. Key walks up to his room followed by Taemin.


“Hyung.” Taemin sits on the computer chair inside Key’s room. Key looks at him with questioning face.


“Do you know what grandma was talking about?” Taemin asks.


“Ne? Yes. About the guy?” Key stretch-crossing his arms behind his head while lying down on his bed.


“I hope he’s okay. I mean, he’s okay.” Taemin walks near Key and lies beside him.


“I hope so. But I still can’t remember if grandma have told us about the guy.” Key says facing the ceiling.


“Me either. But I know, grandma won’t choose a guy with bad stuffs. Right hyung?” Taemin asks facing also the ceiling. Key nods. “Of course, look at me! I’m good. I’m not bad.” Key faces Taemin and smirks.


“HAHAHAHA! I know hyung. Me either. I’m good that’s why I’m grandma’s grandson, right?” Taemin says and they both laugh.





Omo! Another grandson? Who could he be? Who do you think? Is he as good as Key and Taemin? :)

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