Author's Note

Beatin Down Angels

Hey guys!~ Thank you so much for subscribing to this story and I should be able to update tonight or tommorow ^__^' that includes the story Dirty Desire too. Anyway, as the story continues you'll notice events in the story that actually happened. For example: Suju car accident, DBSK breakup, U-KISS losing Kibum and Xander, and etc. Also, I'm sure you guys are dieing to know why the heck the members are acting like this, you'll find out in the Super Junior chapters that are coming up soon ^__-  Hope you guys continue to enjoy this story!~ And let me know what you guys might want to see in this story :) BTW can you do me a favor? Possibly tell your friends about this story?


Before I forget! You'll be seeing the appearance of J-Rock idols GACKT, HYDE, and japanese actor Hamao Kyosuke!~

Ok, Love you guys! Bye!~

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dyemolink1 #1
Chapter 7: Pls,pls,update
Please update as soon as you can!
zuzuaikha #3
Chapter 7: Wahh !! Cool ! Update soon !
Update soon
^.^ I can't wait for more updates. You got my heart pumping >.<
MelonCandy #6
WOAAAAAAAH!! HOW COOOL IS THAAAAT?! :O This is an amazing idea!! xD

Although, I WAS expecting it to be a very different reason xD But a fungi is alright too hahahaha
fungi? It must be bad fungi!
fungi? It must be bad fungi!