Chapter 1: Onew's POV

Beatin Down Angels

The show had finally ended as the whole group exited the stuffy aired stage and into our changing room. An awkward atmosphere set in as we changed into our casual clothing in a silent bliss. Our youngest member, Taemin, turned around as he finished changing and gave me a nervous, sideways glance. All I could do was give him a warm smile that told him that I was going to be ok,

That was bull and he knew it.

A few minutes of waiting for everyone to finish changing and we left the warm building into the cold winter night. Everyone shuffled over towards the black van that was hopefully, somewhat warm for us. Key climbed into the front seat, next to the manager, Minho and Jonghyun climbed into the middle seats while me and Taemin climbed into the very back seats. A hiss escaped Taemin’s mouth when his rear met with the cold leather seats. I chuckled softly earning myself a glare from him before he scooted near me for body heat, and I don’t blame him. The back seats where one of the coldest places in the van while the middle and the front where the warmest. I wrapped my right arm around his small shoulders and smiled gently. Taemin was like a little brother that I never had to me, and I wasn’t about to lose him. I raised my head to look at the front and met eyes with a certain pissed off looking diva and rapper.


The tense and awkward atmosphere continued to follow us as we made our way back to the dorms. My body got tenser as the dorm came into view as I thought about what Key would do to me. Taemin’s grip suddenly increased as he looked at me with a worried expression then looked at the dorms with a haunted look in his eye.

“We’re here!”

The door opened making cold air suddenly rush through the van causing Taemin to flinch. I scooted out the back along with Taemin who was still clutching onto my jacket. The manager waved at us goodbye before heading the opposite direction. Minho turned around and grabbed Taemin’s jacket roughly making him fall back in the process. I reached out my hand to catch him from falling but stopped cold when an arm wrapped around my shoulder.

“Come on, let’s go inside and talk.”

My head turned towards the voice and saw Key was the one with the arm wrapped around my shoulder. I was practically being dragged into the dorms by the diva and towards his room. My face began to pale as I remembered what he did to me the other day.  

Key swiftly opened the door before throwing me inside the pitch black room. The door slammed and the sound of metal was heard. I began to crawl away from the noise and towards the back corner of the room, desperately trying to get away. That was until something hard and metal hit my back making a loud crack noise. I was now on my stomache letting out a painful cry. I looked over and saw Key with a baseball bat and a grin.

“You like it? I borrowed it from Minho.”

The only reply I gave back was a groan.

I slowly began to pick myself off the ground but fell back when the baseball bat hit my jaw making a sickening crunching noise. The warm blood began to drip from my mouth and down my now broken jaw. Key went down to his knees and grabbed my jaw with force.

Don’t touch my stuff.”

Those words sounded so cold, what happened to the always cheerful Key that I knew?

He let out a chuckle before his tongue ran up my jaw and to my mouth as he the trail of blood that was there.

I think I’m going to be sick.

Key pushed my head roughly onto the ground before taking out his cell phone and dialed some numbers. Everything around me was beginning to blur as I stared at the photo on Key’s dresser of our debut days. “911 can I help you?”

I gently tilted my head to see what Key was doing.

“H-help m-my friend h-hit hi-his jaw and I t-think it’s b-broken!”

Key looked at me and smirked as I narrowed my eyes.

What a fake.

The door suddenly slammed open as Jonghyun, Minho, and Taemin rushed into the room. Jonghyun glanced at me before looking at Key with a look of approval,

“Wow you got him good!”

I didn’t pay attention to him as he continued to praise Key and I locked eyes with a terrified looking Taemin. A weak smile made its way onto my face but Taemin continued to look frightened. Suddenly Minho grabbed Taemin’s shoulders and glared at me. 

‘Don’t you dare harm him…’


I gasped in pain as Jonghyun laughed in delight.

“Aw, hyung did that hurt?”

Jonghyun began to poke at the broken jaw, adding more and more pressure at each poke.

“Jonghyun, stop, we don’t want to make the doctor suspicious of us.”

A frown made its way on Jonghyun’s face before he got up and walked to Key’s bed to sit on it. The front door was suddenly slammed open as ambulance ran into the room and put me on the stretcher. Everything was quickly fading around me before I out.  

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dyemolink1 #1
Chapter 7: Pls,pls,update
Please update as soon as you can!
zuzuaikha #3
Chapter 7: Wahh !! Cool ! Update soon !
Update soon
^.^ I can't wait for more updates. You got my heart pumping >.<
MelonCandy #6
WOAAAAAAAH!! HOW COOOL IS THAAAAT?! :O This is an amazing idea!! xD

Although, I WAS expecting it to be a very different reason xD But a fungi is alright too hahahaha
fungi? It must be bad fungi!
fungi? It must be bad fungi!