Car Accident

Beatin Down Angels

Leeteuk POV

The rest of Super Junior told us to check on Onew and Taemin, even though we knew that they could care less about those two. They even got us a driver to drive us to the hospital which was even weirder. 15 minutes into the ride was where hell started.

Kyuhyun had his headphones plugged in when I heard the driver on his phone.

“Were here.” I looked to the left and saw that a truck was heading directly at us. A gasp escaped me as I looked at Kyuhyun in alarm.

“Kyuhyun! Jump out of the van!” I opened the door and jumped out. My body hit the road hard from the impact and watched as the truck destroy the van. That’s when I realied, Kyuhyun was nowhere to be seen.

Glass and metal was scattered everywhere on the street. My head was pounding and my arm was numb. I looked around and saw that the van was now on its side.


Panic blocked the pain as I scanned through the pile of metal trying to find the missing maknae. I army crawled through the glass, glimpsing around for any signs of life. The pain suddenly hit me in a wave and I screamed. Blood oozed out of my arm as the glass pierced it. The floor was now painted crimson. I continued to crawl, trying to ignore the glass that was tearing at my skin.

A moan was heard to my right and I turned my head towards the noise. Kyuhyun was staring directly at me. I felt the tears beginning to well up in my eyes, the pain in my heart from seeing him lying there half dead was far more painful than the wounds I bore. His eyes were screaming for help as I knew that if he uttered a single word, it would shatter him completely. I tried to find my voice to call his name. But all I did was crawl to him and bring him hand into my hand.

“K-Kyuhyun I-I’m sorry!” I managed to say in my raspy voice. Kyuhyun smiled at me before closing his eyes. “Kyuhyun! Don’t go! I’ll get help!” Before I managed to cry out, darkness consumed me whole.

The next time I awoke, I found myself in a hospital bed, and my mind was foggy. I tried to recollect everything that had happened before, and I remembered. Kyuhyun.

Car accident.



“Kyuhyun!” I shouted as I lied motionless in the bed. “Kyuhyun!” I called, already feeling the wetness of tears on my face. “Where are you?!” Weeping consumed me. “Kyuhyun….”

“Sir! Are you ok?!” A nurse ran in and stood next to me, “Do you need some-“

“Where is he?!” I cried, “Where is my friend?!”

“What’s his name?”

“Cho Kyuhyun! How could you not know that I came in with someone?! Where is he?! Let me see him!”

“But he’s not well, sir, and neither are you!” She shouted back.

“I just….don’t want him to be alone….” My voice wavered.

“I’m sorry, sir…. But please wait until you’re well enough to get around.”

“Okay, but…..please check up on him for me,” I pleaded.

“Yes, sir, I’ll bring you back the information.”

“Thank you…” and I felt myself fading away.

3rd person POV

The nurse walked out the room before looking back at Leeteuk’s sleeping figure. “I’ll be checking him all right….. Don’t worry Leeteuk, I’ll save you both.”



YaYaHani-Yah here, just chillaxing in the computer lab after we finished 'virtually dissecting' pigs. -___- Just couldn't sit in class to do it. It looked like my dog :(

But yeah, even though my friend had uploaded this chapter (we were so bad, we wrote the story during English xD), the formatting was all jacked up from it being uploaded from her phone lol. So I just fixed it up a bit, making it easier to read and hopefully it flows a lot better now. But um...yeah. xD In our next class we'll be discussing what's gonna happen next! :D

It's gonna be good~ Hahaha. But yeah xD oh! I want to see how many of you can guess who's been writing what :3 If you do...well....good for you xD

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dyemolink1 #1
Chapter 7: Pls,pls,update
Please update as soon as you can!
zuzuaikha #3
Chapter 7: Wahh !! Cool ! Update soon !
Update soon
^.^ I can't wait for more updates. You got my heart pumping >.<
MelonCandy #6
WOAAAAAAAH!! HOW COOOL IS THAAAAT?! :O This is an amazing idea!! xD

Although, I WAS expecting it to be a very different reason xD But a fungi is alright too hahahaha
fungi? It must be bad fungi!
fungi? It must be bad fungi!