Guardian Angels

Beatin Down Angels

Yoogeunishere: OMG I am sooo sorry about that last chapter O_____O didnt realized how short it was till now -___-' Oh well, I'll re-write it some other time :p Hopefully this chapter is long enough for you guys ^___-


Hani’s POV

I walked out of Leeteuk’s room with a firm expression.

‘It’s already getting this bad…’

The song ‘Oh! Ah!’ by Kim Hyung Jun suddenly started to blast from my cell phone, causing me to let out a startled scream. People around me looked at me with raised eyebrows and some laughed. My face heated up as I grabbed the phone and answered it,

OK, WHOEVER THIS IS BETTER HAVE A-,“ Before I could even rant off at the person calling me, I heard a laugh at the other end of the phone.

“Now, now Hani, I that how your suppose to talk to your boss?” A husky voice said.

My eyes widened,

“Oh! Sorry about that Gackt!”

I could hear his chuckle,

“Its fine…….How’s Leeteuk and Kyuhyun?” He said in a serious voice.

“It’s getting worse,” I whispered as I entered a janitor’s closet, “Leeteuk has only minor injuries, but Kyuhyun has pretty major injuries.”

Gackt sighed,

“Well, this isn’t good…”

I bit my lip, “Should we inform the other Guardian Angels?”

We both where silent as Gackt thought over it.

“We might have too.”

I let out a sigh and nodded,

“Ok, I’m going to go check on Kyuhyun.”

“Fine, remember what you have to do Hani.”

The phone let out a tone telling me that Gackt had hung up.

Hello, you guys might not know me, but I’m Oh Hani. I’m from an organization called Guardian Angels Organization.

Our job is to protect idols.

Why? Because of the disaster that happened a couple of years ago. In the Japan industry, music idols where facing the exact same problem the Korean idols are facing right now. The youngest and oldest members where being abused. That’s when we started the organization Guardian Angels; originally we had only 3 members. We had no clue why idols where acting the way they where until Rae got a swab from one of the idols that where acting different (Don’t ask me how she got it, I honestly do NOT want to know.) It turned out to be some sort of fungi.

Yes, fungi, but a deadly one.

Long story short, these fungi makes the person who has it in their system act abusive towards those who don’t have it in their system.

Weird huh?

We didn’t believe it at first, but then we realized that it was the reason. It took a long time for us to make antidotes but we managed. All of the idols where cured and a couple joined us. I’m sure you’re thinking ‘Why don’t you just make more antidotes?’  The problem is that,

the member who made the antidotes was murdered.

We were all shocked, but we now know whoever killed our medic, infected the Korean idols.

I sighed as I opened the door to see Kyuhyun bandaged and sleeping. A smile tugged at my lips seeing the sight of the idol resting with a calm expression. My smile turned into a frown as I walked over to his bed. I bent over so my mouth was next to Kyuhyun’s ear,

“Kyuhyun, I don’t know if you can hear me or not, but you’re in grave danger,”

Kyuhyun’s lip twitched slightly,

“All of the maknaes and leaders are in danger. I can’t explain all of what is happening, but I’m here to tell you to watch yourself when you’re around the other members…..”

Kyuhyun frowned.

“Kyuhyun, I promise that I’ll save you…..all of you.”

I backed away from him and slowly walked out of the room.

“Please don’t get yourself killed.”

Kyuhyun POV

Where am I?

Darkness surrounded me.

 I could feel panic overwhelm my senses.

There was a constant beeping noise heard to my left.

What the heck?

A sound of a door echoed around me. I could feel warm air hitting my ear.

‘Kyuhyun, I don’t know if you can hear me or not, but you’re in grave danger,’

Wait, someone knew?

‘All of the maknaes and leaders are in danger. I can’t explain all of what is happening, but I’m here to tell you to watch yourself when you’re around the other members…..’

Who’s talking to me?

‘Kyuhyun, I promise that I’ll save you…..all of you.’

I could hear footsteps walking away from me.

‘Wait! Don’t leave.’

I opened my eye slightly and saw a woman in a white dress, facing the other direction.

“Please don’t get yourself killed.”

The girl walked out of the room in silence.

“Did I see an angel?”  



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dyemolink1 #1
Chapter 7: Pls,pls,update
Please update as soon as you can!
zuzuaikha #3
Chapter 7: Wahh !! Cool ! Update soon !
Update soon
^.^ I can't wait for more updates. You got my heart pumping >.<
MelonCandy #6
WOAAAAAAAH!! HOW COOOL IS THAAAAT?! :O This is an amazing idea!! xD

Although, I WAS expecting it to be a very different reason xD But a fungi is alright too hahahaha
fungi? It must be bad fungi!
fungi? It must be bad fungi!