Another Author's Note! :D

Beatin Down Angels

So  yeah! :D This is YaYaHani-Yah, just droppin' by for a sec before I get off the computer and stuff~

But yeah, we finally updated! ^3^ Sorry about the long wait, heh heh...

We've just been uber busy lately (and suffering from constant cases of writer's block, lol) and just haven't gotten around to updating much stuff. But for the recent chapter, could you guys tell what I wrote and what Yoogeun-ah wrote? x3 I think a lot of my writing is more detailed and I try to make it flow and stuff, but Becca just has that thing where she can keep the story going a lot longer/better. I tend to take my time and try to work it out as best as I can. She, to me, writes whatever (her saying that it's not that good) but it keeps the reader interested even with the hurriedness (sp?) and what not.

(Goodness, now I feel like I'm doing a review on us or something xD I should just go to bed now xD) So...anyway...Oh! That's what I was going to say!

We often try to talk about our stories as often as we can during school (mostly during P.E, lol) and we'll have this totally great story line and plot, but when we get home to write it, we just can't grasp hold of that feeling to start writing, you know what I mean? I think I talk more out of the 2 of us, probably because I write a bit more than she does (I mean hey, I have 16 fanfics I've started/haven't finished one chapter of/haven't updated/can't remember what it's about/ don't like anymore) and I'm constantly aking things like, "what do you want to see in the story? Give me some lines you want to hear. Who do you think should pop up? What's your favorite part? What do you think will happen next?" Stuff like that. And sometimes, I really do think it helps.

Oh! And to my subscribers! I'm working on chapter 6 of Watching From the Stands! :D It's coming out really good, and I should finish during the summer :( It's gonna be sad seeing it end, but I'll be taking requests for side stories for it once it's done :D So anticipate!

Um...I think I'm done rambling now xD I'm gonna go to sleep now~ It's been a long day xD I  fell asleep in English during the movie, and I got wound up at the dog park today after school, so I'm super wiped out xD

Sleep tight everyone~ And stick tight to when we update everything~


--Love, Hani :3

I forgot to add!

Why does Becca still have Onew as the background? xD Silly goose x)

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dyemolink1 #1
Chapter 7: Pls,pls,update
Please update as soon as you can!
zuzuaikha #3
Chapter 7: Wahh !! Cool ! Update soon !
Update soon
^.^ I can't wait for more updates. You got my heart pumping >.<
MelonCandy #6
WOAAAAAAAH!! HOW COOOL IS THAAAAT?! :O This is an amazing idea!! xD

Although, I WAS expecting it to be a very different reason xD But a fungi is alright too hahahaha
fungi? It must be bad fungi!
fungi? It must be bad fungi!