Super Junior POV

Beatin Down Angels

   I felt the pain digging further into my back… I let out screams that were laughed at by the other members…Only Leetuk was looking on with a worried face as he stood restricted by Heechul and Kangin. Was this going to be the end of me?

Kyuhyun’s POV

Why was it that the other members were acting this way? They seem to be very distant and almost…hateful. The glares have almost become unbearable, and the people I was closest to have been farther away than ever. Only Leeteuk has been with me through all of this, and he’s been suffering too. I find myself crying every night, and the pressure of being tortured keeps me awake at night. I can’t believe this is happening.

I looked over at the members that were cheering for me and Teukie. I smiled brightly at them, glad that my hyungs have been with me through so much. I looked ahead and waited for the alarm to sound. I began running as soon as the baton hit my hand. My heart raced faster than ever, and I was trying to fathom why the thumps felt so painful. I glanced at the members one more time, burning their sweet image in my retina…But now the image seems to be burning like a photo to a flame.
It engulfs everything…and starts with the weakest.

 Leeteuk’s POV

Being the oldest automatically makes you the leader…now I wish I could step-down from that position. It’s been eating at me for a while, and the usually normal pressure has gotten so bad that I’ve become so disorientated. None of the members listen to me, but when I try to speak, they lash out at me. I’ve become frightened….paranoid…flinching at every sound…movement…breath.
My right hand man has turned against me tenfold, and the pain drives me so mad that I scream even in my sleep. Running away whenever I close my eyes, I snap them open as soon as I image not being able to get away. Being at the top only means that you’re the last to go down when every one has pulled away from underneath you. Hitting the bottom hurts even worse when the rest of the totem pole has put you at the stake.

It was finally the day of the idol competition, and all of the members were exited. Eunhyuk and Shindong were revved up as always, tightening their fists and shouting while Yesung was in the corner gathering his energy in an odd sumo position. I chuckled at the sight, and I turned to see Kyuhyun standing with a smile.
“Are you ready, hyung?” He asked. There was about to be a Maknae and Leader race, and the two of us were about to try and run our butts off.

Kyuhyun’s POV

I woke up…or rather, gathered my conscience together after keeping my eyes and ears open all night. After being beaten yesterday, I’ve been extra causious. I shifted my body and pulled myself up, but only managed to fall right back down from the pain that ingulfed me. A sound was heard from the corner of the room and I looked up with an expression that was similar to a deer in a headlight. Panic began to spread through me as I backed as far away as I can from the person aproaching me. When my back hit the wall I curled up in a ball and prepared for another round of beating.

That was until that person hugged me.

I looked up and gasped as I realized that Leeteuk was the one holding me.

"I'm sorry...." Leeteuk chocked out as his hug tightened.

My shoulder began to become wet as sobs racked throughout the leaders body in dispair and pain. I patted and rubbed his back to calm him down,

"Its ok Teukie, its not your fault."

------Next Day-------

Leeteuk's POV

Everyone was sitting around in the livingroom doing whatever they do as me and Kyuhyun huddled near eachother. He was the only one I could trust in this house, yet, I failed to protect him from the others yesterday. I could feel the depression kick in at the though,

'If only I could do something.....'

A phone went off causing me to jump slightly in suprise before someone answered the phone. Silence was the only thing heard at that moment. Shindong turned and said,

"Onew's in the hospital.....and Taemin has been injured while staying at the hospital..."


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dyemolink1 #1
Chapter 7: Pls,pls,update
Please update as soon as you can!
zuzuaikha #3
Chapter 7: Wahh !! Cool ! Update soon !
Update soon
^.^ I can't wait for more updates. You got my heart pumping >.<
MelonCandy #6
WOAAAAAAAH!! HOW COOOL IS THAAAAT?! :O This is an amazing idea!! xD

Although, I WAS expecting it to be a very different reason xD But a fungi is alright too hahahaha
fungi? It must be bad fungi!
fungi? It must be bad fungi!