Crushed .


“Take me back, I was wrong.” He said. My heart stung. I was waiting for those words from him this whole time...

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**Chu GaEul POV**

    "....No." I said.

"No?" SooPyo asked, suddenly looking up at me. His icy cold eyes made me nervous.

"No, I don't believe you." I said, breaking our eye contact.

"Why? I'm on my knees, I said sorry. What more do you want?" SooPyo asked.

"I want the truth. If you loved me, if you couldn't live without me why did you cheat on me? And spread rumors about me?" I asked.

"I was freakin stupid, that's why. Please." He said, getting up.

"No. I found someone else, someone who treats me like I actually mean something to them." I said.

"Fine. You'll see if I am lying or not." He said, leaving. Then I cried. And dropped to the ground.

So much for being strong.

**So YiJeong POV**

    I skipped stairs up ShinHwa High's steps. I had white roses in one hand, and my cell phone in my other. Where is GaEul? I haven't seen her yet - or heard from her since our date. Did I do something wrong? What happened? I walked around campus, looking for her.

**Chu GaEul POV**

    I walked up the stairs, and to my locker. Oh shoot! I was supposed to buy JanDi a cookie from the vending machine downstairs. As I sighed, I turned around and went down the stairs into the almost empty hallway.

**So YiJeong POV**

    I saw her. She was only a few feet in front of me. I tried to catch up to her, but she was too fast. Where is she going? I’ll surprise her (:

**Chu GaEul POV**

    I walked into the empty hallway that was full of vending machines for buying snacks and etc. As I turned to the ultimate cookie vending machine, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw ….

SooPyo. What the fork?!

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Let’s go on a date.” He said, grabbing my wrist.

“No!” I said, getting out of his grip. Then he grabbed my face, and kissed me.

**So YiJeong POV**

    I turned the corner to the hallway that GaEul turned to. It was the vending machine hallway, and I almost lost her as she ran over here. I turned the corner to see GaEul at the first vending machine, kissing a boy. My smile suddenly dropped. What is she doing?!

**Chu GaEul POV**

    I heard something drop. I drew away from SooPyo; with anger and all to see YiJeong’s hurt, cold eyes looking at me. There was a banquet of white roses on the ground, right in front of him. Then he ran. I turned my head to see SooPyo, only inches away from my face.

“AH, look what you did!” I yelled, slapping him. He held his face, and backed up away from me.

“This is what you get for not believing me.” He said, matter-of-factly.

“Go away! I never want to see you again! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!” I yelled. I threw my coins at SooPyo, and he ran. Then I backed up against the wall, and sat down. Crying. Why did this happen to me? What did I ever do to deserve this? After a while of thinking, I got up and grabbed the banquet of flowers off the ground. They looked so innocent, so delicate. I saw an envelope peeking out of the banquet. I carefully opened it, and saw a note. It said GaEul, will you be mine?

**Geum JanDi POV**

    I was walking up the stairs to meet GaEul at our lockers, when my phone vibrated. It was a text from her.

GaEul: Sorry JanDi, I don’t feel good. I’m gonna go home. Please survive without me today! I’m sorry ):

What happened? GaEul wouldn’t miss school for anything! Something’s up, I know it. I texted back.

JanDi: GaEul what’s wrong? Something’s wrong. You’re not sick, are you?

**So YiJeong POV**

    I was walking up the stairs to the F4 classroom, exhausted from running across the whole school. When I got to an empty hallway, I sat against the wall, brushing my fingers through my hair. What just happened? Why does it feel like that my heart was just torn into two?

**Song WooBin POV**

    I was walking down the hallway, with a cappuccino in my hand. I was almost at the F4 classroom, when I saw YiJeong.

“Yo bro, why the sad face?” I asked. He looked up at me.

“It’s over, WooBin.” He said.

“What is?” I asked.

“Me and GaEul.”

“What? So do you want to kill her instead or…?” I asked.

“No! I like her WooBin, why the heck would I want to kill her?” He asked. He did have a point. YiJeong has been down until she came along too.

“She’s your current happiness, isn’t she? Bro, I can’t do this to you. We gotta quit or something.” I said.

“But hyung, you’ve been in this business forever!” He said.

“I never said that I wanted to do it.” I said.

“Really hyung? Fine. We’ll quit. But then what will you do? I’m a potter, and you’ve always been a gangster, an agent.” He said. I sat down next to him.

“Who said that I don’t have any talent?” I asked.

“So then what do you want to do then?” He asked.

“I’ve always wanted to cook,” I said, thinking of many different recipes I know. Maybe this could be a new beginning.

**So YiJeong POV**

    “Hyung, if you saw your almost-girlfriend kissing another boy what would you think?” I asked.

“I’m a player, how do you think my girls feel? Honestly, I think you should talk to GaEul about it. The last time I saw her this morning, she was crying and all her makeup was down her cheeks. I saw her running towards the subway station.” WooBin said. What?

“Wait….why would she be crying if she cheated on me?” I asked, confused.

“Exactly why you need to talk to her. You can’t just look at what you see, you need to see what happened to her also. And she didn’t exactly cheat on you, you two only went on one date and you didn’t even officially ask her to be yours.” WooBin explained, taking a sip of his cappuccino. Hyung had a point.

“Tell Mr. Sam that I’m sick,” I said as I got up.

**Chu GaEul POV**

    I sighed as I finally reached my front door. I struggled to get my keys out of my purse, since my hand was so shaky from walking around in the pouring rain for an hour. Suddenly, the front door opened. It was Omma.

“GaEul, why aren’t you at school?” Omma asked.

“Omma, I don’t feel so good.” I said as I brushed past her.

“What happened, GaEul?” Omma asked, following me into my room.

“Nothing.” I said, throwing my stuff onto my bed and sitting down.

“GaEul, you’re crying! What happened?!” Omma asked, sitting down next to me. I tried to hold back the waterfall of tears, but it let loose. Then I cried, telling Omma what happened.

“Wow.” She said at the end of it all.

“I know.” I said, wiping my eyes.

“Go wash your face, put on your pajamas. I’ll go get the ice cream.” Omma said, walking downstairs. I love my Omma.

**So YiJeong POV**

    “JanDi, where’s GaEul’s house?” I asked.

“Why do you need to know?” JanDi asked.

“Because I need to talk to her and she’s not here.” I said.

“She went home sick, that’s why. What did you do to her? She won’t tell me what’s wrong!” JanDi said, giving me a mean look.

“I didn’t do anything to her! Maybe you should ask what she did to ME.” I said.

“What? What happened?!” JanDi asked.

“I….I saw her kissing a boy.” I said, looking at the ground.

“WHAT?” JanDi yelled. People around us looked at JanDi suddenly yelling.

“Come on, I’ll bring you there. You might get lost.” JanDi said, walking away.

“We’re taking my car, I don’t think your bike will fit us.” I called, walking after her.

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Omg! It’s been wayyy too long! I’m so sorry ): I got brain dead for a long time, and a whole bunch of stuff happened. I was so up into my life, I forgot to update! Well, expect another chapter coming soon (:

What will happen to GaEul & YiJeong?

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hello, i'm new reader :)<br />
and,. what the heck soo pyo kissed ga eul?!<br />
damn it~ i hope, ga eul and yi jeong are in the good relationship soon<br />
please, update it asap
OMGOMGOMG. Min-yo-xai-na! I wanna know what happenssss!
-HaeFany-Forever- #3
Please Update! :)
pls update again :]<br />
destruction #5
@madz67: Ikrrrrrrr. I just had to kill the pretty moment <;D<br />
@unii_soeul: It's GaEul's boyfriend in BOF that cheated on her. [The one JoonPyo beat up on the double date] <br />
@skywriter: Yay! :D My story isnt boring ~:D <br />
@sw33tfruitylo0: Thats what I do , gurl ! ;DD
WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT?????????<br />
Update! I'm excited~
unii_soeul #9
who is that?!!
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
Wait! The unwanted person is there! So pissed off. :((