Blow Your Mind


 "Yah, what's up with you? You're so quiet now," He asked.

"Just thinking..." I said.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  -

[1 week later]

** So Yi Jeong POV **

     I haven’t talked to GaEul for a week now, since JoonPyo banned GaEul & JanDi from our lunch table. JoonPyo is such a kid sometimes….it was just a rice bun!

So here I am, standing in the deserted hallway 14 minutes after the bell….waiting for GaEul. Do girls usually take this long to get out of school?

** Chu Ga Eul POV **

     I haven’t talked to YiJeong for a week. I barely even see him now – since he has a special ‘F4’ class during the day and since JoonPyo banned us from their table all because of JanDi. It’s funny because JanDi feels like she owes me something haha. But really…how am I supposed to pay YiJeong back if we don’t even act like friends but like strangers? Mhm….

** Geum Jan Di POV **

     I stood in front of GaEul, who was sitting at her desk deep in thought. School ended like, 14 minutes ago but I don’t want to disturb her thinking. I wonder what’s she thinking about…probably about YiJeong. Ever since we got banned from their table, GaEul has been kinda stressed about something. It’s getting me worried…

“Ga-Eul?” I asked as I nudged her shoulder.

“Huhhh?” She asked.

“School ended 15 minutes ago,” I said as I looked at the clock. GaEul glanced at the clock.

“JAN-DI WE’RE GONNA BE LATE TO WORK!!” GaEul said as she jumped out of her seat.

“What really? I thought we started at two-o’clock!!” I said, confused.

“No! Mister Boss moved out time to 1:20! We only have five minutes to get to work!” GaEul said as we arrived at our lockers.

** Chu Ga Eul POV **

     Ohmygosh…if JanDi & I are late this time we’re gonna get deducted salary from our paychecks!!

“Let’s hurry before its 4 minutes until work!” JanDi said as we shut our lockers and swung our backpacks over our shoulders. We ran down the deserted empty halls.

** So Yi Jeong POV **

     I heard running footsteps. I turned my head and saw GaEul & JanDi running.

“Yah! Why in a rush?” I asked as they approached me.

“We’re gonna be late for work!” GaEul said, panting.

“Need a ride?” I asked as I showed them my car keys. GaEul’s eyes glistened as she smiled.

[5 minutes later]

“Thanks for the ride Yi-Jeong!” GaEul said as she opened the passenger door. JanDi waited for her at the front of the porridge shop.

“Nope; you’re staying.” I said as I pulled her back into the car.

“What?!” GaEul asked, shocked.

“JanDi, tell Mister Boss that GaEul’s sick,” I said. JanDi nodded and went inside, chuckling.

“What!? Yi-Jeong, I have to go to work…” GaEul said.

“GaEul, let’s go on a date.” I said.

“Why?!” GaEul asked. I chuckled.

“Just one. Pleaseeeee?” I asked. She looked at me, then at the window.

“Fine…” She said as she closed the car door. I smiled and started driving.

** Chu Ga Eul POV **

     Why would he want to go on a date with me? He’s F4’s Casanova….why wouldn’t he want to be with another? What’s going on!?

“Stop asking yourself questions of why I asked you that,” YiJeong said. How did he know…?

“Uhh, I’m-I’m not thinking about that…but why did you ask me?” I asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” He asked.

“No…you’re F-four’s Casanova, you could have asked any other girl in Seoul…” I explained.

“But I didn’t want to.” He said sincerely. Ahhhhh! Why is he saying that? He’s messing with my head…isn’t he? How are we supposed to be friends if he’s gonna act like he likes me? Do I like him…or not? Okay…chill. I need to calm down.

“So…where are we going?” I asked.

“My secret,” He said, winking at me. Did my heart just melt a little? YiJeong parked, and opened the door for me.

“Here we are,” He said as I got up. I looked at the scenery. It was an ice skating rink. I shivered as a cold wind blew past me.

“Are you cold?” He asked.

“No…not really.” I said. He unwrapped his scarf and put it around my neck. Then he grabbed my hand.

“Let’s go!” He said.

“Uhh, Yi-Jeong? I’ve never been ice skating before,” I said as we put on our skates. He chuckled.

“I had a feeling. I’ll help you Ga-Eul,” He said as he stood up and grabbed my hands. He gave me tips on how to stay balanced and how to skate XD. We circled the rink holding hands and laughing.

“Ready for the highlight of ice skating?” YiJeong asked after skating for about 30 minutes.

“No…” I said. He chuckled as we took off our skates. After returning our skates, YiJeong lead me to a small Coffee Café. We entered, and saw a lot of couples there.

“Two hot chocolates please,” YiJeong said as we passed the counter. We sat next to the window.

“This is a really nice place,” I complemented.

“It’s even better being here with you,” He said. I blushed and turned towards the window. The sun was coming out, the first time this week.

“I’ll go get the hot chocolates,” YiJeong said as he got up. My phone vibrated. It was a text from JanDi. XD

JanDi: Yah! Chu GaEul, where did YiJeong bring you?

I texted back –

GaEul: Yah! JanDi you’re not on break yet! YiJeong took me on a date! A DATE JANDI!

[1 minute later] ** New Message! **

JanDi: Whoa really?! A date?! GaEul I’m so happy for you! You have fun! Don’t worry about poor me who covering for both of our shifts!

I gasped. JanDi WAS covering for my shift too! Ahh she can’t over work herself…she might end up in the hospital again D:

I texted back –

GaEul: Ahh thank you JanDi the bestest friend ever! Now I owe you ~

“Texting? On a date?” YiJeong said as he laughed.

“Ohh…Yi-Jeong! You’re back. What took you so long?” I asked, nervously.

“Well ...there was a line…” He said as he put down my cup in front of me. I wrapped my hand around my cup, and saw that there was a heart drawn on my hot chocolate.

“Yi-Jeong! This is too sweet!” I said as I happily sipped the loved hot chocolate. He flashed his player smile as he took a sip out of his cup.

“So how’s the date so far?” He asked.

“It’s nothing I’d expect from you,” I said.

“What!? What’s that supposed to mean?” YiJeong asked.

“It’s nothing bad…I thought you were gonna take me to a hotel or something,” I said. He chuckled.

“So you heard THOSE rumors,” He said.

“Rumors?” I asked.

“About how every girl I date I always bring them to hotels…” YiJeong said. I raised an eyebrow.

“I haven’t had something close to a girlfriend since I was 15,” YiJeong said.

“Then why do they call you a Casanova?” I asked.

“Well…after a bad event I was broken and decided to just mess with any girl.” He said. I frowned.

“If only I came by then….I could have fixed you.” I said. YiJeong smiled weakly at me.

“It’s okay Ga-Eul. I’m better now. I haven’t been messing with anyone ever since my hand got broken.” He explained. I gasped.

“You’re hand got broken?!?!?” I asked, grabbing his hands.

“Yah! That hurts,” He said as he held his right hand.

“Sorry…what happened?” I asked as I noticed the thin cast on his right wrist/palm.

“Uh...let’s just say don’t try to get another guy’s girl at a club when you’re drunk,” YiJeong said. My jaw dropped.

“Really?! Really? That’s so sad…at least you know better now and changed, right?” I asked.

“I guess so. But I can’t do pottery anymore,” He said.

“You’re a potterist?!” I asked. Oh.My.Gosh. YiJeong was a potterist?! I can’t believe it!!!

“I was.” He said.

“No! You can’t give up on your dream all because something goes wrong!” I said. He laughed.

“You sound just like Joon-Pyo. He said that to me when I told him that!” YiJeong claimed. I laughed.

“But really! Think about it.” I said. I drank the rest of my hot chocolate, and threw away the disposable cup. I slowly walked back, seeing that he was staring out of the window. He was probably thinking of what I said…

“So?” I asked.

“You’re right. I shouldn’t give up just because something goes wrong.” YiJeong said as he got up.

“Let’s go,” He said smiling.

“W-where?” I stuttered. He grabbed my arm and we walked back to the car.

“Where are we going?” I asked again.

“Somewhere,” He answered. I knew it -___- … We pulled up to an brick building.

“Welcome to my studio,” YiJeong said as he opened the door for me. We walked inside.

“Sorry if it’s kinda dusty, I haven’t been in here for about 4 weeks.” He said. I examined the room – 4 wooden tables, tall wooden shelves filled with beautiful pots and bowls, wooden benches and so much more. I ran over to a unique tall vase.

“You made this Sunbae?” I asked. He laughed.

“So now you’re gonna call me Sunbae?” He asked.

“Okay fine…Oppa?” I asked as I looked at all of the wonderful pots and bowls and vases he made.

“You mean ‘Oppa’ as in older brother or as in lover?” He asked as he scanned his artwork.

“Uhh…” I started.

“Think about it. Wanna learn how to make a simple bowl?” He asked. I smiled.

“Of course!!” I said. He instructed me to put on a pink apron.

“Yi-Jeong Sunbae, you have an pink apron?” I asked, laughing.

“Pink is very manly,” He claimed as he tied on a blue apron.

“Then I guess I’m manly now.” I said sarcastically. Yi Jeong put a slab of clay onto the potter’s wheel as I sat down at it.

“Now dip your hand into this water at times to keep the clay moisturized,” YiJeong said as he put a small bowl of water in the corner of the potter’s wheel stand. I nodded.

“Now press the petal softly,” YiJeong instructed. I carefully pressed the potter’s wheel softly.

“Hurry and shape the slab of clay before it flies everywhere,” YiJeong said quickly.

“What!? How do you that?!” I asked. I wasn’t panicking…! YiJeong quickly moved from beside me to behind me and bent his body over mines, grabbing my hands and controlling them. My heart beat increased faster.

“Why are your hands so stiff?” YiJeong asked.

“No they’re not!” I said.

“Yes they are. I can even feel your heart beating fast,” He said. I could almost feel him flash his playful smile. -___- ..

“No it’s not…” I whispered. In about an hour, I had an almost-ready small bowl on the potter’s wheel…with YiJeong’s guidance. xD

“Look! Yi-Jeong Sunbae, I’m making a almost perfect pot on my first try~!” I joked.

“You mean I am not you…” He said as his breath brushed against my neck. I closed my eyes, trying to permantly put this moment into my memory.

--- 20 minutes later ---

YiJeong put the bowl into the kiln as I washed my hands and the workspace. I smiled as I scrubbed the potter’s wheel with a slightly wet sponge.

“You don’t have to do that, you know.” He said as he came back into the room.

“If I don’t clean it and you never do then it’s gonna be covered in clay forever,” I said as I happily scrubbed the wheel. I saw him smile as he took off his apron.

     After cleaning, YiJeong offered to take me home.

“No it’s okay, I can take the bus.” I said as I put on my coat.

“No, we’re still on our date. I’ll drop you off.” He said as he put on his blazer. We pulled up in front of the porridge shop.

“You still want to work?” He asked.

“No, JanDi’s shift is ending soon. I’ll go home with her.” I said as I reached for the lever to open the car door. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I turned my head, seeing that our faces were only 3 inches away. I automatically turned my head the other way.

“If you want to go on another date, just ask.” He whispered into my ear. I opened the car door and got out.

“Thanks for the date Yi-Jeong Sunbae…it was fun.” I said before I closed the door. I walked inside of the shop, to find JanDi sitting at an empty table.

“Annyeong Jan-Di!” I said as I waved. Mister Boss looked at me.

“I thought you were sick,” He said as he raised an eyebrow.

“Well…I recovered quickly,” I said. It wasn’t a lie. I think I recovered of my heart-sickness (; JanDi quickly stood up and ran over to me.

“Mister Boss, my shift is over can I go now?” JanDi asked. Mr. Boss nodded. JanDi dragged me into the employee room.

“Ga-Eul what happened?! Tell me everything!” She said. I explained to her the whole date. [Not over exaggerating]

“Ahh! Ga-Eul it sounds so romantic!” JanDi squealed. Okay, maybe I did over exaggerate…but at least I told her the main details! A knock came at the door.

“Ga-Eul; you have a visitor,” Mr. Boss said. JanDi smiled at me.

“It must be Yi-Jeong coming back to say goodnight to you!!” JanDi said cheerfully. I smiled and walked out of the employee room…to find……my ex-boyfriend SooPyo standing in the shop. Why in the world was HE here?!

“Ga-Eul…” He said.

“Get out.” I said coldly.

“But-“ He started.

“Get out!” I said sharply.

“Ga-Eul take me back!” He said, falling to his knees. My jaw dropped.

“What?!” I asked.

“Take me back, I was wrong.” He said. My heart stung. I was waiting for those words from him this whole time...

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To Be Continued. ^^


Ohmygosh! I typed a long chapter haha...but at least I finally updated (; Hope you guys like it!

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hello, i'm new reader :)<br />
and,. what the heck soo pyo kissed ga eul?!<br />
damn it~ i hope, ga eul and yi jeong are in the good relationship soon<br />
please, update it asap
OMGOMGOMG. Min-yo-xai-na! I wanna know what happenssss!
-HaeFany-Forever- #3
Please Update! :)
pls update again :]<br />
destruction #5
@madz67: Ikrrrrrrr. I just had to kill the pretty moment <;D<br />
@unii_soeul: It's GaEul's boyfriend in BOF that cheated on her. [The one JoonPyo beat up on the double date] <br />
@skywriter: Yay! :D My story isnt boring ~:D <br />
@sw33tfruitylo0: Thats what I do , gurl ! ;DD
WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT?????????<br />
Update! I'm excited~
unii_soeul #9
who is that?!!
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
Wait! The unwanted person is there! So pissed off. :((