**Both POV** [Chu Ga Eul’s and So Yi Jeong’s]

     I wish that happened.  I wish it went as smoothly as that.  This is what really happened….

**So Yi Jeong POV**

     I hung up the phone on Woo Bin, and walked into a porridge shop I looked up on my Iphone the other day.  I was researching foods that would be good for Omma >.<.  Inside, I was greeted by a short girl with a bob haircut. 

“Annyeong! [Hello] Please have a seat; I’ll take your order in a minute!” She said cheerfully, walking away.

**Geum Jan Di POV**

     I scurried to the kitchen, eager to tell Ga Eul something.  Ga Eul was standing by the counter, putting bowls of porridge onto a Hello Kitty tray.

“Ga Eul-ah! I think I found the perfect guy for you, I just saw him a while ago!” I said, smiling cheerfully.

“Ah, Jan Di, don’t tell me that you’re kidding again.  I appreciate the effort of you helping me get over Soo Pyo, but guys with huge – rimmed glasses and bowl cuts are not okay.” Ga Eul said, sighing in frustration.  I laughed at hearing of my prank again.

“ANIYO! [NO!]  It’s real this time! He’s real cute!  I can totally imagine you with him!” I said, in a convincing tone.

“Really? Okay, I trust you!” Ga Eul said, skipping out the kitchen.

“CCRRAASSSSSSSSHHHHHHH!” Ceramic bowls crashed.  I ran towards the noise.

“Omg! I’m so sorry sir, and you okay?!” Ga Eul asked, getting up from the now covered with porridge ground and helping that cute guy up.

“Yeah, I’m okay. It’s just that there’s PORRIDGE ON MY SUIT!” He said calmly-ish.

“Hey! What happened here!?” Mr. Boss asked while walking towards us.

“NOTHING BOSS, go back and sit in your office, we have EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL.” I said, pushing Boss back into his office.  Today was the day Ga Eul ran the shop without Boss’s help! We are so screwed.

**Chu Ga Eul POV**

     “I’m sorry! Here, I’ll clean it up, sir! Don’t be mad,” I said frantically. I went to the kitchen with my head down to get napkins.

**So Yi Jeong POV**

     She had a sweet voice.  But I didn’t see her face yet.  She held her head down shamefully.  What did I say?! D:

     She came back with a handful of napkins; I grabbed them carefully and worked my charm by slightly touching her hand.  She looked at me and slowly pulled her hand away.  Whoa. A beauty.

“What’s a pretty girl like you working in this place?” I asked smoothly, while dabbing porridge off my suit. 

“Well uh, it’s pretty hard to find work around here.” She said slyly.  She was on her knees, wiping a huge mess of porridge off the floor.

“Oh really?” I asked, leaning over to help her clean up the porridge.

**Chu Ga Eul POV**

     Whoa.  A stranger helping me cleans up MY mess?  Boss is gonna be mad!! Anyways, where’s that guy that Jan Di said that he was perfect for me? I kinda like this guy.  He’s pretty cute.  And he looks rich and helpful (:  I wonder what other qualities he has.  Once we finished cleaning, I got up and threw all the napkins away.

“Thanks for helping me….uh…” I started.

“So Yi Jeong.  And you?” He asked, bowing in greeting.

“Chu Ga Eul.” I said, bowing back.

“Well, I should go change my clothes. I’ll see you around, I guess. “He said, smiling and waving goodbye as he left.

I think I just lost my breath.

**So Yi Jeong POV**

     I closed my eyes and sighed as I sat down in my orange sports car.  What a stupid, stupid move, So Yi Jeong!  Why were you so struck about this one that you couldn’t think?! I’m never coming to this porridge shop again. I totally embarrassed myself.

**Chu Ga Eul POV**

     “So did you meet him?” Jan Di asked as we walking along the sidewalk to home.

“No.  You weren’t even there to tell me who he was!” I said as giving her my evil eye.

“Oh. Well it was that French guy across the street – he just opened a Boutique there and I thought you matched him because you always liked fashion!” Jan Di said, laughing.

“EW. Well I met another guy! And I like him!  It’s just that, I don’t know if he likes me and if he will come back to the porridge shop!  I totally embarrassed myself today >.

“Yah!  You gotta take this chance Ga Eul, because you never know if it was the right one or not!  And besides, I need you! Remember, we’re attending ShinHwa High tomorrow!  We’ve been waiting for this moment forever!” Jan Di explained.  I smiled at the thought of ShinHwa High (:  New school, new beginnings!  Jan Di & I finally got in ShinHwa! Because ShinHwa picked 2 commoners to attend their school.  And guess what?! Jan Di & I were the lucky 2! :DD   

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hello, i'm new reader :)<br />
and,. what the heck soo pyo kissed ga eul?!<br />
damn it~ i hope, ga eul and yi jeong are in the good relationship soon<br />
please, update it asap
OMGOMGOMG. Min-yo-xai-na! I wanna know what happenssss!
-HaeFany-Forever- #3
Please Update! :)
pls update again :]<br />
destruction #5
@madz67: Ikrrrrrrr. I just had to kill the pretty moment <;D<br />
@unii_soeul: It's GaEul's boyfriend in BOF that cheated on her. [The one JoonPyo beat up on the double date] <br />
@skywriter: Yay! :D My story isnt boring ~:D <br />
@sw33tfruitylo0: Thats what I do , gurl ! ;DD
WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT?????????<br />
Update! I'm excited~
unii_soeul #9
who is that?!!
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
Wait! The unwanted person is there! So pissed off. :((