She Needs Me

My Best Friend




“I’ve got our drinks ready but for the mean time, let’s celebrate on our own,” Yunho said as he placed two glasses of cosmos on the table before sliding beside YoungHee.


Yunho and YoungHee were one of the finest clubs in Macau, waiting for their friends to come to celebrate for MinYoung and Yoochun.


YoungHee took her glass and clink it on Yunho’s glass before taking a small sip.


“So how was your day?” Yunho asked after sipping his own.


“I woke up this morning without you by my side, remember?” he reminded her.

“Oh yeah. I went for a massage with MinYoung this morning,” she smiled.

“So how was hanging out with my best friend?” he asked, sounding intrigued.


“We talked about you,” YoungHee answered.


“Yeah, and she knows a lot about you~” she said with such jealousy but Yunho was too oblivious to it.

“She better be. We’ve been together since forever,” he chuckled. YoungHee rolled his eyes.


“You know, I’ve never met anyone like MinYoung: smart, very creative, determined and motivated,” Yunho bragged. YoungHee took her glass and finished her drink.


“She should receive an award for being the BESTEST FRIEND in the world!” he stated with such emphasis.

“And why is that?” she asked sounding sarcastic.


“Because she never left a jerk like me after all this time,” he answered, smiling to himself. YoungHee asked for a shot glass of tequila that a waiter had on his tray and chugged it down in an instant.


“Did you know that MinYoung graduated as a top student from elementary to college?” Yunho continued to brag.

“A number of times,” YoungHee said, slamming the glass on the table.

“A number of times what?” he asked.

“That you told me how smart, creative, determined and motivated your best friend is,” she spat out. Yunho was still unmindful of YoungHee being sarcastic throughout the conversation about MinYoung.


“She really is! She’s one of a kind!” Yunho continued.


Yunho finished his glass and asked a waiter to bring them a new set of cosmos. Suddenly, his phone began to ring. YoungHee was about to say something but Yunho immediately answered the call.




“Oppa~” Yunho heard MinYoung sniffle.


“Hey, what’s up?” he asked, sitting up straight.

“Oppa where are you?” MinYoung asked on the other line. “I need someone to talk to.”

“I’m in a club waiting for you guys. Are you alone?” he asked.

“Yes~” she said softly. Yunho began to feel alarmed

“What?! Where are you?! Are you with Yoochun?!” he continued to ask.

“I’m not with Yoochun oppa; I left him in The Venetian Macau. I’m in a beach,” she said, sounding lost. “Oppa, please come here~” she immediately added.

“I’ll be right there, just don’t go anywhere too far,” he told her before hanging up.


“What happened?” YoungHee asked after listening at Yunho’s part of the conversation.

“MinYoung’s at the beach but Yoochun’s not with her,” he told her.

“What?! Why?!”

“I don’t know either but I have to go to her.”


Suddenly, their friends came rushing inside the club.


“Do you guys know what happened?” Yunho asked, standing up while YoungHee remained seated.

“Unnie rejected Yoochun oppa and left him at The Venetian Macau,” AeRin spoke. All of them looked sad and worried at the same time.


“I’ve got to get to MinYoung right now,” Yunho said in a hurry.

“Oppa wait!” YoungHee stopped him.


“Stay with them, YoungHee,” he ordered.



“Please. I’ve got to go. She needs me.”


Yunho left YoungHee and his friends in the club to search for MinYoung



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Goldie #1
Chapter 77: Awwwwww i love it so much!
jbdn20 #2
Chapter 76: Good story!! I do really it..but why yoochun ends up alone?? Well that's what i understood.. I kind of fell for yoochun in this story XD
Chapter 77: really good happy ending. I hope you do other stories like this
sujushineeroc #4
Chapter 77: mmmm it was so goood!!!!!! Just finished!! definitely a re-read worthy story! <3
Chapter 77: Awww such a cute ending ^_^
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 77: Awwwwww.....what a story, i just lovedd this keekeek :) bestfriend story hehe
vivihan #7
Chapter 77: Yeaaaa a happy ending ^^ hehehe I really like you story authornim especially the rival love interest I liked how she stepped down so Yunho and Minyoung could be together ^^ I was just frusterated how Yunho was so dense in the beginning WKDJJSSJJS But overall I live your story ^^ HWAITING AUTHORNIM
anmade #8
Chapter 77: huah yeay what a sweet happy ending!! ^^ finally wkwk thx for the fic, dear.. it's sooo good w
anmade #9
Chapter 73: hey.. i'm sorry if i just comment in this part. but i just can't stop to click "next" option in each part!! ^^ oh it will end? i will wait for the next chapter. i love this fic!!! so much~~~~~!!!!! ^^ can't wait to see minyoung and yunho together!! 0(^___^)0