Why Are We Still Friends?

My Best Friend




Yunho looked through the racks of suits but MinYoung disapproved at everything he picked. He picked out a white long-sleeved top and a light blue vest and showed it to her. MinYoung shook her head disapprovingly.


“Are you making me go on a date ?!” he asked furiously.

“Well, you look like you’re going to play golf rather than going on a date,” she stated.

“Then what should I wear?!”


MinYoung pushed Yunho away from the racks and began to search for clothes herself. Yunho sat by a brown leathered couch and let her pick out the outfit for him. Less than ten minutes, MinYoung shoved an armful of clothes on his lap.


“What the hell?!” his eyes were about to bulge out of its sockets.

“Stop whining and try them all now!” she commanded, pulling Yunho to a stand and pushing him inside the fitting room.


MinYoung waited patiently for Yunho to try the first outfit. She then heard a door open from the fitting room and Yunho came out in some sort of casual clothes. He stood on a circle platform, in front of MinYoung and faced the three-way mirror.


“How do I look?” he asked. MinYoung pushed her lips out and tilted her head to the side with a pondering expression.

“Turn around,” she instructed and he obeyed. In a few seconds, MinYoung immediately shook her head in disapproval.

“Try the next one,” she said when Yunho went back to the fitting room. He tossed the first outfit out of the cubicle and tried the next one.


Yunho came out of the room and showed MinYoung the next outfit. Like the first outfit that he tried on, MinYoung rejected it. He tried on the next one but it got the same disapproval from MinYoung. Yunho tried on more than a half of what MinYoung has given him but all where disapproved by her.


“Are you trying to make me look like a fool?” Yunho irritably asked, placing his hands on his hips.

“What do you want me to do?! It looks horrible on you!” MinYoung exclaimed.

“Do you mean that nothing looks good on me?!”

“It doesn’t look good on you! We know you’re a good looking guy but not all clothes suit you that well!” she reasoned. “You wanted my ‘expert’ opinion, remember?” she crossed her arms. Defeated, Yunho huffed his way back to the fitting room.


“Gosh, this person!” MinYoung shook her head in disbelief.


After a few minutes, Yunho sulkily came out of the room and stomped his way to the platform. He was wearing a white long-sleeved top with thin gray stripes matched with a buttoned black blue jacket, brown pants and brown leathered shoes.


MinYoung tilted her head to side again with the same expression she had on at every outfit that Yunho wore. He voluntarily stepped down from the platform to change to a new outfit, thinking that MinYoung was going to reject it.


“Wait!” Yunho stopped when MinYoung spoke, unmoved on her chair. “Get up on the platform again,” she said and Yunho did it. Finally, she stood up from her seat and approached Yunho. She looked up at him with her hands on her hips.

“Are you planning for a romantic date?” she asked him but he shook his head.

“I was thinking of a relaxing date. Nothing too mushy but something that will give me something at the end of the night, if you know what I mean,” he smirked.

“You ,” she shook her head.


“I was kidding. I wanted to get on your nerves because you were getting on mine,” he admitted. “I just want to have a casual date with her,” he added. MinYoung stared at Yunho’s outfit for a while before giving a firm nod.


MinYoung began to reach out to Yunho’s clothes; she took off his cuff links and rolled the sleeves of his jacket up until it reached his elbows. She then ed his jacket free. MinYoung looked up at Yunho’s chest and scrunched her eyebrows together. She reached out to his white top and ed the first three buttons of it, revealing a part of his toned chest.


While MinYoung made her adjustments, Yunho couldn’t keep himself from gazing at MinYoung. He noticed her delicate hands working on his clothes; taking good care of him. He looked into her eyes and saw it glistened; that’s the first time he saw her that close without her black thick-rimmed glasses. Yunho’s eyes then shifted towards her lips and noticed how cute and soft it looks. He suddenly had the urge to lean in and kiss her but Yoochun and YoungHee’s image appeared at the back of his mind.


“That was not right,” he shook away his thoughts to come back to his senses.


Yunho’s eyes slowly shifted back to MinYoung who was still making her wonders.


“We have been together for a long time but why are we still friends?” he asked himself.


“Done!” MinYoung chirped, making Yunho come back to reality.


“Is this the one?” he asked as he checked himself out at the mirror. “Hey, not bad!” he said, satisfied. “I might get something by the end of the night!” he added. MinYoung grimaced at his last statement.

“You’re disgusting~ get changed and pay for it immediately,” she said walking away to check out the other stuff of the store.


Yunho happily changed into his ordinary clothes and went to the cashier to pay. He took out his gold credit card and handed it to the clerk.


“Good choice, sir,” the clerk commented as he folded the clothes neatly.

“She chose it,” Yunho said, pointing at MinYoung to give her the credit.

“Ahh, I see. Is she your girlfriend? Or fiancé, perhaps?” the clerk grinned.


“No, she’s my best friend. I just wanted her opinion,” he clarified. “She’s Shin ChaeYoung’s daughter who’s a fashion designer. MinYoung created ‘The Classy Madame’.”


“Ah, yes! Ms. Shin MinYoung! That’s why she looks familiar,” the clerk smiled in realization. “It’s such a pity that you guys aren’t together. I don’t want to be nosy but I’ve been watching you both from here since you guys entered and I must say, you two look good together,” he told Yunho but he just gave the clerk a kind smile.


The clerk swiped Yunho’s card and placed his clothes in a paper bag before handing it over to Yunho.


“Thank you, sir!” Yunho waved off and went to MinYoung.


“Let’s go?” he asked MinYoung, offering his arm. MinYoung giggled as she inserted her hand on his arm.



A/N: To my beloved readers and subscribers, please forgive me for not updating sooner~ i've been caught up with Christmas shopping with my mom and I had to wrap each one of it. So, as a gift to you guys, i updated a long one! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! I hope you're having fun with your family and friends, and I hope you enjoy my update as well! Don't forget to leave some comments, ayt? CHEERS!! :D

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Goldie #1
Chapter 77: Awwwwww i love it so much!
jbdn20 #2
Chapter 76: Good story!! I do really it..but why yoochun ends up alone?? Well that's what i understood.. I kind of fell for yoochun in this story XD
Chapter 77: really good happy ending. I hope you do other stories like this
sujushineeroc #4
Chapter 77: mmmm it was so goood!!!!!! Just finished!! definitely a re-read worthy story! <3
Chapter 77: Awww such a cute ending ^_^
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 77: Awwwwww.....what a story, i just lovedd this keekeek :) bestfriend story hehe
vivihan #7
Chapter 77: Yeaaaa a happy ending ^^ hehehe I really like you story authornim especially the rival love interest I liked how she stepped down so Yunho and Minyoung could be together ^^ I was just frusterated how Yunho was so dense in the beginning WKDJJSSJJS But overall I live your story ^^ HWAITING AUTHORNIM
anmade #8
Chapter 77: huah yeay what a sweet happy ending!! ^^ finally wkwk thx for the fic, dear.. it's sooo good w
anmade #9
Chapter 73: hey.. i'm sorry if i just comment in this part. but i just can't stop to click "next" option in each part!! ^^ oh it will end? i will wait for the next chapter. i love this fic!!! so much~~~~~!!!!! ^^ can't wait to see minyoung and yunho together!! 0(^___^)0