For Keeps

My Best Friend




The next day, Mrs. Shin treated the girls for a breakfast at their favorite spot: Coffee Bean. Mrs. Shin, HaRin, MinGi and AeRin chatted noisily as they talked about some suggestions for MinYoung’s next fashion show. On the contrary, MinYoung was staring down at her food and poked it with her fork.


Mrs. Shin, who was sitting across from MinYoung, elbowed HaRin, who was beside her, and nodded her head towards MinYoung. The three girls looked at their friend who sat expressionless.


“Unnie, are you okay?” MinGi slowly asked. MinYoung looked up and saw that everyone was worriedly looking at her.

“I’m fine. My mind has been occupied with something,” she tried to smile.

“Is there something bothering you?” Mrs. Shin asked.

“None~” she told her mom.

“Unnie, you’ve haven’t eaten anything from your plate,” HaRin pointed at her plate. “Something is bothering you,” she declared. MinYoung sighed.


Suddenly, Jung Woo entered the Coffee Bean and spotted the five girls. Mrs. Shin invited him for a mini encore celebration. He went his way towards the table and took a vacant seat beside MinYoung.


“How are you, girls?” he asked as he took off his shades.

“Unnie’s got a problem,” AeRin told him.

“What’s the matter?” he worriedly asked as he soothed MinYoung’s back.


“I shouldn’t be worried at all but it’s been bothering me since last night,” MinYoung started.

“Did something happen last night that I don’t know of?” Mrs. Shin asked.


“I was talking to Yunho oppa last night. We were arguing about him being late,” she said.

“When was he never late?!” MinGi asked, thinking that it was what MinYoung was bothered about.

“I know but he said he’ll make it up to me for a lunch date,” she added.

“You’re going on a date with Yunho oppa?! What about Yoochun oppa?!” HaRin interrupted.


“Girls, I think we should let MinYoung finish first,” Jung Woo spoke up.

“I think so, too,” Mrs. Shin looked at MinYoung’s friends. The three girls bowed; MinYoung looked gratefully at Mrs. Shin and Jung Woo.


“As I was saying, when Yunho oppa told me he owes me a lunch date, a girl suddenly approached us who happens to be his current girlfriend.







“Sure! Will a lunch date be enough?” he asked, clasping his hands together.


“Lunch DATE?!” MinYoung’s body froze.


“Yunho oppa, there you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you~” a girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


Yunho turned around and his eyes lit up. He bent down and kissed the girl on the lips. MinYoung felt her lungs tightening.


End of Flashback


“He then introduced me to his girlfriend,” MinYoung finished.


“What’s the girl’s name?” Jung Woo asked as he sipped on his juice.

“Cho YoungHee, I think~” MinYoung answered, unsure.

“Cho YoungHee?!” Mrs. Shin and Jung Woo asked in unison. MinYoung nodded.


“Wait, wait! Who’s this Cho YoungHee?” AeRin asked.

“It’s the girlfriend’s name. Didn’t you hear me?” MinYoung looked annoyed.

“We heard you but why does it ring a bell to Mrs. Shin and Jung Woo oppa?” MinGi chimed in.

“Cho YoungHee’s the daughter of the CEO of KJC Corporations and the heiress to it,” Mrs. Shin answered.

“At a very young age, she’s already known as one of the successful and richest businesswoman in Asia,” Jung Woo added.

“Yeah, he told me about that,” MinYoung sulked.




“So how did you guys meet?” MinYoung asked, trying to sound happy about her best friend’s relationship.


“Well, appa asked me to accompany him on a business meeting like two weeks ago; we had a proposal ready for KJC Corporations to be one of our stockholders. Unfortunately, Mr. Cho was out of the country so his daughter,” he proudly looked at YoungHee, “came to the meeting to sign the papers,” he finished.


“You’re the daughter of Mr. Cho of KJC Corporations?!” MinYoung asked in disbelief. KJC Corporations is one of the most powerful companies in Asia.

“Yes,” YoungHee nodded humbly.

“And she happens to be the only heiress of KJC Corporations,” Yunho proudly added.

“Oppa, stop it~” YoungHee playfully slapped his arm. “Don’t listen to him,” she told MinYoung. “Appa can still change his mind of selling the company to someone else,” she added.

“Psh. That’s impossible! You’re his daughter; he can’t do that,” Yunho grimaced but YoungHee just shook her head.


“Wow! Oppa picked out someone right for once,” MinYoung thought.


End of Flashback

“She sounds like a decent one,” MinGi nodded in understanding. “But why are you worried about it?” she asked her friend.

“I don’t know. When I saw her, I already knew that she was different from all of his past girlfriends,” MinYoung answered.

“Why does it sound like he had A LOT of girlfriends before?” Jung Woo questioned.

“He did,” they all answered casually. Jung Woo kept quiet.

“If she’s different from the others, what’s wrong? Isn’t that a good thing?” Mrs. Shin asked.

“I don’t know~” MinYoung honestly answered.


Mrs. Shin looked at MinYoung for a long time. She saw a look of sadness on her daughter’s face, not worry. Mrs. Shin was debating in her mind if MinYoung’s sad because Yunho already found himself a decent girlfriend and she’ll lose him for that or if MinYoung’s having feelings for him again.


“That’s not possible, right? She couldn’t have feelings for Yunho because she likes Yoochun,” Mrs. Shin thought. HaRin, MinGi, AeRin and Jung Woo were trying to cheer MinYoung up.


“On second thought, she never mentioned anything about her real feelings for Yoochun,” Mrs. Shin frowned.


“I don’t know but this YoungHee girl might be one his toys. He’ll leave her broken hearted just like any other girl he’s been with,” MinGi said, sure of what she just said.


“So oppa’s going for a daddy’s girl again?” AeRin worriedly asked.

“I guess so. Why?” MinYoung asked.

“He better not break her heart or he’ll be in big trouble,” AeRin shook her head. MinYoung shook her head at what MinGi and AeRin were thinking.


“I doubt at anything you guys just said. By the looks of it, Cho YoungHee is for keeps,” MinYoung told them. “I’ve never seen him this happy with a girl,” she added. Mrs. Shin worriedly looked at her daughter.



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Goldie #1
Chapter 77: Awwwwww i love it so much!
jbdn20 #2
Chapter 76: Good story!! I do really it..but why yoochun ends up alone?? Well that's what i understood.. I kind of fell for yoochun in this story XD
Chapter 77: really good happy ending. I hope you do other stories like this
sujushineeroc #4
Chapter 77: mmmm it was so goood!!!!!! Just finished!! definitely a re-read worthy story! <3
Chapter 77: Awww such a cute ending ^_^
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 77: Awwwwww.....what a story, i just lovedd this keekeek :) bestfriend story hehe
vivihan #7
Chapter 77: Yeaaaa a happy ending ^^ hehehe I really like you story authornim especially the rival love interest I liked how she stepped down so Yunho and Minyoung could be together ^^ I was just frusterated how Yunho was so dense in the beginning WKDJJSSJJS But overall I live your story ^^ HWAITING AUTHORNIM
anmade #8
Chapter 77: huah yeay what a sweet happy ending!! ^^ finally wkwk thx for the fic, dear.. it's sooo good w
anmade #9
Chapter 73: hey.. i'm sorry if i just comment in this part. but i just can't stop to click "next" option in each part!! ^^ oh it will end? i will wait for the next chapter. i love this fic!!! so much~~~~~!!!!! ^^ can't wait to see minyoung and yunho together!! 0(^___^)0