Chapter Two

When the world ends, can a new start begin?

Rated M for violence

Min's/your POV

It was early morning.. around 6:30.. i looked to my side table and saw the picture of Jason and I, i was in my cap and gown for graduation and he was holding a rose for me. I smiled weakly and kissed his picture and got up..

I get to go to town today. I love going to town, its quiet and I just drive, its sometimes dangerous but i can handle myself.

My Mom hates when i go to town alone.. Jason used to go with me.. he was the best of us as well as Jim, my brother in law, who was in the Army. he'd still be here if i wasn't stupid... 

But when i go to town, its the only time I get peace and quiet... No questions about if I'm ok or not..  i made a cd of BAP and I blast it when I drive. I feel better when i am in my SUV listening to them..  

Town is small enough where the town members are already gone... We were lucky to be friends with Phil who owned the biggest ranch in Montana it has generators and wells so there is fresh water and electricity. We knew where Phil kept the key and when he was.... gone.... we moved into the farm house.

We have yet to see a lame brain since we moved into the farm house.. Only in town... So at least when we are sleeping we're not scared that something is gonna bite at you while your asleep.

I took a shower and ate a little breakfast, my mom just woken up, she lightly touched my shoulders and gave a squeeze. I turned and smiled at her and she returned it. She made her coffee, its possible she is a coffee addict, what am i saying... she is an addict..

"How did you sleep honey?" she asked

"Alright, you?" she just shrugged.. I knew what was coming next so before she could ask me if Im ok  I spoke up.

"Im gonnna go to town today... I ran out of... lady supplies. and i can pick up some stuff you need, need anything?"

She looked at me with sullen eyes, she hated this. "I think you should bring Jim this time...."

I sighed and shook my head strongly.. I really was not a fan of Jim... he... honesly I have nothing good to say about him, i just put up with him for protection purposes, since he was in the Army before all this happened.

"Mom.... I can handle myself.. I know what to do... aim for the head... I am strong and know how to handle myself..." she kept looking concerned...

"Well, pick up some toilet paper, paper towels and if there is some cute plaid shirts grab em' for me." I smiled and nodded i wanted to leave before my niece woke up, she's the only reason i would stay.. I grabbed the keys and went to the door.

"Im going to the store!" I yelled really quick, got in the SUV and drove..

"No! No! No! No mercey!" I sang along with the music blaring, i smiled and drove faster.

I got to the town and turned the music down and went to the store, i grabbed my gun and my knife and walked in. I grabbed a cart and to have some fun I ran and jumped and soared down the isle. I giggled and felt good. I went to the ladies department and grabbed my stuff, then to food where i found popcorn and yummy yummy cashews. I heard a noise, a growling noise.. it sounded like just one lame brain, no more and my ears are my best sense. I grabbed my knife and got ready to pounce,

It was just lounging around the camping stuff, well at one point it was a he... it just mumbled and growled, It must have hurt its leg cause it had a serious limp going on. I whisled loudly and it turned around fast, and snarled at me... i know i could have just gone behind it and got it over with but sometimes i like a challenge..

"Come on!" I yelled at it.. it limped its way toward me snarling and growling.. Oh yuck... its face... its completly ripped off... dear God... poor guy.. I grabbed the knife and stabbed it right in the eye.

"Crap, i love this shirt" the blood got on my shirt dang it... i went to the clothes section and grabbed some shirts and changed into one. Grabbed some cute plaids for my mom and went back to food. when i was done i went to the front and put my purchases in the bags and went to the SUV.

While putting the bags in the car i heard a loud noice.. Like a plane... i looked up and saw one.. What?? It was smaller than a usual plane, maybe it was a private plane... It was landing... I tried to ignore it... but it kept eating me... I'll just wait a little bit just incase...

I sat outside the SUV and waited for something to happen...

"Hyung!!" i heard... thats Korean.... whats going on?? I heard a car and growling, crap.. maybe i should drive over there... I heard a male voice screaming in pain... to late for him.. I should have left earlier! I could have helped... I drove and I saw 6 boys running like crazy. I drove faster and faster, they were stopped and breathing heavily. I stopped by them and honked. They looked at me, they looked familiar

"Get in" i said they looked confused but got in my SUV

"Are you guys ok?? Did you get bit?" i asked they looked at me as if they didn't understand... the car wasn't very bright so i pulled over and turned the engine off..

"Hi" One said upruptly, i giggled "Hi" I replied

"Where are you from?" I asked

"Korea" the same boy said.. with an adorable accent. I smiled since i know a little Korean...

"Oh... Annyeonghasayo"

"Annyeonghasayo!" They all bowed and replyed to me.

I giggled and turned the lights in the car on and my eyes widened at who was in front of me....

"b...a....p ??"

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Chapter 15: kyaaaa , yongguk so cute ! anyway please update soon author nim , I really want to read more . I love your story too !
Chapter 13: New Reader here! ^_^ Hi! XD This story is absolutely amazing! I can't help but smile and get all giddy >.< I also love how you portray the characters <3 and honestly, I have been looking for a zombie apocalypse fic for a REALLY long time! And praise the lord I've found yours! The plot is good and I see some features that resemble the walkng dead which is cool xD Please keep up the good work and update soon! HWAITING~
christymusic #3
Chapter 13: Good luck for ur job interview!!!!!! Wat job are u plannin to do ?
Chapter 12: omg. i feel loved. haha.
not a big deal. i love it though.
hmmm. Yongguk? idk.
i will looking forward to your choice. cx
and i feel happy to be as cameo of that starlight. xDD
wow. i'm a new reader and this is so.... jjang!
daebak author-nim.
please updating more soon! :DD
and I want to see the action scene soon. *^*
I can understand how you wrote the action scene and it's still turned out good! hehe. c: