[20] Mr. Nice Guy



Chp.20| Mr. Nice Guy

I’ll always remember that day so clearly.
I can never forget that expression on his face. It was something along the lines of acceptance. Whatever grudges we held against each other, it was washed away in that moment of silence when we had looked in each other’s eyes and came to some kind of understanding.

Picture Park Jung Sang standing with a hint of smile upon his bird-pooped face. And now picture Lee Ji Won, looking her worst, trying to smile through her disgust and angst, add the sparkles of attraction into our eyes and poof! There you have it folks, the start of a new relationship.

But let’s get back to this anniversary party.

My father was invited so he was going. My mother disliked parties and decided she wasn’t going. That led Jin Hyung to beg my father to let him tag along.

It was 4:35. The party was starting at 6:00. Jung Sang wanted me to be there at his house an hour early. I was getting stressed because I realized I had nothing suitable to wear.

My mother was in my room, going through my closet, having this crazy notion in her head that I would actually like what she was going to pick out for me. “You needn’t buy anything new. You have a closet full of clothes. I don’t see why you always have to go out and buy new ones all the time. What about this one?” she suggested, taking out a colorful flower printed summer dress that she had bought for me a year ago that still hadn’t been worn because it was out of style.

I never wear anything my mother chose for me. I’ve always chosen my own clothes. When I was a child, I went shopping with my father because I got to choose my own clothes. My mother knew nothing of fashion. It was my father who scolded her all the time for sense of fashion. She was still stuck in a different era. The reason why she wasn’t going was because my father was too embarrassed to be seen with her.

I looked at her through the reflection of the mirror. “Ewww. No,” I said, removing the rollers from my hair. I decided that I would go curly for the night. Another thing, I spent most of the time on my hair and my face because I knew I wasn’t going to like what I was going to wear.

I had been so fixed on working on Jung Sang that I forgotten to shop for myself.

“What’s wrong with it?” my mother asked me.

“If you find nothing wrong with it, then you wear it. I don’t like it. I’m not wearing anything you suggest, umma. People will think I’m dressed for some kind of circus or something,” I whined, going over to my bed and plopped myself down utter distress.

My phone began to chime. I reached for it and answered, “Hello.”

“Yah! You have half an hour to get here. What are you doing? I’ve been waiting forever.”

It was nice to hear his voice again. It had only been yesterday since I last heard it. How come I’m feeling all bubbly inside?

I looked at the time. It read 4:40. I wasn’t late.

“Yah! Are you there?”

His voice drew me back. “Yes. Yes, I’m here. Uhm---I’ll be there soon.”

“Don’t waste your time in trying to look pretty. Remember, this isn’t your party, so hurry up.”

It felt like a foot to the face. Jung Sang sure knew how to make me feel miserable. I had hoped or at least thought Jung Sang would speak nicely to me, but I was wrong to expect anything out of him. Go figure.

When he hung up, I looked to my mother who was still holding out that ugly dress in front of her, trying to detect a problem with it.

“Okay. I’ll wear it,” I concluded.


Na-Na looked up at me when I arrived in the front steps of the house. “Your hair looks nice.”

That was all I was going to get. Gosh, Lee Ji Won. The things you would risk just for him. Does that make you extremely stupid and unselfish?

Na-Na, on the other hand had her hair in pigtails and she was wearing an adorable pink baby doll dress, making her look like some kind of angel.

I took her hand as she led me inside the house where we were greeted by Jung Sang’s parents. They were both dressed in white, looking like a perfect couple. Mrs. Im was the first to speak. “Ji Won, you’re early.” She looked at me from head to toe and said, “I…love the hair. Don’t you agree, darling?” she turned to ask her husband.

“Yes. The hair is pretty,” he agreed with his eyes solely on my dress.

I couldn’t blame him for staring. The dress was indeed eye-catching in an ugly sense. But like Jung Sang had stated, this wasn’t my party; I shouldn’t have to try and look pretty.

Na-Na sensing my embarrassment, interjected, “We have to go help Jung Sang into his clothes. That’s why Ji Won is here early.”

Before I had time to correct her, she was already dragging me up the flight of stairs towards Jung Sang’s room, whose door was left wide opened.

We walked in to find that Jung Sang already dress, adjusting his tie like a man in front of the mirror. I had to blink twice just to make sure that I hadn’t mistaken him for some handsome stranger. My breath caught in my throat. With his dark hair gelled and styled, his clothes worn perfectly, and his diamond studs glimmering against the light, Jung Sang, being the ugly horse that he was, had transformed himself into a well-groomed horse. And he did it on his own. I should have applauded him then. However, somewhere deep inside of me I realized that I wouldn’t have that chance to see him shirtless because he had somehow managed to dress himself properly. How disappointing.

Thinking deeply into, I realized that Jung Sang might have pretended to be completely ignorant when it came to dressing up. Then why did he rush me over for?

Merely glancing up at us, he said, “You were late. So I was left with no choice,” he stated meekly.

I had my answer.

So, yeah. No shirtless Jung Sang.

“Na-Na, could you leave us alone for a few minutes and shut the door after you,” he said to his niece as he turned to regard her kindly.

“Yes, sir,” she replied, bowing in response.

With that, Na-Na winked at me before leaving me alone in the room with her uncle.

He grabbed my arm before I could take a breath, dragging me into his walk-in closet and shoving me lightly inside. “If you like it, wear it,” was all he said before shutting the doors behind me.

I spun around, banging on the closet doors with my fists. “Yah! What the hell do you think you’re doing?! “

There was no answer from the other side. I kicked the door in frustration. “You idiot. What are you going to achieve by locking me in here?!”

Still there was no response. I turned around in the opposite direction to see something I never thought I’d see hanging in Jung Sang’s closet.

A dress.

There, hanging in front of me was a strapless champagne colored dress with a ribbon bow at the waist. When I touched it, I realized that it was actually silk, with pearl beadings all over. There was also matching shoes to go with it. I nearly cried because I knew it was expensive and because it was so pretty and mainly because Jung Sang had lied to me about helping him change when in fact, he wanted to surprise me with the dress.

“PARK JUNG SANG!!” I yelled loudly.

The doors opened, and Jung Sang poked his head in. He frowned. “What? Don’t tell me you hate it.”

I whirled around and rushed at him, throwing both my arms around his neck. “I LOVE YOU!!”

I felt his arm slowly going around me. “I don’t understand, Ji Won.”

Forgetting that it was Jung Sang I was hugging and Jung Sang that I was saying ‘I love you’ too, I quickly drew back in embarrassment. “Thank you.”

He grinned. “Just take as a repayment for carrying Na-Na home on your back.”

I quickly lowered my eyes, thinking I could hide my flustering cheeks. “Okay.”

“I’m gonna leave you to change then. Come down when you’re ready. My parents want you to join in our photography session.”

I nodded excitedly. “Okay.”

When he left, my leg twitched, kicking at the door with a bang. “Don’t get too excited. The party hasn’t even started,” I had to remind myself.


“One, two and three!” the photographer shouted, taking a shot of Jung Sang, Na-Na and myself.

It was kind of awkward and difficult, knowing that his parents were watching us closely.

“Na-Na, sweety. Come here. We’re gonna let the photographer take a picture of Jung Sang and Ji Won together,” Mrs.Im suggested.

The photographer walked up to us, eyeing us back and forth. "You two like each other?"

"Yes," we answered in unison.

“You two act like siblings rather than a couple. Stand closer. Hold each other like you love each other. Alright?”

Jung Sang was the first to argue. “It’s a picture. Just take it. You don’t need to be difficult about it.”

Uh oh. The attitude was starting to show.

The photographer was taken aback by his retort. “A picture isn't a picture, if you aren't willing to make it a picture."

Jung Sang took a defiant step toward the man who suddenly cowered back a step. "That's your job, isn't it? To make it a picture?"

I had to quickly cut in. “We’ll do it, but how do you want us to do this?”

He looked at Jung Sang who glared at him in return. “Could you place your left arm around her waist and hold her close. And you,” he paused, switching his gaze back to me, “I want you to place your arm around him and lean into his shoulder a bit while he tilts his head in toward you.”

It took a lot of moving around and chidings from the photographer to finally get the perfect shot.

My heartbeat was pounding way too fast. All because we were standing so close. Jung Sang sensing my discomfort mumbled, “Don’t worry, once this is over, I’ll drag him by the collar of his shirt and beat the living sh*t outta him for making us do this.”

“Then I guess, you’re gonna have to beat your parents too, for ordering the photographer to do this,” I mumbled back.

“Don’t get smart with me,” he countered.

“SMILE!!” the photographer shouted at us.

Once that was all over, Jung Sang broke away and turned his back on me. If I didn’t know any better, he was cursing. “Sh*t!”

Alright, so he was cursing.

It was loud enough to catch everyone’s attention. Mrs. Im looked to her son shockingly and then settled her gaze onto me, expecting me to do something. I smiled, trying to show her that I’ll fix it.

I went up to him. “What’s wrong?”

“My ing arm is what’s wrong,” he murmured quietly in pain. “That bastard of a photographer---"

I panicked, completely forgetting about the injured arm in the cast, which was well hidden beneath the sleeve of his shirt.

I placed a finger on his mouth, drawing him away from everyone. When we were out of sight, I touched the arm. “My gosh, I’m so sorry. I forgot. How is it? You okay?”

Taken aback by my concern, Jung Sang lifted a brow, pulling his arm away from me. “I’ll live.”

“Jung Sang, oppa!” came a female's voice, drawing our attention away.

We both turned to see Shin Hye Min and Kim Tae Woo approaching us as they entered the house together. The two of them looked like the Ken and Barbie of Korea. And you could even say, a match made in heaven, except that Shin Hye Min was hurrying toward us with a short dress on that could only be described as ty.

I didn’t like any of it, to be honest. I wasn’t going to allow Shin Hye Min to spoil it for anybody. Lee Ji Won never allowed those things to happen.

Looking up at Jung Sang, I asked, “Do you want to see her face right now? Because if you do, I’m gonna go keep your best friend company.”

“To be honest, I’m sick of seeing it,” he muttered blatantly.

Damn, that was harsh. If only Hye Min knew what he thought of her.

She was halfway towards us when suddenly a small figure ran into her, throwing her off balance, causing her to fall on her behind. “Jung Sang, oppa!” she cried.

It was Na-Na. She gave Hye Min an expression of apology and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.” With that she winked at me and then ran off before Hye Min could open to speak.

Jung Sang took my hand, leading me away when suddenly we heard Tae Woo shout out, “Be a gentleman, Jung Sang. Help her up. Are you just going to ignore it?”

Damn that Tae Woo. He knew just what to say.

Hye Min was crying at this point.

Jung Sang stopped and turned back to his friend. Their gazes met, and I could have sworn there was some kind of tension between them. “Is that not what you are, Tae Woo? Helping women when they’re in distress? Well, go ahead. Help her up. What are you doing standing there?”

Hye Min cried even louder than before.

And being irritated by it, I told her to shut up.

She blinked twice while she looked at me, keeping closed.

Tae Woo who was looking slick in his suit, rolled his eyes to the side and then looked back at his friend in annoyance. “Yah! Jung Sang. What the hell is wrong with you? You’ve been acting like I’m your enemy or something.”

Jung Sang said nothing in return. He only looked away.

I touched his arm lightly and said, “Be a gentleman, Jung Sang. Go and help her. I’m going to find Na-Na.”

He gripped my arm and said, “We go together. Wait a moment.”

I watched him slowly walk over to where Hye Min was. He stuck out his left arm. She smiled at him, reaching up. Just when she thought she would touch his hand, he withdrew immediately. “Remember, Hye Min, you left me. I made it clear that I don’t want nothing to do with you and that includes coming in contact with you,” he looked at Tae Woo and added, “Gentleman or no gentleman.”

He turned around with a stern angry expression, marching handsomely toward me. It was the hottest thing Jung Sang ever did. Like in them movies, where the main hero walks away from a car explosion untouched.

He stopped right before my eyes and offered his elbow. I hooked my arm right through it and smiled happily at him.

Aiiee! Ji Won, you lucky girl!

Call me a b*tch, but sometimes you have to be selfish.


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geeitsangela #1
Is that really all there is to Park Jung Sang's special online entries?
I really love this story. One of the best i've read! Love Junsang and Jiwon <3 They made a cute couple
_TaeRee_ #3
Chapter 17: omg .. this is the best stories i ever read in my life .. its really good .. because of this story i laugh , cry , sad and everything which means your story is really great and have a lot of feelings in it .. i dont know what to say .. i never been so happy because of a fanfic .. oh well you can publish your own novel ya know .. and thank you for making this story ..god bless you ..
Chapter 44: This is so beautiful. This made me laugh, cry and all. This is so amazing <3
gendylopez08 #5
Chapter 44: Nabitin ako nakakainis waaaaaa :(
I just really wish there is a sequel :((
iAmPjam15 #6
Chapter 3: OMG Ang ganda kinikilig ako hahaha
iAmPjam15 #7
Chapter 1: Ahh i like this story!:)
Aaah i finished this in 1day..
And now i need to go to study, i have done procratinotion because i fallin in love to jungsang <3
Chapter 44: i smilled, i laughed, i got mad,i cried. this story is beautiful even with a lot of cursing, but i like jungsang. he's perfect and jiwon is perfect for him. i like this story a lot! just wishing that jungsang's pov can be longer..