
When I Met You

“Thank you so much! Have a nice day!”

I walked out of the store, a cup of coffee in my hand. Taking a sip, I proceeded down the street, the sun shining in my face. Chirping of birds was easily heard as well as the ahjummas persuading the young and the old to buy their items. The wind fluttered by, tousling my hair. Ignoring it, I took another sip of my coffee. I turned the corner, trying to finish the rest of my drink before it got cold.

2 years had passed since Eun Ji and I broke up. I would be lying if I said that I was over her. She would run into my thoughts every now and then- her smiling at me with that angelic smile of hers. I’ve moved on, but not enough to forget her completely.

In those 2 years, I received many confessions. I rejected every one of them. Not because I still, sort of love Eun Ji; I rejected them because I’m not willing to hurt another girl.

I tossed my now empty cup into the nearing trash can. I smiled as it went in, laying on top of the other rubble. I shoved my hands in my pockets, taking in a deep breath and closed my eyes as I continued to walk. The summer air was crisp and clean and the sun was soaked into my pale skin.

With my eyes still closed shut, I bumped into someone, causing the both of us to fall. My eyes shot open as I fell on my .

“Ow,” I muttered, standing up slowly. I glanced over at the person I bumped into. Her eyes were shut as a small pout was on her pink lips. Her hair was braided to the side as a pair of glasses framed her face. My heart pounded in my chest. She was beautiful.

Books were scattered around her. I bent over, picking up as many books as I could. She quickly stumbled to her feet, picking up the scattered books around her.

Reaching out for the same book, our hands touched, send sparks through my body. I glanced up, locking eyes with her. Her eyes glanced between mine and our hands. She blushed, stacking the book on top of the others. I pulled my hand away, my eyes still on hers as I returned the pile of books back to her. She bowed to be before scrambling away, the tower swaying in the wind.

“W-Wait!” I called after her, noticing that she forgot a book. I grabbed it and ran after her. Once I caught up to her, I handed her the book.

“You forgot this one,” I breathed, smiling softly to her. She hesitantly took it, placing it on the soaring tower.

“Thank you,” She muttered, averting her eyes away from mine. She was about to run off once more until I stopped her, my hand on her arm. She glanced at my arm.

“Wait,” I frowned, “Those look heavy. Can I help you with them?”

She pursed her lips in a tight line. She glanced at the tower in her hands and then back to me. She nodded hesitantly, handing me half of her stack. She began to walk. I rushed over to her, walking by her side.

“Thank you again…” She raised an eyebrow as she glanced over, waiting for a name.

“Chanyeol,” I smiled, “Park Chanyeol.”

“Chanyeol,” She nodded, repeating my name as it rolled off her tongue. “It’s nice to meet you Chanyeol.”

“Can I get a name to match a beautiful face like yours?” I blurted. She raised an eyebrow, stopping in her tracks. My eyes grew wide as I felt my cheeks heat up. She let out a small laugh, smiling genuinely.

“Call me Yura, Kang Yura.”


“Babe! Hurry up!” You giggled, skipping into the store.

2 years fluttered by since your break up with Chanyeol. 2 years filled with new memories. 2 years with a new love. 2 years of happiness.

You had forgotten about Chanyeol- the love full of pain and tears. You haven’t contacted him ever since that day at the party. As much as you wanted to forget the memories between the two of you, you just couldn’t. The memories just stuck to you, filling you with a familiar happiness and joy.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” He spoke, rolling his eyes. “The store isn’t going anywhere.”

“But I’m excited!” You pouted, reaching out to pull his hand. “Come on! You walk slow!” You tugged him into the store, smiling brightly. The chimes jingled as the wind disrupted their sleep. The soft music playing in the background sent a gently feel into the atmosphere. You bowed to the receptionist, giving her a smile

“Kim Eun Ji-ssi?” She asked. You nodded in response, hugging his arm.

“We’ve been expecting you. Right this way, ma’am.” She gestured for you to follow her, walking to the dressing rooms. The two of you followed along, exchanging small pecks on the cheeks.

“It’s already in the dressing room for you to try on,” The receptionist smiled, “May I mention that you two are a beautiful couple?”

You felt your cheeks flush. You glanced at him, only to have him grin at you. You bowed to her, “Thank you.”

“Only speaking the truth, ma’am.” With a bow, she disappeared.

“You should hurry and change,” He rushed you, pulling you into a hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist, smiling down at you. “I can’t wait to see you in it.”

“Let go of me then,” You teased, sticking your tongue out at him. He stuck his tongue out back at you before kissing your lips softly.

“Go,” He urged, pulling away from you and nudged you into the dressing room. You blew him a kiss before entering the room.

Closing the curtain behind you, you hung up your purse on the hook. Smiling at your reflection in the mirror, you eyed the covered item. You felt your heart race as you pulled the item out of its cover. Your jaw dropped as you ran a hand gently against the fabric. Not wanting to make him wait anymore, you quickly shrugged out of your clothes and into it. You glanced into the mirror, admiring it on you. You fixed your hair quickly and drew the curtains back.

The soft store lights shone down on you. A small appeared on your face as you noticed him, standing in a tuxedo. His hair was done and he had eyeliner lining his eyes. You walked over to him, stopping a few feet away.

“Wow,” He muttered, scanning you from head to toe, “You look so beautiful. Even better than what I could ever imagine.”

“You really think so?” You asked, your cheeks flushed. He took a step closer, cupping your face in his hands.

“I know so,” He confirmed, molding his soft lips with yours. He wrapped his arms around your waist once more, pulling you closer. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss.

Pulling away breathless, he rested his forehead against yours. He tucked a small strand of hair behind your ear. His eyes were caring and filled with love. You felt yourself smile once more.

“I love you, Kim Eun Ji. My fiancée, my wife-to-be, my best friend, my lover, my world.”

“I love you too, Byun Baekhyun. I love you too.”

A/N: That's it! That's the end! 
Thank you so much for reading, subscribing, and for all of your support! I really enjoyed writing this, even though it's a short piece of writing. 
Thank you, once again! I love you all! c:

PS! Vote in the poll below? c:
"Should there be a spin-off with Chanyeol and Yura?"



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Chapter 7 of "When I Met You" is out! But I have to fix it once I get on my laptop.... ^^ Enjoy'


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Chapter 9: Why they are broke up :(
Chapter 4: Why is this????
Chapter 9: Oh god I don't know what to feel about this OTL I mean I can't stand seeing Chanyeol so sad OTL but hey he's moved on... but... OTL idk zxcjhasdfkjhscdv /slapped

Good job! ;~;
mewmew229 #4
eggers_baekhee #5
I'm reading all the Chanyeol ffics I can, because Lay is starting to rip the love I have for my ultimate bias out! Gosh this fic sounds good lmbo xD