
When I Met You

You closed your eyes, snuggling into your blanket. Tears streamed down your face as his words echoed in your mind.

I’m sorry, Eun Ji. I’m sorry… but we’re over.

Your phone vibrated every second. You figured it was your best friend, Baekhyun. You grabbed your phone and shut it off. You let out a sigh as the annoying vibrations were gone. You bit your bottom lip, trying your hardest not to let your tears fall any longer.

It’s just a guy. A stupid, stupid guy. Why should I even be crying over him? There are other fishes in the sea… aren’t there?

You pressed your face into your pillow, letting it soak up the tears that left your eyes.


I ran a hand frustratingly through my hair. I slammed my fist into the nearest wall, punching a deep hole into it.

“Chanyeol, dude. Calm down,” Baekhyun shuddered, glancing at the wall then to me.

“Calm down? Me? After I just broke up with the girl I loved the most? After all of that hard work I put into making sure she was alright? That she was okay? That she was protected and cared for? That she was loved as much as she can? Bull, Baek. That’s just en bull.” I growled, punching another hole into the wall. I stared at the ground. My thoughts were running through my head uncontrollably.

Why did I even break up with her anyways? Because I wasn’t the one for her? Because I broke her heart? Because I was being stupid and arrogant?

“Chanyeol, it’s going to be okay.” Baekhyun whispered, placing a hand softly onto my shoulder. I shrugged it off harshly before spinning around and glaring at my best friend.

”That’s what you always say! You’d said it was going to be alright. But no. Baek, nothing is en alright? Do you understand me? I lost the girl I loved for so many years. You wouldn’t understand- you’d never will.” I spat. I grabbed my coat from the coat rack. I tugged it on, ignoring the constant pleas coming from Baekhyun’s mouth. I grabbed the doorknob and yanked at it, causing the door to slam against the wall.

“Chanyeol come-“ I heard Baekhyun plead just before I slammed the door shut and ran.

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Chapter 7 of "When I Met You" is out! But I have to fix it once I get on my laptop.... ^^ Enjoy'


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Chapter 9: Why they are broke up :(
Chapter 4: Why is this????
Chapter 9: Oh god I don't know what to feel about this OTL I mean I can't stand seeing Chanyeol so sad OTL but hey he's moved on... but... OTL idk zxcjhasdfkjhscdv /slapped

Good job! ;~;
mewmew229 #4
eggers_baekhee #5
I'm reading all the Chanyeol ffics I can, because Lay is starting to rip the love I have for my ultimate bias out! Gosh this fic sounds good lmbo xD