chapter 6

on the Block


Hyung, you're late.”

Hey, at least I'm here,” Junsu said bitterly.

Junsu-yah,” his father said sternly and glaring.

*Like I've never seen that face before.* Junsu thought.

If you keep staring at me like that, I'll just leave,” Junsu spat.


Can we just start?” Junsu said getting even more agitated.


About the wedding—” Junsu's father started only to get cut off.

I told you!” Junsu said standing from his seat. “You are going to marry Yeonhee!”

Junsu-yah! Enough with these outbursts!” Their father shouted with his face starting to turn red.

Appa, your blood pressure.”

Yeah, you don't want a heart attack before seeing Changmin, your step-son, get married!” Junsu shouted even more.

Hyung! Enough!”

Junsu tried to keep his mouth shut but both Changmin and their father could tell it was difficult for him to.


“Appa, please continue,” Changmin insisted.

“I'll deal with you later, Junsu,” their father pointed while trying to calm down. “About the marriage, we need to make arrangements as soon as that welcome party is done.”

“That soon?” Junsu asked.

“It would have been sooner if there were no party.”

“Hmph. All work and no play.” Junsu crossed his arms.


You went to the playground and hid in a tube to ponder.

Stupid Junsu. Stupid Changmin. Stupid Henry. Uhg! Boys are so retarded,” you talk to yourself.


Soon you start to feel cold. “Should I go back?” You ask yourself. Then you start to dose off.

You feel someone touch your arm.

AAHH!!” You scream. You look and see that it was Minzy.

Uh, it's getting dark and I don't think it's safe to sleep here.”

Hey Minzy, whatcha doin'?” A voice called.

I found a hobo!” She yelled back.

You both laugh.


You look familiar,” Minzy says.

You almost felt a bit upset and she noticed. She tried to take a better look at you.

Minzy, you really don't remember me?”

Can you give me a clue?”

Uh... we took a dance class together.”



Minzy, we should be going.”

Dara, wait.”

Hello,” Dara smiled at you.

Sorry, I don't remember.” Minzy gave up.

No one remembers me,” you said in a depressing tone.

Hey, don't be like that,” Dara gave you a nudge on the arm.

Uh, I'm just, I have a lot on my mind and I'm sleepy,” you said.


Minzy and Dara gave you a sense of comfort and you didn't feel like yelling or constantly thinking about your problems.


Do you have anywhere to go? I heard you're a hobo...” Dara said with a giggle.

Well, I'm just having some problems at home.”

Wanna come over to our place?” Minzy said.

Are you comfortable with a stranger at your house?” You asked.

We knew each other once. I just don't know exactly who you are. You obviously know who I am,” Minzy pointed out.

You smiled at their kindness.


You all arrive at Dara's and Minzy's apartment. You recognize the area..... It was near your house.

Are you hungry?” Dara asked.

Before you could answer, your stomach spoke for you.

Dara and Minzy laughed. “That's a yes.”


A few moments later, there was a knock at the door. “It's the police.”

*Oh shh—* “Don't let them know I'm here,” you say as you try to find a place to hide.

You a fugitive?” Minzy asked.

Please, don't say anything,” you beg.


Dara opens the door and you hide somewhere.

We're looking for _____.” A policeman holds a picture of you. “Have you seen her?”


Nope.” Minzy said trying to get them to leave and they eventually did.

Minzy,” Dara said, unsure how to respond.

I know she's not a criminal.”

Let's hope not.”

Minzy hit her forehead. “We don't even know her name.”

You came out from your hiding spot. “_____. It's _____. The police officer even said it.”

_____, _____,” Minzy started thinking. “Oh my GOD! I remember!” Suddenly she just got excited.

Girl, you lost a lot of weight!”

Well, a lot has happened,” you said.

Are you still dancing?”

Not really. I never was good at it.”

I can teach you.”

Me too,” Dara jumped into the conversation.


Suddenly there were two people coming in.

Dara. Minzy. Why were there police here?”

Bom unnie. Chaerin unnie. Don't worry about it.” Minzy said.


Hello... Who are you?” Chaerin asked.

Um... I'm _____,” I said feeling timid.

Aww, you don't have to be all shy,” Bom said.


After Changmin and Junsu finished their talk with their father, Junsu calls Yoochun.

Hey Yoochun, help me pass out my invitation cards.”

Well where are you?”

I'll meet up with you at the mall, 'kay?”



You gonna come along?” Junsu asked Changmin.

I have some stuff to look over.”

Dude! You need to stop and just get ready for some fun this weekend.”

I don't know hyung. There's—”

Okay! Whatever. Wait until you get old and regret not having fun.”

“Junsu... I'll be at the party.” Changmin smiled and lightly tapped his brother on the arm.


Let's go clubbing tonight,” Dara said while feeling bored.

Yeah! Let's go!” Minzy got excited and started dancing. “Whoo! I wanna show off my new moves.”

I don't have anything to wear,” you said.

We can lend you something.” Minzy said.


You all go to Chaerin's room.

I totally got something that will make you look hot.” Chaerin said while looking through her clothes.

Uh, I don't know if I would feel comfortable wearing—”

Oh just put it on,” Minzy said while pushing you to change.

“Are you going to change?” Dara asked.

“Um... I don't feel comfortable changing—”

“We're all girls here!” Minzy interrupted you again.

“Just go change in the bathroom,” Bom pointed to the door.


You put on a red draped crop top with black skinny jeans. You came out and was being stared at.

“You look hot!” They all say at the same time.

“Time for hair and make-up,” Bom said.


Everyone finished getting ready and then their was a knock at the door.

“That must be the boys.” Dara said and walked to the door.

“The boys?” You asked.


“What up, what up!?” A guy came walking in.

“We're ready to go, Jiyong,” Dara said.

“You guys came just in time,” Bom said walking out of her room looking really hot.

“Hey, *ahem* I mean hello,” one of them say when he notices you.

“Haha, Seungri's fallen for _____,” Minzy giggles.

“Hi _____. I'm Daesung,” another guy comes and grabs your hand to shake.


You snap your hand out of his.

“Whoa. A little feisty there aren't 'cha?” Jiyong said.

“Maybe she's not comfortable with you suddenly grabbing her hand,” a shy-looking guy said.

“She doesn't seem as shy as you, Taeyang,” Seungri said.

“Hey, she's just not comfortable with you ugly guys,” Dara said pointing to all five of them.

Minzy and Chaerin laughed.

“Hey, hey, hey...”

“What TOP?” Daesung asked knowing exactly what he was going to say.

*TOP? What kind of name is that? A nickname?*

“You girls know we are HOT!” He said with emphasis and made a sizzling noise while pulling up his shirt to show his abs.

“Okay, okay. Whatever. Let's go!” Dara pushed everyone out the door.


“Jeez Junsu. How many people are coming to this party? Half of the people you invited, I don't even know,” Yoochun said.

“Those people are kids of the business people our company knows. Don't worry, they're fun people.”

“Any hot girls?” Yoochun asked with wide eyes.

“Pshh. You're always thinking about girls and yet you act like you're too shy to get near one.”

“Hey, you know that I'm trying to study for college and stuff.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Junsu and Yoochun laugh.


Junsu's cell phone started to ring.

“Yoboseyo? Yuri? Hey what's up?”

“I'm going outside to smoke,” Yoochun told Junsu and Junsu just nodded.


You guys stop by at the mall because Jiyong needed to drop off something and the guys kinda got lost. You all get out of the car to just get some air and stretch.


“Man! How do you get lost on the way to a club you work at?” Dara asked TOP.

“I only worked there for a week and someone usually picks me up,” TOP explained.

“Excuses..” Bom said while playing with her hair.


While he was smoking, Yoochun notices the crowd near the two flashy cars. What caught his eye was the girl in the red.


*Whoa! She is Y!*


As Yoochun is fascinated by your 'iness,' Chaerin walks up to him.

“Excuse me. Do you know where the Magic 8 Ball club is?”

Yoochun snapped out of his gaze on you. “Uh um what?”

“The Magic 8 Ball club? Do you know where it is?”

“So that's where you're all going?”


Yoochun gave Chaerin the directions. Jiyong came back and you all leave. As soon as you all leave, Yoochun sends a text to Junsu.


“Yo lets go to the magic 8 ball club tonight”


“i think I met the love of my life ^_^”

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Whodatfool #1
Chapter 6: I would love an update...
awww thats so cute of yoochun to text junsu that x333<br />
loved your update :D <3
Lol, Yoochun when txting Junsu<br />
"I think I met the love of my life^-^" lol<br />
I cracked up<br />
Ah Yoochun~<br />
Please update as soon as you can ^_^
yay!2NE1 is in the story:)can't wait to read what happens next.update soon!
i hope you update soon! ^^ <3
haha, i loved your update! :DD <3<br />
omg,what's going to happen much is's so exciting to read.
whos 'HIM' !?! :O<br />
omo, i left ma chips! xDD <br />
jaetaek #10
omgah! i love you story..<br />
please update soon... XD