chapter 2

on the Block


As soon as you get home it was late. You see one of your neighbors outside dancing in their front yard.

“YAH! You live here?” The neighbor shouted.


You take a closer look and see it was Yunho. “What the ? Since when did you live here?”

Yunho crossed the street and walked towards your house. “I've always lived here. You walked all the way from school?” He asks in a surprised tone.

“Why the hell do you care?”

“Why do you always have to give an attitude when someone asks you a question?”

“Dude! Shut the up!” You were about to walk away but then turned your head. “Don't even try to grab me again or else I'll make sure you can't have kids.” You glared Yunho down.


*Like I was gonna* Yunho thought.


You slam your front door and go to your room.


Yunho looks up to your room. It wasn't hard to find because it was the only room with light. He mindlessly stared at your window.

You were gonna change and looked out your window. You saw Yunho.


“You ING STALKER!!” You shouted out the window in anger.

Yunho felt awkward and turned his head.

You sighed in frustration, slam your window shut and pulled down the curtain.

You took off your baggy clothes and changed into some shorts.


Little did you know, Yunho watched a silhouette of you.

He felt like such a ert and tried to cover his eyes.


“Yunho, this is wrong,” Yunho said to himself while peeking through his fingers.

*Wow you are some erted stalker*


All this time, Yunho never knew you were his neighbor. He felt even more curious.


You went down to the kitchen to grab some food. You open the fridge to see there was barely any food.

“Great, no food... again.” You sigh.


You grab some money and leave the house. It was cold outside but you didn't care. Yunho was still outside and saw you.


You felt him looking at you. “Stop looking!”

Then you walk to the nearby convenient store.


Yunho looks at you as you walk away. *Damn! Isn't she afraid of getting sick?* Then he takes another glance at you. *DAAYYUM!!! What a body!”


A car pulls up to Yunho's driveway. “Yo, Yunho. What the hell are you looking at?”

“Oh, hey Jaejoong.”

Jaejoong steps out of his car and snakes his arm around Yunho's neck.

“Why are you so happy?” Jaejoong smirks.

“What are you talking about?”

Jaejoong eyes to Yunho's pants.

Yunho looks down and immediately feels embarrassed. “Oh !”

Jaejoong laughs at his embarrassment.


You quickly went to the convenient store and grabbed some snacks. You look at the time.

“! She's going to again.” You said to yourself and ran home.


You get home.

“_____!! Where the hell have you been?” Your mother yells.

“I went to get some food.”

“You can at least leave a note or something.”

“It was only like 5 minutes.”

“Don't talk back to me,” she raises her voice. “I already had a bad day at work.”

“You always do,” You mumble to yourself. You walk upstairs.

“Don't walk away from me.”

“I have HOMEWORK to do.”


You ignore your mothers complaints and lock your room door.


“Shut up.....” You passively sigh.


School again... This time you got up without your sister complaining. You left without eating. Another surprise.... You see that Jaejoong lives in your neighborhood too; just about five house down the street. He was up early jogging and noticed you.


You hid your face with the hat you were wearing.

“Morning,” Jaejoong casually said with a smile as he passed you.


You ignored him and walked.

You weren't paying attention and a car was about to hit you.

The next thing you knew you were being pulled to the side.


“You need to pay attention,” Jaejoong tells you.

You slightly bow your head and walk away feeling spaced out.

*Wow _____. You almost like killed yourself* You thought.


At school, you didn't feel like your usual self and completely ignored everyone. You didn't talk back or give an attitude. You just weren't in the mood.


During lunch you went to your usual spot. You plop yourself in the chair and lay your head on the table.


Yoochun happened to be studying in the library and noticed you sleeping.

*She looks peaceful* He smiles.


Your arm was hanging over the table and you were holding something. Yoochun felt curious and took a look. He carefully tried to not wake you up. He noticed that your eye was bruised a little. The bruise can only be seen if you're really close. He had his attention on your bruise and unconsciously caressed your face.


“Changmin?” You sleepily say.


Yoochun was startled and afraid what was going to happen next.

You sleepily open your eyes and see that Yoochun was inches away from your face. Your eyes widened. The next thing you did was stand up and you were about to hit him.

He didn't want you to yell in the library and nervously pushed you against the wall, holding your arms over your head and covering your mouth.


You were going to kick him but he blocked your legs with his. You couldn't escape.


*What the are you trying to do!!!!???* You scream in you mind.

“Please don't cause a commotion,” Yoochun begs.

He looks at you and realized something. *Omo! This looks really bad!*


You struggle to escape. Yoochun can see how mad you were getting.


*What the hell did you get yourself into?* Yoochun tries to think of a way to get out of this situation without getting hurt.


Then you pretend to pass out.


“_____? _____?” Yoochun shakes you as you lay in his arms.

Then you attempt to head him but....


*OMO!* Yoochun was in shock.


“AHHH!!!! That wasn't suppose to happen!!” You shout.

You get up and push Yoochun and storm out of the library.


Yoochun leaves the library also and bumps into Jaejoong.


“Hey Jaejoong.”

“Whoa. What happened to your lip?”

“My lip?” Yoochun touches his lips and saw blood on his fingers. Then the pain kicks in. “Aish!” He messes up his hair. “She basically bit me,” Yoochun says to himself.


“Whoa! You were making out in the library?” Jaejoong asks with curiosity.

“No, no.” Yoochun waves his hands in the air.

“Why is your lip bleeding?” Yunho comes by and asks.

“_____ tried to head me and umm.... k—iss—ssed me instead.” Yoochun scratches his head.

“YOU KISSED THE !?” Yunho said with wide eyes.

“Hey Yunho, that's no way to talk about a girl,” Jaejoong said.

“Yoochun basically hooked up with like the hottest girl in school!” Yunho said pointing to Yoochun.

“Yunho, you got the wr—”

“Hottest girl?” Jaejoong raised and eyebrow. “Is this girl that hot? You never took interest in any girl in this school no matter how hot I thought they were.”

“I never bothered liking them cuz they would be interested in you.” Yunho said. “You playboy.”

“I'm not a playboy. I'm still a unlike SOMEONE,” Jaejoong looks at Yunho.

“Don't turn this conversation around,” Yunho then looks at Yoochun. “Yoochun, how did you manage to? You got some skill.”

“It was an accident!”

“Some lucky accident.” Yunho said.

“Hey, you guys need to show me who this girl is,” Jaejoong says.

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Whodatfool #1
Chapter 6: I would love an update...
awww thats so cute of yoochun to text junsu that x333<br />
loved your update :D <3
Lol, Yoochun when txting Junsu<br />
"I think I met the love of my life^-^" lol<br />
I cracked up<br />
Ah Yoochun~<br />
Please update as soon as you can ^_^
yay!2NE1 is in the story:)can't wait to read what happens next.update soon!
i hope you update soon! ^^ <3
haha, i loved your update! :DD <3<br />
omg,what's going to happen much is's so exciting to read.
whos 'HIM' !?! :O<br />
omo, i left ma chips! xDD <br />
jaetaek #10
omgah! i love you story..<br />
please update soon... XD