chapter 3

on the Block


It was hard for you to cool off. You were super pissed! You wipe your lips. “God!! What the hell was he thinking?” You punch your fist into your other hand. You decided to skip the rest of school and get a head start on walking home before it got dark.


When you got home, you saw your mother crying.

*What the hell is it now?* You close the door and she looks at you.

“_____,” she sniffles.

You gave her a what look.

“We.... W-we're being evicted.”

*WHAT THE !?* Your jaw literally drops.

“Are you serious?”

“Do you THINK I would joke about this?”

“Omma, where are we suppose to go?”

“I don't know _____. We have one week to get our things out.”


You just couldn't believe it. You knew the day would possibly come but not so soon. Tears were about to fill your eyes but you resisted the urge to cry. You went up to your room and plopped yourself onto your bed.


“Why is life such a !?” You shout into the empty space.

Then you start to scream out your frustration, not caring who hears you.

Your sister comes into the room. “_____! Calm the down!”

“How can I? We're gonna be hobos! HOBOS!!”

“You're just overreacting,” she said calmly.

“Why the hell are you so calm about this?”

Your sister was silent for a moment.

“OH _____! We're gonna be hobos!” She cries.

Then you both cry hysterically together.


The next couple of days, you were not at all focused in school. You were ier than ever!


~What the hell is her problem~

~God she's psycho~

~OMG I think she heard us~

~Oh ! She's going to beat us~


Hey, I think you should calm down,” You heard a voice from behind.

Before turning around to see who it was, you look around in front of you and see people in shock.


~He got some balls to approach the ~

~No way. I bet he's going to be eaten alive!~


You all need to SHUT THE UP!!” You scream and everyone scatters away. Then you turn around and see....


_____? So it's you making all this disturbance.” He then takes a second look at you. “Whoa.” He couldn't find any other words to say and says it again. “Whoa.”

Dude, did you like get even more stupid and can only say stupid ?” You angrily say.

What happened to you? You look,” he walks around you. “Hot!”

Stop being a . What the hell do you want?”

I moved back here. I live in your neighborhood now,” he gives you a light grin.

Psh. Soon it won't be,” You murmur to yourself.

What do you mean?”

*Oh ! I forgot. He has super hearing.*

Uh, nothing, nothing.” You try to walk away but Henry pulls on your right shoulder and turns you around.

Obviously, it's something.”

Don't in' touch me.” You shrug off his hand.

Jeez. What happened to the shy bubbly _____?”

She DIED! So leave me alone.” You try to leave again but he grabs your wrist. “Let go!”


YAH! She obviously doesn't want to be near you,” Jaejoong shouts coming towards your direction.

Who the hell are you?”

Jaejoong obviously didn't know what was going on and said the stupidest thing you have ever heard.

I'm her husband.”

In the background Yoochun is in shock from the stupid bold move Jaejoong just made.

Henry chuckles, “Husband?”

Jaejoong then scratches the back of his head. “Aish! No I mean boyfriend.”

Oh really?”

Mind your own business!” You yell.

Babe, I'm sorry I didn't meet up with you yesterday,” Jaejoong continues to play his stupid little charade. “But I don't think you have the right to find another guy.”

Both you and Henry have perplexed faces.

Do you know what the hell you're saying?” You question him.

Jaejoong, you should stop what you're doing and mind your own business,” Yoochun says.


Then you got and idea. “Hun,” you smile at Jaejoong.

Yoochun, Henry and Jaejoong were surprised by your use of the word and your smile. Jaejoong awkwardly smiles back at you.

Let me introduce you to this guy.” You shake your wrist out of Henry's grip. “This is Henry Lau.”

Then you look at Henry then Jaejoong. “Henry, this is some crazy dude you should get to know.”


You take each of their hands and put them into each others to have them hand shake. While they looked confused for a moment, you took the chance to escape and you successfully did.


Henry pulls his hand away from Jaejoong. “You're an idiot.”

YAH! Who the hell do you think you are?” Jaejoong says feeling really offended.

Do you even know who she was?”

My... girlfriend.”

Yeah, okay.... Do you know what her name is?”

Uh..... Babe....” Jaejoong stupidly said.

My point exactly.” Henry leaves.


Yoochun walks up to Jaejoong and hits the back of his head. “What the hell was that? You're just making yourself look like an idiot.”

Hey, I guess I was living in the moment.” Jaejoong shrugs.

That girl was the of the school.”

Whoa, really?”

Yoochun nods to assure him.

She's not as hot as you and Yunho says she is.”

What? I'm guessing your type is trashy?”

No. Why would you think that?... Hey, I'm hungry. Let's go eat.”


While you were walking home that day, I car drives up by you.

Want me to drive you home?”

Without looking, you say, “I don't need a ride! I'm fine walking.”

_____! Get in the frickin' car!” You hear your sister's voice.

You look towards the car. You see Henry and your sister in a black car.


\She brightly smiles and says, “Henry's nice enough to give us a ride home.”

*Of course you would like to brought home by him*


If Henry told your sister to be a stripper, she would be one in a heartbeat. You couldn't stand how she liked a player like him. She knew he had other girls but she kept telling you, “Henry definitely loves me the most.”


You never liked Henry because he played with your sisters feelings. She was his doll ever since his mother met your mother at a casino. His family was rich and he was an only child that got everything he wanted. He was nice to you but you felt like he was only because he felt bad that I was always picked on by being the 'ugly child.'


Although I was labeled the ugly child, I was happy; only sometimes hurting on the inside.


_____! Get in the car!” Your sister demanded.

No! I'll walk!” You stubbornly say.

_____! Do I need to put you in the car myself?”

You ignore her.

_____! Get in the damn car!”

No!” You then take a different route so the car couldn't follow you.


By the time you got home, every thing was packed and put onto a moving truck.

You see your mother and Henry's mother chatting and approach them. “What the hell is going on?”

Oh _____. Miss Lau is nice enough to have us stay with her at her house further down the street.” Your mother happily says.


We have plenty of space at the house,” Henry's mother says.

*Of course you do. You're frickin' rich!*

We're all moving in tonight,” your mother smiles.


Your sister and Henry comes walking out of the house.

I wanted to tell you on the car ride,” You sister says.

I'd rather be a hobo than live with him!” You point to Henry.

YAH! _____! Don't be like this. Our family's good friends with his family.” Your sister then smiles at Henry.

You look at Henry with a face of disgust. “Eeww!”

_____!” Your sister yells at you. 

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Whodatfool #1
Chapter 6: I would love an update...
awww thats so cute of yoochun to text junsu that x333<br />
loved your update :D <3
Lol, Yoochun when txting Junsu<br />
"I think I met the love of my life^-^" lol<br />
I cracked up<br />
Ah Yoochun~<br />
Please update as soon as you can ^_^
yay!2NE1 is in the story:)can't wait to read what happens next.update soon!
i hope you update soon! ^^ <3
haha, i loved your update! :DD <3<br />
omg,what's going to happen much is's so exciting to read.
whos 'HIM' !?! :O<br />
omo, i left ma chips! xDD <br />
jaetaek #10
omgah! i love you story..<br />
please update soon... XD