Chapter 4

on the Block


That night your family settled into Henry's house. You absolutely had bad energy coming out of you. Every time someone smiled at you, you would chuck the closest thing you could grab. The maids and butlers whispered to each other; of course about you. Your mother and sister were elsewhere admiring the house.


You were brought to your room and on the bedside table you see a picture of when you were younger with Henry. It was winter and you two were like six or seven playing in the park having so much fun. Remember, back then, you were chubby. Those time were fun but you just didn't want to remember any of it and threw the picture frame out the door.


You sat on the huge bed with your arms crossed. Henry came in.

You sure need an attitude adjustment,” he said with a sigh.

You turn away from him. “I don't want to see your frickin' face.”


He walks towards you and places his hand on your chin and turns your head towards him. You slap his hand away. “Don't in' touch me!”

Why are you acting like this?” You can hear his voice rising.

Isn't it obvious? I HATE YOU!” You pointed out.

We used to be childhood friends.”

Psh! That was until you started messing with my sister!”

Did you really start hating me when I started hanging out with your sister more?”

Stop talking like you think I liked you back then.”

I think you're just bottling up everything and you yell at everyone for no reason.”

You don't frickin' know me!”

Yes, I don't know who you are. The person in front of me is just some over emotional thing that needs to yell and be violent towards everyone!” He said in a louder voice; not really shouting.

Shut up!” You attempt to walk away but Henry grabs your arm.

YAH! _____! You need to stop being such a bratty !” He explodes.


Your eyes widened in the sudden shock of what you just heard. For as long as you knew Henry, he would never call anyone a .


Can you let go of me?” You ask calmly with a shaky voice.

As Henry let goes of your arm, your sister comes running to your room.

Is everything okay? I heard some shouting.”

Everything's fine,” you lie.


You feel Henry looking at you and you suddenly get the feeling of discomfort.


Are you feeling okay _____?” Your sister asks.

Yeah. Uh...” You then stretch your arms. “I think I'm going to sleep so... uh can you guys leave?”

Uh sure,” your sister says. She smiles at Henry and links her arm into his. “Let's explore the house together.”


Henry and your sister leaves and you close the door. You were feeling such a huge headache. This day was really too much. You let out a big sigh and look at yourself in the mirror near the window.


You really did change _____.”


Henry comes back into your room later that night. You were lying in your bed and you didn't notice him come in.


_____,” he whispers into your ear.

You pretend to be asleep.

Henry gently pushes your hair away from your face. He smiles and admires your sleeping figure.

Even though your body changed, you still have that same pretty face.”


You open your eyes and see him shirtless. *WTH? He sleeps without a shirt?*

What the hell are you doing?” You ask as you see how close he was to you.

He caresses your face and leans in and kisses you on the lips. “Giving you a good night kiss,” he whispers into your ear.


You soon wake up and realize it was only a dream and look at the door and around the room. No one was there except you.


You felt paranoid and went down stairs. You looked around. It was so quiet in the huge house that you just had to get out. *Feel like a killer is gonna jump out of nowhere.* You open the front door and the house security alarm goes off.


*! WTF!*

You run outside and down the street towards the direction of your house. When you get there, you instinctively walk towards the front door. To your surprise, it was unlocked. You walk in and turn on the lights. The electricity was still there. You walk around the empty house and reminisce.


The maids, butlers and Henry rush downstairs. As they search the house, the police get to the house. After about ten minutes of searching the house, they find no intruders.


_____'s missing!” Your mother screams.

MWOH!!” Your sister and Henry say in total shock.

Omona! Did she like get kidnapped?!” Your sister asks.

She's not in her room!” Your mother cries out.


As your sister and mother worries, Henry converses with the policemen about the matter.


The next day you didn't go to school. You don't know or care how worried everyone else was. You lay on the cold floor of your room and look at the ceiling. As you think about your past, you feel tears stream down the side of your face.


Ugh! Stop being a crybaby!” You scold yourself.

You wipe the tears away and quickly sit up.


*sigh* “Damn. I'm hungry.”


You had no cash and the fridge was, of course, empty. You had a stupid idea of going to the convenient store. When you got there you were 'browsing around' while paying attention to the cashiers.


*Are you really gonna do this?* You ask yourself. Then you hear your stomach growl. You shrug *'Kay, my stomach says so..* You ran out of the store with a bag of chips. Luckily you got away but then you bumped into someone.


*Junsu?* Your eyes widen as you drop you bag of chips.

He looked at you. “I'm sor—_____!? Is that you?”

You look towards the ground. “I'm sorry. I'm not who you think I am. That's not my name,” you say in a deep voice while avoiding eye contact.

He then lowers his head to see your face. “*gasp* It is you! How are you? I was just about to go to your house later today. Wait a minute. [looks at watch] Aren't you suppose to be in school?”

Aren't you suppose to be not here?” You mumble to yourself. “What the hell are you doing here? It's been like seven months!”

Yeah.... uh... We came back like last night.” He sounded nervous for some reason.

Mwoh? You guys leave me then just come back hoping that everything will be like old times?”

I thought you would sound a little more happy.....” You hear his voice fade.

I don't think you should have came back!” You raise your voice.

What? Why?” He said in a confused tone.

“If you actually contacted me the past seven months, maybe I would have been okay.”

“_____, you don't sound like yourself.” He stepped a little closer.

Well you don't know me anymore. Tell 'him' that I don't want to see his face again.” You walk away.

You feel your eyes fill up with tears. You smack yourself. *Don't even think about crying _____!*


As you walk away, you realize that you forgot your chips.....

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Whodatfool #1
Chapter 6: I would love an update...
awww thats so cute of yoochun to text junsu that x333<br />
loved your update :D <3
Lol, Yoochun when txting Junsu<br />
"I think I met the love of my life^-^" lol<br />
I cracked up<br />
Ah Yoochun~<br />
Please update as soon as you can ^_^
yay!2NE1 is in the story:)can't wait to read what happens next.update soon!
i hope you update soon! ^^ <3
haha, i loved your update! :DD <3<br />
omg,what's going to happen much is's so exciting to read.
whos 'HIM' !?! :O<br />
omo, i left ma chips! xDD <br />
jaetaek #10
omgah! i love you story..<br />
please update soon... XD