chapter 1

on the Block


You wake up to the alarm and immediately hit the snooze button. Five minutes later it goes off again.

“_____! GET UP!!!” Your sister shouts.

“I don't wanna go to school.” You whined.

“Get up or you'll be late.”

“Like anyone cares if I show up to school,” You mumbled through your pillow.

“Get the hell up or I'll put a bamboo stick up your !” You sister threatened.

“Okay, okay. I'm freakin' up.”


You lazily get out of bed and put on some clothes, not caring what you wore. You quickly run your fingers through your long hair, grab your stuff and go down stairs.


You sister chokes on her juice as soon as you enter the kitchen.

“Yes, I'm wearing this.” You told her with a fake smile.

“Why don't you dress nicer for school?”

“Why should I?” You gave you sister an attitude and gulp down a cup of juice.

“You seriously need a boyfriend _____.” Your sister sips her juice.


You slam the kitchen table, which scared your sister, and you give her a serious look. “Unni... I'm a lesbian.” Then you walk away and go to school.


As you walk to school you see the other kids from your neighborhood didn't wake up yet. Of course they wouldn't be awake yet because they have about two hours more until school starts and they get driven to school. There's no nearby public transit so you walk to school, everyday. The distance from your house to school is about 5-10 minutes away, that is when driving. It takes you about an hour to walk to school. When you started out, it took you two hours, but now you're a speedy walker and get there in half the time.


Before, you used to be chubby. Walking everyday to school did some good for your body. You have a

hot body but you hide it with your baggy clothing. It has been about two years.


You pass by a convenient store and there's a guy staring at you.


“What the hell are you looking at, fatass!?” You yell.

“Hey! Watch your mouth!” He shouted.

“You wanna chase me and teach me a lesson? That will do you some good, help you lose some fat!” You stick out your tongue.


The guy tried getting out of his seat but apparently, he was stuck.


“Freakin' can't even get out of his seat,” You murmur to yourself and continue walking.


You get to school and see the other students arriving. As soon as you reach the entrance, people start whispering and you give them a fierce look and ignore their comments.


You walk into your class and sit at your usual seat in the back. Class starts and the teacher is late. Then Yunho rushes into class.


“I'm here!” He tries to catch his breath.

Everyone in the class just stares at him. Right behind him is Jaejoong giving him a pat on the back.

“No need to rush my friend,” he says in a calm tone.

You look at them. “Psh. The teacher's not even here.”


They both look around to see who said that and look at you. You urn your head towards the window.

“Who's that?” Jaejoong asks Yunho and gestures his head towards your direction.

“I don't know.”


You hear them talking and say, “If you want to know who the hell I am, just freakin' say it to my face!”

You slap your hand on your desk and get everyone's attention.


“Yah! Who the hell are you then?” Jaejoong asks while pointing at you.


The teacher walks in and hits Yunho and Jaejoong on the head. “Why aren't you in your seats?”

“Sorry,” They both say and walk to their seats.


As soon as class ended you immediately left for lunch. You pushed people out of your way and walked to the library. You walk over to the spot you usually sit at to take a nap but someone was there. You turn around and accidentally bump into someone.


“Watch where you're going!” You spat.

You look up and see Yoochun. You knew who he was but you didn't think he knew you.

“Sorry. I'll be more careful next time.” He looks at you in a curious way.

“What?” You gave him a y look.

“Nothing,” he shook his head.

“It better be nothing.” You walk away.


Then you bump into Yunho. “What the hell?! Does anyone have eyes?”

“I'm sorry.”

You didn't accept his apology and push him out of the way.


*Whoa. What the hell is her problem?* He thought.

He didn't notice that you were in his class.

“Yunho!” Jaejoong waved.

“O, Jaejoong.”

They both walk up to each other.

“What are you doing in the library?” Jaejoong asks. “Don't tell me you're here to study.”

“Uh... honestly?”

Jaejoong looks at Yunho waiting for an answer.

“Well, I wanted to know who the school was.”


“I was just curious and heard people sayin' that she comes to the library at lunch. I asked people what she looks like but they told me that people are afraid to take a picture of her because she breaks their phones.”

“Yunho, why? Out of the blue you want to know? Who cares?”

“I said I was curious.”

“Whatever man. You just want to get eatin' alive.”


School ends and you start walking home. You notice someone is following you. You tun around and see Yoochun. You glare at him with suspicion.


“Don't get the wrong idea,” he says while shaking his hands in front of him.

“What should I think? It obviously looks like you're stalking me.”

“I just happen to walk the same path.”

“Bull! Tell me the ing truth or I'll kick your !”

*Wow. y much?* He thought. “I don't want any trouble.”

“Looks like your asking for it.”

“No... I—don't, uh....” Yoochun struggled looking for a way out of the awkward situation.

You turn around and try to take a deep breath.

You turn back around and *POW* You punch Yunho in the face. He just came to catch up with Yoochun and got hit in the face.


“Yunho!” Yoochun said.

You didn't care and walked away.

“YAH! What the hell is your problem?” Yunho shouted.


You continued walking an ignored him. He ran up to you and grabbed your arm.


“LET GO!” You shouted.

“Not until you apologize.”

You then knee him in between his legs and manage to get loose.

*Oh * Yoochun's eyed widened. “Yunho!”

You try to walk away again but then Yunho grabbed your arm once more.


You look at him getting even more angry. “You think you got balls of steel?”You were about to kick him but then he blocked and grabbed your foot. Then you fell back and Yunho fell right on top of you.


*This is getting interesting....* Yoochun quietly watched.


“Aish! Get the off me!” You push him off.

*Jeez. Tough little * Yunho thought.

You sit up and push your hair back. As you were doing that, Yunho stared at you.

*Whoa! She's hot!*

“GOD!! What the ! By the time I get home, it'll be dark out,” you complain.

“Isn't someone picking you up?” Yunho asks.

“You stupid rich boy. I walk home.”

“Where do you live? I'll drive you home.”

“MWOH! Are you kidding me? No thanks!”

“Hey, I think we should start over.”

“Pssh. Like I want you be in my life,” you give him an attitude.


“Yunho, I think we should just go,” Yoochun said.

“Your boyfriend is calling you!” You walk away.


“Man! What a !” Yunho scratches the back of his head.

“I think you should've just let her go after you took that punch,” Yoochun said.

“That punch was for you! What did you do to get her so mad? You try to hit on her?”

“NO way! She's the school !”

“What?! She's some hot !”

Yoochun chuckled, “You think so too?”

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Whodatfool #1
Chapter 6: I would love an update...
awww thats so cute of yoochun to text junsu that x333<br />
loved your update :D <3
Lol, Yoochun when txting Junsu<br />
"I think I met the love of my life^-^" lol<br />
I cracked up<br />
Ah Yoochun~<br />
Please update as soon as you can ^_^
yay!2NE1 is in the story:)can't wait to read what happens next.update soon!
i hope you update soon! ^^ <3
haha, i loved your update! :DD <3<br />
omg,what's going to happen much is's so exciting to read.
whos 'HIM' !?! :O<br />
omo, i left ma chips! xDD <br />
jaetaek #10
omgah! i love you story..<br />
please update soon... XD