A comfort to you

Maid for each other

No one's POV: 

November 6th, a day that Kris should have been celebrating but he didnt feel like doing anything at all, he still felt horrible because of the way he treated Sophie and the constant meetings he was having with Amber leading up their wedding just made him miss her more. As for Sophie, even though Kris had broken her heart she knew that he didnt mean what he meant on that night but her thoughts were so blurred right now;she would go to work everyday and put a smile on her face for the kids and then she would go home and cry and not eat anything... she was just waiting for the day when she was going to Shanghai for the wedding and getting the chance to see her family again. The night before she had began to pack some stuff away into a suitcase before unpacking and packing again 'Perhaps I need two' she thought to herself as she went to get another suitcase down and at that moment something soft fell on her head. When she looked to see what it was she recognised it immediatly and for a moment she hesitated at what to do with it before quickly writing something on a card to attach to it and posting it of.

"Why wont you come with us?" asked Luhan as he and Tao went over to Sophie's to try and convince her to go over to Kris' and help them interrogate him "You know perfectly well why" replied Sophie as she went to continue to pack some stuff away. "You're leaving?" Tao asked when he saw the two suitcases "No, I'm going of to Shanghai soon to my family" replied Sophie as Luhan leaned in and whispered to Tao "Isnt that where Kris is getting married?" to which Tao nodded in response. "Sophie you know what day it is... we need to go over there and ask him what's his problem" said Luhan as Sophie sighed "Look guys I know what you mean and I know that Kris didnt mean what he said that day... but something is going on and I dont want to interfere just in case it would put Kris at risk" she said as the two of them stared at her before sighing themselves... she had a point. At that point they both said their goodbyes and left as Sophie continued to pack. 


Meanwhile at Kris' house he was busy packing as well to head of to Shanghai to marry, the wedding had been pushed forward dramatically from the 20th December to the 30th November, he didnt care, he just wanted to get it over and done with so his father could be gone from his life forever. That was when there was a knock at the door and Mrs Li walked in "A parcel has just arrived for you" she said as she handed it to Kris and began to walk out "You're still coming arent you... to Shanghai?" he asked as Mrs Li nodded and walked out. Kris continued to pack some more stuff away but soon his curiosity got the better of him and he slowly began to open the parcel. 

Inside was a toy alpacca and as Kris looked at it he was very confused "Why would anybody want to send me this?" he asked himself and that's when he found a card attached to the gift: 

I didn't know what to get you for you birthday so I got you this! 

In case you dont know he's an alpacca... quite random... like you are. 

May he watch over you and be a comfort to you in hard times! 

And by the way... Happy Birthday.... 

As Kris finished reading the card he checked to see if the sender had left their name anywhere, but they didn't. Kris continued to look at the alpacca for a moment and then he began to hug it.... maybe this birthday wasnt going to be so bad after all.... 

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kojafan #1
Chapter 33: I really enjoyed reading your story good job^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 33: Aigoo~ The ending was so cute.
They all had someone. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 22: It's just so sad. T-T
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 20: What is he going to do?? o_o
TaquitosNOMNOM #5
Chapter 19: omg, so cute. >_<
forever_or_never #6
Chapter 34: That was such a sweet ending :) I am looking forward to the next story. I hope it's about another EXO member. :D
YasashiHime7 #7
Chapter 32: Another Chapter. !!!
forever_or_never #8
Chapter 32: Yes, you have to write another chapter!
forever_or_never #9
Chapter 30: New reader here! Great story!
angrymaknae #10
Chapter 24: awwww poor sophie. :'(