Chapter 8

When The Time I Should Let You Go
Yuri was almost finish when her family butler called her from out of her room. "Young Miss, Mr.Lee is outside" "Thanks ahjumma,just tell him I'll be outside in a minute", she was already wearing her newest black mermaid tail dress collection from Vivinne Westwood with some tiffany & co. Jewelleries and white pearl loubuotin stilletos. When she went to the living room, Seunggi has frown on his face. "What's wrong?" Yuri asked."You asked me what's wrong? Really?" The it hitted her, he hates waiting,she rolled her eyes."You dare to rolled her eyes to your oppa?" He said furious."Lee Seunggi-ssi you really are over exaggerated things. Now let's move on or you'll be chomp by umma" she dragged her cousin to his limo, his chauffer open the door for them, not to long after they're already in their way to Seunghyun's mansion. There, they greetes by many reporters and also Mr.Jo, Choi family's butler. "Miss Yuri, Mr.Lee I'll take you two to your seat"."Yuri will sit with me, Seunggi-ah your other cousin and her husband is there, you can sit with them neeh" Hyeyoon suddenly came and dragged Yuri to her family table, "oh Yuri-ah you came," said Mama Choi as she saw Yuri sit beside Seunghyun."Look at both of them, Hye. Don't they look good together?" Mama Choi beamed, all of them just chuckled, they just didn't know what's waiting for them at the end of the speech.
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llily_lovee #1
Chapter 9: Hope you update soon!!
Chapter 9: update soon!!
u know i love arrange marriage..
dadecer101 #3
Chapter 9: omo update soon I like your story
dadecer101 #4
Oh so you are a Soshibang shipper author-nim... Hmmm... Ok I'll read it.... I'm a hard core fan of SoshiBang
Chapter 9: Update sooon!!! <3 <3 I love Them two <3
Chapter 9: new reader here..^^
i really love this y couple~
you made great story author-nim..
update soon~
Chapter 9: Married!? Kyahh! TopYul!
Thanks for this update and update soon!
pinkgirl #8
New Reader! Ah! I really like TopYul! They're both very y ;D! hehe, I feel really bad for Yuri. She's been in love with her bestfriend for all this time, but he's dating her other bestfriend. I wonder why Yoona's room was locked and the spare key was missing? Perhaps Yoona is the one that has explaining to do? Update soon please :D
yulcore #9
Chapter 6: my poor yuri. that's okay! soon you'll get him! *cheer cheer*
iloveyul #10
Chapter 3: aww he sleep in yuri room...:-)