Chapter 5

When The Time I Should Let You Go
Yuri was done cooking dinner. She called Seunghyun loudly, but all she got was silence. "He must be so sleepy," She went to her room. True, he was sleeping soundly on her bed. She shook him light,"Yaaa, let's eat," Seunghyun moaned. I knew it, she thought. Seunghyun is a heavy sleeper, she regret her decision to let him sleep. She decided to took a bath, she felt sticky after the dance practice before...Seunghyun was awaken by the sound of shower, "Yuri..." He called. He heard someone murmuring loudly inside the bathroom. It must be her, he thought. He then walked around her room. Her room was neat and look lovely, he liked it. Yoona's room maybe a little too girly, but her was more elegant. He was looking at her pictures when the bathroom door opened. He turned around, there stood Yuri with just a white towel cover her body, her hair was wet. Oh my good she's smoking firely hellish hot, Seunghyun thought. He gulped hard. She was so focus to her body and he didn't realize she was calling him. "Yes?" He answer, "Out!" He. Blushed and went out, he was grinning ear to ear also teasing Yuri "you're so yyy", but when he was out he immidiately speechless, Yoona was out. She looked angry and sad. Her boyfriend was in the room with her bestfriend who is a woman. She caught a glimpse, Yuri was just with white towel, and wet. Seunghyun also looked happy. His clothes. And hair just like a man after sleep. "You have a lot to explain Choi Seunghyun"
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llily_lovee #1
Chapter 9: Hope you update soon!!
Chapter 9: update soon!!
u know i love arrange marriage..
dadecer101 #3
Chapter 9: omo update soon I like your story
dadecer101 #4
Oh so you are a Soshibang shipper author-nim... Hmmm... Ok I'll read it.... I'm a hard core fan of SoshiBang
Chapter 9: Update sooon!!! <3 <3 I love Them two <3
Chapter 9: new reader here..^^
i really love this y couple~
you made great story author-nim..
update soon~
Chapter 9: Married!? Kyahh! TopYul!
Thanks for this update and update soon!
pinkgirl #8
New Reader! Ah! I really like TopYul! They're both very y ;D! hehe, I feel really bad for Yuri. She's been in love with her bestfriend for all this time, but he's dating her other bestfriend. I wonder why Yoona's room was locked and the spare key was missing? Perhaps Yoona is the one that has explaining to do? Update soon please :D
yulcore #9
Chapter 6: my poor yuri. that's okay! soon you'll get him! *cheer cheer*
iloveyul #10
Chapter 3: aww he sleep in yuri room...:-)