Chapter 4

When The Time I Should Let You Go
As soon as they arrived at the girls's apartment. Yuri immediately went to the kitchen and cooked dinner, while Seunghyun sat at the couch. "What are you cooking?," he yelled. "Pasta"." yul I'm sleepy.","Go to Yoona's room then,". Seunghyun went to his girl room to find its locked."Her room is locked". Yuri went to him, she search for Yoona's duplicate. "She usually put the duplicate here", but unfortunately it's not. "I'm soooo sleepy", he yawned. "Sleep at the couch", Seunghyun pouted."You really mean," "What do you mean?", Seunghyun pull out his aegyo face,"Can I sleep at your room?". She raised her eyebrows."What will Yoona said?","oh c'mon its just you", she sighed and went to her room, Seunghyun at awed when she opened her room. This room is definitely different from Yoona's.Yoona's is really pretty. But it doesn't mean her room is less prettier. Maybe its prettier. She has a walk in closet. While Yoona's not. The color is white with combination of pink and cremé. Her vanity full of her stuff. But something caught his eyes. The room full of her photos, with her family, friends and also him. That shocked him is most of the photos is with him, or with friends but also him."You have so many photo of me and you, ahh I feel loved", Yuri rolled her eyes, but she still smile."Just sleep Seunghyun, I'll cook dinner", and Yuri left Seunghyun in her room.
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llily_lovee #1
Chapter 9: Hope you update soon!!
Chapter 9: update soon!!
u know i love arrange marriage..
dadecer101 #3
Chapter 9: omo update soon I like your story
dadecer101 #4
Oh so you are a Soshibang shipper author-nim... Hmmm... Ok I'll read it.... I'm a hard core fan of SoshiBang
Chapter 9: Update sooon!!! <3 <3 I love Them two <3
Chapter 9: new reader here..^^
i really love this y couple~
you made great story author-nim..
update soon~
Chapter 9: Married!? Kyahh! TopYul!
Thanks for this update and update soon!
pinkgirl #8
New Reader! Ah! I really like TopYul! They're both very y ;D! hehe, I feel really bad for Yuri. She's been in love with her bestfriend for all this time, but he's dating her other bestfriend. I wonder why Yoona's room was locked and the spare key was missing? Perhaps Yoona is the one that has explaining to do? Update soon please :D
yulcore #9
Chapter 6: my poor yuri. that's okay! soon you'll get him! *cheer cheer*
iloveyul #10
Chapter 3: aww he sleep in yuri room...:-)