Chapter Eight

Our Dark Love Story


"Seunghyun, have you ever thought of running away?" I looked up from sitting back on the small couch, looking at Daesung. He was standing in the doorway, watching the rain soak the concrete. "I can't just leave." I answered, knowing it was true. My brother was here... And my mother. If I dared to leave, I would be betraying them, and the company would hunt me down until I was dead. 

"Well... at least it's better than just sitting around, waiting for death." I lit up a cigarette, taking a long drag before answering him. I knew what he said was right, but it annoyed me. I just can't, is what I wanted to say. I just ended up telling him to shut up.

"How many people have you killed?" It had been silent for awhile, long enough that I thought he wasn't going to say anything more. But the question caught me off guard. But it also made me think. In all honesty, I hated it. I hated my job. "If I had the choice, I wouldn't kill anyone." 

Another silence.

"Is it because of money? Is money so important?" I blew out a cloud of smoke. "Money was never important to me." It really wasn't. But it was definitely important to my mom and brother. He looked at me, a little shyly. It might be because of the fact that I'm sitting here witho a shirt on. Whatever. I just looked back at him, not really caring. "Have you ever thought of quitting?" I let out a sarcastic laugh and rolled my eyes.

"It's not that easy. If I don't kill them, they'll kill me. That's how the world works. Kill or be killed." Daesung's eyes were on the ground. "Do you really believe that?" He asked quietly. I pretended I didn't hear him; I just put the smoke out and walked towards my bed.


I could tell it was early in the morning. I don't know why, but I had woken up. I slowly turned my head, and saw Seunghyun was still asleep. I took this opportunity to just admire him. I to my side, as quietly as I could, so I would get a better view. He really was handsome. At the moment, his expression was soft and peaceful. Not in the usual mean set his face was usually in. I examined every detail about him I could see. I felt a light blush cover my cheeks, because his bare, glorious chest was also visible.

Then, he stirred. I quickly shut my eyes, not wanting to be caught. I kept them closed for a duration of 20 seconds, then very slowly, I opened them again. I had an odd feeling, so I closed my eyes again. As I stared at the back of my eyelids, I could hear him stir in his bed. When I opened my eyes again, he was facing me. I kept the smile off my face, and closed my eyes once more.

'One more time' I thought, slowly opening my eyes. Once I could see, we made eye-contact. My heart suddenly sped up, and Seunghyun's eyes awkwardly looked else where. Then he turned away. But not before I saw the small, guilty smile on his face. I looked at the back of his head for a second more, then closed my eys, wearing my own smug smile. 


I had the distinct feeling that someone was looking at me. It wasnt a feel weird feeling, or a "I'm-going-to-kill-you-in-your-sleep" feeling. It was something more. Like someone looking at the person they love most in the world. I gently moved my head, and slowly opened my eyes. Daesung was still sleeping, so it wasn't him. I didn't close my eyes right away, as I had planned. I just continued to look at him. Then I noticed that his eyes were about to open, so mine quickly closed.

I guess I was crazy, because the next time I opened them, he was still sleeping. Slowly, I to my side, so I was completely facing his bed. Then I closed my eyes. I could hear his even breathe, in and out, in and out. It was almost calming. Slowly, I reopened my eyes. And his were open too. Realizing I had just been caught staring at him, I averted my eyes, looking anywhere but at him. 

After a few seconds, I turned over. But it was odd. Because I was smiling.

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LoneShiba #1

oh, sorry dear, I just accidentally my capslock, well anyway I have a little business to teach that seunghyun guy about how to treat my daesung.

this chapter was great :D that roller coaster emotion you put in this chp *sigh~
Zimmy02 #2
Chapter 11: why seunghyun like that? O.O
what happen with him?
What the f___ did you just do to daesung?!
Zimmy02 #4
Chapter 10: this chapter is so beautiful and hot > <
and it's okay author, I still love this story ^^
IndigoGrey #5
Chapter 11: Seunghyun is so cruel! I wish he would just let himself be happy, but he chose to have them both be miserable.
palupianggra #6
Chapter 10: OMFG SO HOT >//////< jgasdfashgjkasshh ..
i love u authornim.. ur awesome story made my day ♡
LoneShiba #7
Chapter 10: I'm back just to say this : seunghyun have to reply to my boy's confession ASAP. don't you dare to deny your feeling and hurt him ;A;
LoneShiba #8
Chapter 10: >/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<

I'm at lost for words to be left on this comment box *o*

that was freaking great.

and freaking hot O_o

you did it great honey, totally awesome <3
Chapter 10: Triple updates and it kills me for sure
That was so freaking hot like ajshàjdhajshahs
Hope ToDae wouldn't get separated. Seunghyun loved you back, daesung.
I must be the most annoying person in your comment box kkkkk