Chapter One

Our Dark Love Story


Have you ever had this feeling? You see all these people happily together... Yet you are all alone walking. On the street; At home; Wherever you are. I always think... This world is far too lonely, and sad. My life is just a cloud without destination, just floating around.

I went through the pictures of all the people I was hired to kill, and stopped on the one of the person I was recently just assigned. Killing people becomes a very normal affair. To live... I have to do it. No one knows my face.... No one knows my name... Seunghyun.

I sat in my house, packing bullets into my gun, thinking of all the other times I've had to do this. That I had to load a gun, and kill someone who probably had a family... But, as I thought about the things these people have done... I know that they deserve death. 

As I thought about their families... I thought of my own. My brother, Chang Hee... And my mother, Yeun Ja... I cringed at the thought of her. But... Despite the memory, and my job, I went to vsit them. It was a warm night, and my families house reeked of poverty. I looked up at the small building, and closed my eyes, thinking of all the things that have happened. 

After a quick mental shake, I walked into the building, and went right to the roof, where I knew I would find my brother. He looked up from the pictures he was looking at when he heard me, and I smiled at him. He looked at me for a second more, then looked back down at the pictures in his hand. I was used to this, so I just went to sit next to him.

"How are you?" He didn't answer until I looked at him, wondering what his thoughts were. "How's your... sickness?" I asked this time. Just like my mother, he had cancer... I always hated that. Why did it have to infect them... The only two people in my life... Why them, and not me? If I died, it wouldn't matter.

"I'm ok...." Chang Hee finally spoke, still looking down at the pictures. "What about mom?" I thought of her, and looked towards the opening of the roof, and thought about going to see her, but then thought otherwise... "She's the same... Weak, and always tired... Sleeping in your room." He looked up at me when he said this, looking into my eyes. I looked at him, and I could tell we were thinking about the same thing. 

After awhile, he looked back down. "She's always been in there... Ever since you left." I thought about his words, and almost smiled. "Chang Hee, please don't tell mom I came today." He didn't answer, and I was a little tired of it. I looked at the pictures, and grabbed them from his hands, curious as to why he was so interested in them. 

"Do you remember, hyung? You said that one day you were going to take me here." The pictures were of America, and other parts of the world. I looked at him. "When I get enough money. After a few more jobs, we'll be able to go. We'll bring mom with us." Chang Hee looked at him, a small smile on his face, and a small glimmer of hope in his brown eyes.

"Hyung, you promise?"

I smiled at him, but didn't answer. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, and gave him a side hug, handing the pictures back to him. After that, I reached into my bag, and pulled out a metal chain bracelet that mom used to always wear. "Here, take this." I wrapped his fingers around it, then headed back down. Before I left to fulfill my job, I opened the door to my old bedroom. I stood in the doorway, looking at my mother wrapped up in my blankets, like a caterpillar in it's cocoon. But unlike a caterpillar, my mom won't turn out a butterfly... I shook the thought away, and walked out of the building, pulling my sunglasses over my tear filled eyes.



It was just another night in Seoul, my hand clasped to my girlfriends. She was a beautiful girl who I was going to spend my life with. We lived together, and were always together. Her name was Yoon Mi. We walked together, through the streets crowded with people, just talking and laughing together. I never noticed the tall man that was always there with us. All I could see was her. 

We went to see a traditional Korean music show. He was there, too. Everywhere we went that night, he was there. Why didn't I ever see him? 

The time I finally saw him was when he stopped right in front of me and Yoon Mi on a motorcycle. He almost hit her, and I almost ahd a heart attack. I looked at him, about to force him to apologize to her. But when I looked at him, I couldn't say anything. He had a strong glare, and I was shaken. I wouldn't let him see it, though. I glared back. After a few seconds, I looked at Yoon Mi. "Yah, lets keep walking." I said quietly, and started to walk again.

As we walked, I could feel eyes on my back, and then the sound of a motorcycle driving away.

As the night went on, I almost forgot about the man. Almost. Yoon Mi and I were walking through a plaza filled with people, smiling and laughing just as we always were together.  I heard the growl a motorcycle engine across the road from where we were, but I didn't think much of it. After about a minute of listening to the growling engine idle, the sound of a gun being shot screamed through the air. It went off a second time, and a bullet whizzed past me. Everyone started to yell and panic.

Yoon Mi and I were crouched on the ground together, and I was holding her, trying to stop her tears. "Yah! Come on, we have to get out of here!" I held her face, and we were just about to make our escape until someone stopped beside us. I looked up and it was the man who has been stalking us for the whole night.

The last thing I heard was Yoon Mi's scream as the of the mans gun came down onto my head, and I lost conciousness...

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LoneShiba #1

oh, sorry dear, I just accidentally my capslock, well anyway I have a little business to teach that seunghyun guy about how to treat my daesung.

this chapter was great :D that roller coaster emotion you put in this chp *sigh~
Zimmy02 #2
Chapter 11: why seunghyun like that? O.O
what happen with him?
What the f___ did you just do to daesung?!
Zimmy02 #4
Chapter 10: this chapter is so beautiful and hot > <
and it's okay author, I still love this story ^^
IndigoGrey #5
Chapter 11: Seunghyun is so cruel! I wish he would just let himself be happy, but he chose to have them both be miserable.
palupianggra #6
Chapter 10: OMFG SO HOT >//////< jgasdfashgjkasshh ..
i love u authornim.. ur awesome story made my day ♡
LoneShiba #7
Chapter 10: I'm back just to say this : seunghyun have to reply to my boy's confession ASAP. don't you dare to deny your feeling and hurt him ;A;
LoneShiba #8
Chapter 10: >/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<

I'm at lost for words to be left on this comment box *o*

that was freaking great.

and freaking hot O_o

you did it great honey, totally awesome <3
Chapter 10: Triple updates and it kills me for sure
That was so freaking hot like ajshàjdhajshahs
Hope ToDae wouldn't get separated. Seunghyun loved you back, daesung.
I must be the most annoying person in your comment box kkkkk