Chapter Eleven

Our Dark Love Story



Damn, was I sore. I felt tired and dazed, and at that moment, I didn't remember anything. All I had to worry about was who my next target was, and getting money for my family. Slowly, I opened my eyes, and looked towards the window. It was dark. I heard the soft breathing of someone next to me, and I tensed, which caused me pain. I turned my head, and saw Daesung asleep next to me.

Then it all came back to me.

The first emotion I felt, was anger. I got out of the bed, and pulled on my jeans that were sitting on the ground. My body shook with my rage, and I reached for the gun that sat on my bed stand. I made sure it wasn't loaded, and turned to look at the man laying in my bed. And I felt my heart stop. All the feelings I had felt that night before was still there, trying to stop me from what I was about to do. 

I quickly gave myself a mental shake, and kicked the bed as hard as I could, waking him up. He was half awake, and I was tempted to crawl back into bed with him. I fought the temptation, and held the gun up, pointing it to his head.

I could see my hand shaking, and I just hoped he didn't. "Yah... Seunghyun, what are you doing?" Daesung was looking at me with a confused expression, his hair a little messy, and his brown eyes still tired. Everything about him made my heart ache.


He can't do this to me.

"I want you to get out." I was sure to be blunt about it. I kept my voice steady, making sure I kept my expression hard and cruel. But on the inside, I wanted to drop the gun and just hold him, and apologize. I wanted him to stay. But I wasn't going to say that.

"What, Seu-" I cut him off. "Why don't you ever listen? For sakes, I'm sick of dealing with how damn stubborn you are! Just get out! I don't want you here!" I started to shout, my hand beginning to shake more as my voice raised. I could feel tears fill my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

I looked at him, and the more I said, the more sad he looked. Seeing him like that broke my heart. 

I turned away from him, trying to get ahold of my emotions. "Just leave." My body trembled, and the tears began to fall. It was just good he couldn't see them. I heard movement on the bed, and I was relieved, thinking he had left. Then I could feel the warmth of him behind me, and his hand gently touched my shoulder. Always gentle.

"Seunghyun..." I almost let him stay. Almost.


I heard him take a sharp intake of breathe and his hand withdrew from my shoulder. I suddenly felt more empty that usual. I heard him fumble behind me, pulling his clothing back on. Then I heard the faint sound of him crying while he ran out of the door, and out of my life.



Everything was a blur, leaving the place I had called home, leaving the person who I love. I couldn't think, my mind and emotions were just a jambled mess. I heard his voice in my head, whispering my name with such tenderness and affection, the way he had the night before. I didn't realize how hard I was crying until I was approached by people on the street, asking me if I was alright.

I ignored them, and just walked. I didn't want anyone to comfort me, and the only person who I did want, didn't want me. I stumbled through the streets, crying and very tempted to throw myself in front of a car. But my body didn't listen to me.

I had been walking for two hours now, and my tears had stopped and feet ached. I just felt empty. Before I realized where I was, I was already unlocking the door with the spare key, hidden from plain sight. I stepped into the room, and closed the door behind me. I turned the light on, and looked around myself.

Mine and Yoon Mi's house. 

The TV, the PVR, pictures of my family and her family decorating the cream coloured walls. And the large, white couch where we would cuddle and watch movies. At the moment, she was asleep there, but the sudden light had bothered her.

Her pretty, brown eyes opened, looking around in a sleepy daze. Then she caught sight of me, and focused completely. "Daesung! Omo, my Daesung!" She started crying hysterically, grabbing my shoulders and hugging me, asking if I was alright.

"I'm fine. I'm going to bed." I carelessly pried her off of me, and walked upstairs, my mind miles away, in a small house mending the wounds of a killer.


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LoneShiba #1

oh, sorry dear, I just accidentally my capslock, well anyway I have a little business to teach that seunghyun guy about how to treat my daesung.

this chapter was great :D that roller coaster emotion you put in this chp *sigh~
Zimmy02 #2
Chapter 11: why seunghyun like that? O.O
what happen with him?
What the f___ did you just do to daesung?!
Zimmy02 #4
Chapter 10: this chapter is so beautiful and hot > <
and it's okay author, I still love this story ^^
IndigoGrey #5
Chapter 11: Seunghyun is so cruel! I wish he would just let himself be happy, but he chose to have them both be miserable.
palupianggra #6
Chapter 10: OMFG SO HOT >//////< jgasdfashgjkasshh ..
i love u authornim.. ur awesome story made my day ♡
LoneShiba #7
Chapter 10: I'm back just to say this : seunghyun have to reply to my boy's confession ASAP. don't you dare to deny your feeling and hurt him ;A;
LoneShiba #8
Chapter 10: >/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<

I'm at lost for words to be left on this comment box *o*

that was freaking great.

and freaking hot O_o

you did it great honey, totally awesome <3
Chapter 10: Triple updates and it kills me for sure
That was so freaking hot like ajshàjdhajshahs
Hope ToDae wouldn't get separated. Seunghyun loved you back, daesung.
I must be the most annoying person in your comment box kkkkk