Chapter Four

Our Dark Love Story



Everything happened so fast, it took me a minute to figure out what was happening. My hit man, Seunghyun, grabbed me and tried to start running. It was my fault we tripped. "Hurry, get up!" I heard him growl into my ear, and I tried. Then I heard another gun shot, and Seunghyun muffled a sound of pain. I knew he was shot, and my eyes looked around frantically. I saw a gun sitting not that far from me. Before Seunghyun's boss could shoot again, I reached for it, to my side as fast as I could, and shot at him.

I was shooting aimlessly, and the bullets were going all around the room, but I saw a bullet embed itself into his shoulder. I could feel someone grab my arm, and it was Seunghyun. We both got up quickly, and started running.

"Kill both of them! I'll pay more!" I heard someone shout. This time, I grabbed Seunghyuns arm, and wrapped it around me. His other arm was soaked in blood, and I knew that was where he was shot. I had t hold him up as we ran, and it was difficult.

I didn't know my way around this building, so I just ran down the halls. 

 "Find the stairway, and take us down." 

I looked at Seunghyun as he spoke. I could tell by the expression on his face that he was in pain. That look motivated me to get us out of there faster. I don't know how long it took, but we finally found our way out. Seunghyun was telling me where he parked his motorcycle, and we started at a frantic run to find it.  

I could feel my adrenaline fading, and the reality of what happened finally hit me. I shot someone. I was holding someone who was hired to kill me. My run started to slow down, and Seunghyun yelled at me not to stop, and that we had to keep running. I looked at him, and nodded. Despite what happened, we needed to get out of here.

After we found his motorcycle, we were on the road.

When we were far away, and he was telling me to slow down and stop when we arrived somewhere, I assume, neither of us knew, I decided to ask him a question.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

"It doesn't matter, just stop here." He said, and I slowly came to a stop. After I stopped, and slowly got off, I looked at him. I examined his body, and then eyed his still bleeding shoulder.

"You're hurt, how are you going to drive?" I complained, and then took a step towards the motrorbike again.

"It's not your problem... You can go now." When I didn't move he yelled it again. "I said go!"

"You're hurt, you're just going to get yourself killed trying to drive with your arm like that!" I yelled back. Geeze, this guy was stubborn.

"Leave." That was the only thing he said. I looked at him a second longer, and then slowly turned away. After awhile of arguing with myself, I started to slowly walk away. When I heard him struggle to position himself onto the bike, I turned and almost walked back.

"Get lost, do you want to die?" He yelled, and pointed his gun at me with his good hand. 

I shook my head at him, and started to walk once more. 


I watched him walk away, and looked back down at my bike and myself. I almost regretted telling him to leave. Almost. 

 As I positioned myself on my bike, I lifted my foot off the ground and almost started it, but I couldn't. My arm was losing too much blood, and I could feel conciousness slipping from me. My bike fell over, and I hit the ground. The pain rushed through my body, and it took all my willpower not to yell.

As I writhed in pain on the cold ground, I could hear running footsteps. They got closer and closer until I felt hands grabbing me and pulling me up. 

"You're so stupid." I heard his voice say. I sat on the bike he was holding up, grasping my arm in pain. I opened my eyes and saw my old victim. He was taking his shirt off, and it made me feel a little awkward. I felt that way until I heard a rip. I looked at him, and then he tied a ripped piece of his shirt around my bleeding arm. After that, he pulled his jacket over his bare torso.

"Where do you want to go? I'll drive you there." This time, I didn't complain. My arm hurt too much, so I just nodded, and told him the address to where my mother and brother live. I knew I wouldn't be able to stay awake for the whole ride, so I whispered into his ear the whole ride.


As we drove, I suddnely felt Seunghyun's arms wrap around me. I guess leaning on me wasn't enough. By the time we arrived, he was asleep. I guess the pain was too much. I looked up at the building, then back down to him. I had a feeling this wasn't his home. I gently took the keys out of his hands, and entered the building.

I slowly unlocked the door, and looked around. As I took a few steps into the room, I noticed a boy sitting at the window. I could only assume this was his brother.

"Excuse me?" I said, and he slowly turned to look at me. He didn't seem to be surprised at a total stranger entering his home. 

I gulped, and looked at him.

"Seunghyun wanted me to tell you that he is going to stay away for awhile. I can't tell you why, but when he returns, he will tell you. He says to take care of your  mother, and yourself." He just looked at me, so I turned and almost walked out.

"Ah, wait, Seunghyun asked me to give this to you." I pulled out my wallet, and handed him money. He looked at it for a few seonds, and then slowly took it from me. "In case anyone asks about him, just tell them that Seunghyun hasn't returned in a long time."

As I was about to walk out again, I heard a womans voice. 

"Seunghyun, Seunghyun! Seunghyun, my son, you're back." I looked back at saw his mother walking towards me. Her medication probably made her a little delusional. I wasn't sure what to do when she hugged me and mumbled Seunghyuns name over and over. 

"Umma, that isn't Seunghyun." His brother said, and gently pried her arms away from me. She looked up at me, and slowly pulled her arms away from me.

As I walked out of the building, I could hear her cries.

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LoneShiba #1

oh, sorry dear, I just accidentally my capslock, well anyway I have a little business to teach that seunghyun guy about how to treat my daesung.

this chapter was great :D that roller coaster emotion you put in this chp *sigh~
Zimmy02 #2
Chapter 11: why seunghyun like that? O.O
what happen with him?
What the f___ did you just do to daesung?!
Zimmy02 #4
Chapter 10: this chapter is so beautiful and hot > <
and it's okay author, I still love this story ^^
IndigoGrey #5
Chapter 11: Seunghyun is so cruel! I wish he would just let himself be happy, but he chose to have them both be miserable.
palupianggra #6
Chapter 10: OMFG SO HOT >//////< jgasdfashgjkasshh ..
i love u authornim.. ur awesome story made my day ♡
LoneShiba #7
Chapter 10: I'm back just to say this : seunghyun have to reply to my boy's confession ASAP. don't you dare to deny your feeling and hurt him ;A;
LoneShiba #8
Chapter 10: >/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<

I'm at lost for words to be left on this comment box *o*

that was freaking great.

and freaking hot O_o

you did it great honey, totally awesome <3
Chapter 10: Triple updates and it kills me for sure
That was so freaking hot like ajshàjdhajshahs
Hope ToDae wouldn't get separated. Seunghyun loved you back, daesung.
I must be the most annoying person in your comment box kkkkk