Chapter Two

Our Dark Love Story


When I gained conciousness, I was on the back of a motorcycle, and it was driving at top speed. I wanted to scream but I thought better when I saw the gun that was tucked into the drivers belt. I didn't know where we were by the time the vehicle slowed down. I was shoved off the seat, and onto the ground.

"Stand up, I know you're awake." A deep voice growled at me, and when I opened my eyes there was a gun pointed at my head, and the person holding the gun was the man who was stalking us all night. I guess it shouldn't of surprised me... I slowly stood up and looked at him, unsure of what I was supposed to do next. 

He turned me around and started to push me. I noticed that we were at a motel, and this scared me more. But, I didn't say anything because at the moment, there was a gun pointed at my back. If I walked too slow for him, he'd say "Hurry up!" and shove me more. It was the worst thing you could imagine. I couldn't stop thinking to myself  'This is how I'm going to die... I'm not going to ever see her again.'

We finally arrived to a room, and I was pushed inside. He sat me down on the bed, and then sat on the couch that was across from me. He pulled off his jacket and lit a ciggarette. I looked down, and away from him. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, or what was going to happen. Just then, he threw something that landed at my feet.

I looked down, and saw a pair of metal handcuffs. I stared at them for a second, then looked up at him. "Lock up." He said, and blew smoke out of his mouth, glaring at me. I looked back down at them. I slowly leaned down to pick them up, then tried to run out the door. Before I could make it, I felt his hand grab a handful of my hair, and I was pulled back, onto the ground.

I opened my eyes up, and he was standing over me, the gun pointed at me once again. He kept pointing it, not saying anything. Very slowly, I got up and gently picked up the handcuffs, sitting back on the bed. He backed up and sat back down on the couch, setting the gun down as I stared at the cuffs that were in my hands. 

"Who hired you?" I asked, looking at him. I wanted to know who wanted me dead. He looked me in the eye as he blew smoke out of his mouth. "What can you do if you knew?" This was obviously a rhetorical question, to show that I had no power. "I... I just want to know." I said, looking down at the handcuffs I should be putting on.

"Lock yourself up." He completely ignored my question. So, being stubborn, I ignored his request, too. I later realized that was a terrible thing to do. "I said lock yourself up!" He shouted, stood up, and smacked me across the face. Then he reached for his gun. "Do you want to die?"

I stared at the gun, and then finally put the handcuffs on.


It was now 4:00 am... The guy I was ordered to kidnap was fast asleep on the bed, and I was having a restless nap on the couch. I could feel the gun clutched  in my hand as I twitched. The worst thing about bad memories was the nightmares it gave you. Despite the fact of being half awake, and half asleep, I still managed to have the usual nightmares. 

I was sitting in the living room with my mom as she thought about her visit to the doctors. I already knew the news because she told me when she came home. Now, she was sitting quietly, crying as silent as a feather in the wind. Then my stepfather came into the room. I hated this man too death.

"What are you crying for?!?" He yelled. "I'll give you something to cry about!" He grabbed my mother by the hair and started to slap her.

The scene changed quickly...

I saw my brother sitting at the desk in his room, working on schoolwork... When we had enough money to actually send him. Again, our stepfather showed up. He started to massage my brothers shoulders, and then tried to hold him. "What are you doing!" I heard my brother say. "Get out of my room." He demanded and our stepfather laughed. "I just missed you, that's all."

I could hear screaming and laughter... I slammed the door open, and found my brother bent over on his desk, and my dad behind him... It was a terrible thing to see, and I lost it. My vision was tinged red and I never wanted to hurt someone so badly. I grabbed him and pulled him off of my younger brother. I constantly punched him in the face, then smashed the back of his head on the edge of my brothers desk.

When his head made contact, I gasped loudly and awoke in a cold sweat. I tried to calm my breathing and I dropped the gun beside me. I could feel tears threatening to leave my eyes, but I held them back. I looked at my surroundings, and remembered where I was. I eyed the man on the bed, then looked at my watch.

It was 7:00 in the morning. 

I pulled my jacket back on, then my sunglasses. I pushed the guy off the bed and he woke with a start. He looked up at me with his big brown eyes, obviously scared. I left my face emotionless.

"Time to go."

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LoneShiba #1

oh, sorry dear, I just accidentally my capslock, well anyway I have a little business to teach that seunghyun guy about how to treat my daesung.

this chapter was great :D that roller coaster emotion you put in this chp *sigh~
Zimmy02 #2
Chapter 11: why seunghyun like that? O.O
what happen with him?
What the f___ did you just do to daesung?!
Zimmy02 #4
Chapter 10: this chapter is so beautiful and hot > <
and it's okay author, I still love this story ^^
IndigoGrey #5
Chapter 11: Seunghyun is so cruel! I wish he would just let himself be happy, but he chose to have them both be miserable.
palupianggra #6
Chapter 10: OMFG SO HOT >//////< jgasdfashgjkasshh ..
i love u authornim.. ur awesome story made my day ♡
LoneShiba #7
Chapter 10: I'm back just to say this : seunghyun have to reply to my boy's confession ASAP. don't you dare to deny your feeling and hurt him ;A;
LoneShiba #8
Chapter 10: >/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<

I'm at lost for words to be left on this comment box *o*

that was freaking great.

and freaking hot O_o

you did it great honey, totally awesome <3
Chapter 10: Triple updates and it kills me for sure
That was so freaking hot like ajshàjdhajshahs
Hope ToDae wouldn't get separated. Seunghyun loved you back, daesung.
I must be the most annoying person in your comment box kkkkk