Alternate Ending (Angsty)

Perfect Landing

(A/N: Prepare tissue papers, this one's a real sad chapter)

(Eunji's narration)

I awoke to the soft murmurs around me, I pried open my eyes. All I could see were outline of figures.

“She’s awake,” I could recognize that voice, Myungsoo, “Eunji? Can you see us?”

“Strange I only can see your figures. What happened to me?”

I see a figure step out, it looked like Hoya. “Doctor says you hit one of your nerves, it’s the nerve connected to your eye and its causing temporary blindness. You’ll recover soon.”

“Are the rest of Infinite fine? Where are they?”

I hear Sungjong’s bright and cheery voice, “We’re here and don’t worry about us. You should worry about your boyfriend more!”

“What boyfriend? Wait wheres Woohyun?”

“He took a bullet for you, he’s in the intensive care unit.”

Confusion surfaced in me, I gasped, “WHAT?! What happened?”

“After that Jung bastard threw you over, Hoya and Myungsoo struggled to stop him from escaping while Woohyun tried to pull you up. Then when you fainted, the crazy Jung managed to fling Hoya and Myungsoo off his back so he took his gun and shot… And shot Woohyun.” Dongwoo finished his explanation and gave a solemn expression.

Pushing myself off the bed, I gripped onto the frame. “I have to see him , NOW! Aren’t you guys helping me?”

There was no response.

"Hey guys? A little help?"

Myungsoo, having his arms folded at his chest, upon hearing me gripped his arms tightly. "Okay we lied."

"Myungsoo, please don't tell her!" Sungjong gasped, his hands cupping over his hand.

"What is it?" I shook Myungsoo's hands, "PLEASE TELL ME!"

"He, that idiot, he took a bullet for you and that crazy bastard shot right through... Through... "


Myungsoo snapped, with tears rolling down his cheeks, he hollered, "THROUGH HIS HEART. HE'S DEAD ALRIGHT?"

NO. OH MY GOSH. IT CAN'T BE. IT CAN'T? I'm dreaming, yes this is a dream.

Tears were trickling down my cheeks, I tried to fight it back. "He's not dead right Myungsoo? He's not. I know he's not. You're lying right?"

Myungsoo sighed, he cuddled me in his arms, his tear wetting my clothes. "He's gone, he's really gone."

I buried my face into his chest and cried, overflowing tears rushing down my face.


And that came to pass.


"Eunji are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes I am, Myungsoo. And Hoya stop bawling already." I place my hand on Hoya's shoulder, reassuring him once again.

"Do send letters okay? We'll come and visit regularly."

"Sure," I smiled weakly, "anytime."



Woohyun takes a bullet for Eunji and it pierces through his heart. 
Due to the trauma, Eunji decides to migrate for good. She decides that she would not want to come back to Korea anymore lest she be reminded of Woohyun and his death.



here's a angsty ending. did you guys cry too? I was bawling here, I had to kill a character. /cries/ /sniffles/ /cries more/

okay anyway next up!! is OC's happier ending. (but with no one)


will update it soon maybe tmr? :)


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AyumiYakumo #1
Chapter 23: great story ~ !
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Mitsuki_96 #3
Chapter 23: I just started to read your story and I must say that I really love it! :D I like the real ending with Woohyun but also the endings with Hoya and Myungsoo. ^^

Of course I'm going to read your new Story as well~ :)
ITS FINALLY FINISHED YAY! Hope you guys enjoyed it XD
TheBigBadWolf #5
Chapter 21: i like the first ending where she ended up with woohyun (though L is my one and only true love) *bats eyelashes dramatically* keep up with the good endings (y)
As requested I'll be doing alternate endings. I'll do Hoya's followed by Myungsoo. And I'll do an angsty one yup!! So look forward to it!! XD
Hi everybody, I'm shamelessly promoting my other fanfic here. (oops)
Its a BAP with Infinite fanfic. Please do take a look and subscribe if you like it. First chappie's coming out on 1st Dec
GUISE the story may be finish but I'll be more than willing to do alternate endings here. So just request it and I'll write another one :)
Hello. Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)