Help Me Someone

Perfect Landing


(Eunji’s POV)

I felt myself being shaken, I woke up to the sound of a booming and demanding voice. A blurry image soon formed in front of me. I struggled to regain my vision. Slowly, my eyesight became clearer, I could see it. My dad, or was it?

“Dear daughter, well almost. Eunji, seems like you know too much about us, time to get rid of you now.”

I gasped, my foster father. How could he?

“Hoya! Woohyun! Myungsoo! Where are you guys? HELP!” I cried desperately but to no avail. A stinging slap was delivered across my left cheek, “They’re dead so just shut up and wait for your death.”

No. No, it… It can’t be…

“Hey let her go!”

That voice, I recognize it! Thank god, they’re safe. Woohyun, Hoya, Myungsoo.

“HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU!” Mr Jung shocked for a moment.

“Well blame it on our good luck,” Woohyun rebutted.

Hoya held up a hand held gun and pointed it at Mr Jung, “Looks like you time is up, we’ve called the police. They’ll be here any moment.”

Myungsoo added, “So you better not come up with any dirty tricks now.”

Mr Jung scoffed, he laughed madly, “You think it takes a gun to stop me? Well watch!” He scoops me up, I scream wildly as he tilts me towards the ledge. I looked down below me, I was about 30 stories high. I gasped in fright, my hands frantically pushing my body away from the ledge.

“Well, still think you’re cool. Just a lift a little more and she’ll go tumbling down.”

The trio, rooted to the ground, utterly shocked and at a loss of what to do.

Hoya tries to reason with him, he stutters, “Put her down! We’ll let you go so long as you put her down.”

“I hope you’re not lying to me…”

Hurry, Woohyun save me please. Hurry!

Slowly Mr Jung lowers me away from the ledge, my heart palpitating. My foot was now less than an inch away from the floor.


“You lied! YOU! You’ll never see your friend now!” With that he tosses me over the ledge. I let out an ear-piercing shriek. “HELP! WOOHYUN!”

“EUNJI! WE’RE COMING!” I could hear him. I could hear Woohyun.

I gripped onto the rough cement ledge with my might, gravity was pulling me down. My senses were failing, I could not rationalize, and everything was hay wired.

I screamed again, “HELP ME! HELP! WOOHYUN, HELP ME!”

A warm hand wraps my wrist and tugs me up, I scramble to climb up with my legs. As soon as I’m pulled over the ledge, I collapse onto the figure in front of me. My breaths came out rushed, my heart was beating wildly from the shock.

I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me, it squeezed me hard. “It’s alright, you’re fine. Nothing’s going to hurt you now. You’re safe.”

I knew it, he came. Nam Woohyun, what took you so long? I love you idiot.



we've reached almost the end of the story. and many thanks to those who voted in the poll. i've been thinking so the ending of the OC will be reflected in the next chapter. and i know some of you guys will get really sad since your bias wasn't the one who the OC ended up with so I'll be doing alternative endings. and i hope you guys would love it.

and some promotion here, i'm starting a BAP/Infinite fanfic, i really hope that you guys would support my new fanfic. and some sneak peeks: i have another boyfriend fanfic as well as a EXO fanfic thats still in planning. 

heres the link to the BAP/Infinite fanfic, I'll be officially releasing the first chapter on the 1st of Dec. ^_^ please support, read, subscriibe and hopefully upvote ><


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AyumiYakumo #1
Chapter 23: great story ~ !
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Mitsuki_96 #3
Chapter 23: I just started to read your story and I must say that I really love it! :D I like the real ending with Woohyun but also the endings with Hoya and Myungsoo. ^^

Of course I'm going to read your new Story as well~ :)
ITS FINALLY FINISHED YAY! Hope you guys enjoyed it XD
TheBigBadWolf #5
Chapter 21: i like the first ending where she ended up with woohyun (though L is my one and only true love) *bats eyelashes dramatically* keep up with the good endings (y)
As requested I'll be doing alternate endings. I'll do Hoya's followed by Myungsoo. And I'll do an angsty one yup!! So look forward to it!! XD
Hi everybody, I'm shamelessly promoting my other fanfic here. (oops)
Its a BAP with Infinite fanfic. Please do take a look and subscribe if you like it. First chappie's coming out on 1st Dec
GUISE the story may be finish but I'll be more than willing to do alternate endings here. So just request it and I'll write another one :)
Hello. Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)