
Perfect Landing

(Narration, Woohyun)

We kissed. Eunji... Woohyun, caught in his deep thoughts, walked aimlessly towards the bus stop. It was pouring. He was drenched, he had been walking since the afternoon, and it was already 11.54pm. 

Ah, I need to get back to the dorm, but I missed the bus...

Giving a sigh, he walks slowly on the route back to the dorm.


(Narration, Eunji)

Eunji sat on her bed, hugging her legs to her chest. She gently touched her lips. Upon touching it, she shuddered. Was that real?

She decided not to think about it, she promptly switches off her lights and turns in for the night.



(It is now a week after the kiss incident. In school...)

Trudging out of the school gates by herself as usual, Eunji had her earphones plugged in her ears. Then she looked up, Hoya, Myungsoo and Woohyun were in front of her.

"Come with us," Eunji took step back in confusion, "NOW." Woohyun fits his hand into hers, Eunji shakes it off and walks over to Myungsoo and Hoya.


"So did you remember anything?" Hoya asked.

"Erm... Nope." Eunji blatantly lied. She had already remembered about 1/4 of her memories, but she was still afraid to admit it.

"Its okay," Myungsoo gives her a pat and a quick squeeze, "you'll remember soon."

"Thanks L."

Underneath his face, Woohyun scoffed, his fists clenched.

She's mine. He thought. Not anyone's but mine.



WOOOOO~ Chappie 12 is out too x3. Woohyun is so so so possesive here xD ahahaha please look forward to the next chap kay :)

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AyumiYakumo #1
Chapter 23: great story ~ !
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Mitsuki_96 #3
Chapter 23: I just started to read your story and I must say that I really love it! :D I like the real ending with Woohyun but also the endings with Hoya and Myungsoo. ^^

Of course I'm going to read your new Story as well~ :)
ITS FINALLY FINISHED YAY! Hope you guys enjoyed it XD
TheBigBadWolf #5
Chapter 21: i like the first ending where she ended up with woohyun (though L is my one and only true love) *bats eyelashes dramatically* keep up with the good endings (y)
As requested I'll be doing alternate endings. I'll do Hoya's followed by Myungsoo. And I'll do an angsty one yup!! So look forward to it!! XD
Hi everybody, I'm shamelessly promoting my other fanfic here. (oops)
Its a BAP with Infinite fanfic. Please do take a look and subscribe if you like it. First chappie's coming out on 1st Dec
GUISE the story may be finish but I'll be more than willing to do alternate endings here. So just request it and I'll write another one :)
Hello. Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)