Meeting SHINee

A boy or a girl, Love or Hate?

Eunha's POV

After the formal first meeting, I was supposed to go to SHINee's dorm.

I didnt smile throughout the meeting and I think I freaked out some of the members. There was this guy with random streaks of colour in his hair. He kept staring at me. Whats his problem? And this cute guy with messy hair. He looked young so maybe Taemin?

He stared at me and mouthed the words "Scary hyung" to a guy with big chocolate orbs sitting next to him. Minho? Ahhh... A 2min moment.

I ignored their starres and looked out of the window. I wanted to make friends and leave a good impression but... Sigh... I just didnt feel like it.

Maybe I was going too hard on them. But hey! I dont care!

Manager drove us to SHINee's dorm. The car ride was silent.


"So......I'm Onew " Onew said smiling, reaching his hand out to shake my hand.

I glady took it and smiled a small warm smile.

"You're the leader right? My name is Eunhyung. Nice to meet you I guess. "

"Yeah, we heard."

"Why are you getting your own room?" The guy with random streaks in his hair said. He sounded pissed off?

"Why? Hmmm...." I sounded pretty much like a girl.

"Why don't we just introduce ourselves first? Since we are going to be seeing each other for a long long time." I glanced at Onew and flashed a quick tiny grateful smile. Man... Smiling sure is hard.. but thanks for saving me.

"Anneyong! I'm Leader Onew "

"Annyeohasaeyo! Maknae Taemin here!"

"Hello, I'm the Flaming Charisma, Minho."

"Yo. Bling bling Jonghyun or you can call me Jjong."


I thought there was one more?

I looked at the guy that stayed silent. Surprise, it was the guy with random streaks in his hair.

Minho nudged him and he snapped, " What! I dont even like him....." he started to mumble at the end.

"Fine. " I said, slight annoyed. Why did he dislike me so much?

I smiled (again...) at the rest of SHINee and bowed a perfect 90 degrees.

"Anneyonghaesyo! My name is Eunhyung and lets work well together."

"Tch" I heard Key mumble.

Aigoo, this guy! Feel like karate-chopping him!!

-Skip to dorm-

Manager opened the door, he turned around and said, "By the way, the passcode is 0523. The date of debut"


The door clicked open and I was shocked. 5 boys living together, I had expected a dirty and messy dorm. But instead I was greeted by a clean floor, shoes neatly stacked, a pile of clean and ironed clothes folded nicely.

"Wow, your dorm is very clean. " I said, amazed.

"Yeah, cos Key hyung forces us to do chores." Taemin said.

Eh? That cold guy keeps the dorm clean? Haha must be the Umma of the house then.

The boys sat down on the sofa while Manager led me to my room.


Onew's POV

Eunhyung seems nice. All of us like him. All except Key.

Key, for some strange reason, unknown to all of us, dislikes him.

"Why?" I asked when Eunhyung and Manager went to his room.

"Cos I dont like his face."

"What the hell, Key." Jonghyun said.

The members went into a flurry of discussing about the first impression of Eunhyung.

"I think hyung is cool." Minho shrugged.

"Yeah. He is fine. We're all fine with him except Key." Jonghyun said, glaring at Key.

Key ignored his glares.

"Hyung is pretty, like a girl. " Taemin suddenly blurt out.

Yea, now you think of it. He does have pretty eyes and is kinda skinny.

"I think I better check on him." I said while standing up to leave the rest.

I opened the door of Eunhyung's new room. And I saw Eunhyung standing over his bag, unpacking.

I wanted to walk up to him, to ask if he is okay. But than I saw......


He slowly took out a grey bra and a set of black from his bag.


"Umm......" I couldnt find the words to say. My mind was very confused.

Eunhyung turned around and saw me.

I put my hands to my face. It was burning hot. Was I blushing?

I turned around to walk away but I tripped and banged my hed on the door. 

Picking myself up, I mumbled a 'sorry' and shut the door.

Running past the other members in the living room, I ran to my room and locked the door behind me.

I leaned against the door, blushing like crazy.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Onew, now you are back to normal.

What did I just see?

Agrh! I need chicken!


Hey (:

Long time no update ):

Cos I failed my maths test, grades are dropping. Haiz.

But lets all work hard together! [:

My present to all of you for May Day



Hey! I edited btw! I forgot to say when i edited a few days ago! ^^


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Unnie I love ur story very much <3 ^^ I have waited for it soooooo long .. Please update I think u very busy so I'm not forcing u at all ! It's just that story like this won't be wasted so I will be waiting unnie I hope u will update soon !:) Kamshamsaminda !!! Can't wait omg !!
kimiyun #2
hahahahahhaa...i can't stop myself from laughing XD.<br />
this is awesome !!! can't wait for ur next update. :)<br />
minty_bear #3
SventhhYee- Thankyou^^ Its readers like you that motivate me to continue updating!<br />
Jojochicky- Unnie. CHILL. Its alright :D<br />
miss_whatever- Kamsahaminda~<br />
Shizine19- I did! haha :D Thankyou for reading~<br />
not_so_innocent- Kamsahamida! :D<br />
hunny91- Kamsahamida! :D
Omg!! Ur back!! I cant believe it.. im the co-author and i din update!! The even number chap!! Omg TT *facepalms*
miss_whatever #6
The plot is awesome
MORE!!<br />
UPDATE<br />
nice story~~~ =)<br />
<3 yoogeun <3
nice one!! update soon!! ^^
@kimiyun : Yep! He found out!! Thanks and Updated!! :D <br />
<br />
@Shizine19 : Thanks a lot~ Hope you enjoy our story~~! :))<br />