My secret... is safe.

A boy or a girl, Love or Hate?

Eunha's POV

Where is he...?

Why isn't he back yet?

I was pacing around my room, waiting for Onew to return.

He saw me unpacking? But what did he see? Does he really know.... my true identity?

Argh... Too many questions.


Click. Must be Onew! I dashed to open the door and saw Onew hungrily devouring on a chicken drumstick while holding a large large bucket of chicken.

He glanced at me for a second and blushed. He silently walked round me to his room.

I chased after him. Must make things clear!

I went into his room after him and locked the door behind me.

'Er.....hey?" I tried to start a normal convo.


Awkward silence.

Onew was sitting on his bed, back facing me. I guess he was embarrassed.

"So I guess you saw?"


"Lets make a deal." I blurted, not thinking about what i just said.

"Eh?" Onew jerked up and turned around to study my face. He looked like he was deciding to say yes or no,

His face crumpled up before saying, "What kind of deal?"

"Keep my gender a secret."

"What can I gain from it?" He asked and started singing.

What?! Hey! I'm being serious here?

"My magic magic magic my magic magic magic" OHH. He was singing Magic by Secret.

I chuckled at his pun and he laughed a little too. Now it wasn't so awkward anymore. :)

"I see you like chicken, " signalling the chicken bucket in his hands, "So how about I treat you chicken every month?"

"Every week. " Onew tried.

"......Okay. Every week. Final. So, thats the deal?" I agreed and held my hand out to shake Onew's.

He shook my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"Just curious, what your real name? It cant be Eunhyung right?" Onew asked.

I frowned at his question. Should I......?

"Its okay if you dont feel like telling me." He added quickly, seeing my frown.

"No, its fine. My name is Eunha." I flashed a bright smile.

He smiled back, "Hello Eunha dongsaeng"

We stood there, smiling at each other. And after a while, it turned awkward again.

"Er....." we both chorused.

I blushed.

"You go first." I gestured for him to talk.

"Neh. I was thinking. Its a little ......stuffy in here, dont you think so?"

"Yeah, was just about to say that."

"So......lets go out?" He suggested, showing a weak smile.

I smiled back and opened the door.

We went out to the living room and suddenly, all the other members appeared.

"Chicken!" Taemin shouting and soon everything was a blur as everyone tried to steal Onew's chicken.

I laughed at the sight of Onew hugging his bucket tightly, pouting while Taemin, Jonghyun, Key and Minho fought for the few remaining pieces.

Do I really have to live with these shining idiots?




Long time no update. Sorry!


Woohoo~ edited!~


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Unnie I love ur story very much <3 ^^ I have waited for it soooooo long .. Please update I think u very busy so I'm not forcing u at all ! It's just that story like this won't be wasted so I will be waiting unnie I hope u will update soon !:) Kamshamsaminda !!! Can't wait omg !!
kimiyun #2
hahahahahhaa...i can't stop myself from laughing XD.<br />
this is awesome !!! can't wait for ur next update. :)<br />
minty_bear #3
SventhhYee- Thankyou^^ Its readers like you that motivate me to continue updating!<br />
Jojochicky- Unnie. CHILL. Its alright :D<br />
miss_whatever- Kamsahaminda~<br />
Shizine19- I did! haha :D Thankyou for reading~<br />
not_so_innocent- Kamsahamida! :D<br />
hunny91- Kamsahamida! :D
Omg!! Ur back!! I cant believe it.. im the co-author and i din update!! The even number chap!! Omg TT *facepalms*
miss_whatever #6
The plot is awesome
MORE!!<br />
UPDATE<br />
nice story~~~ =)<br />
<3 yoogeun <3
nice one!! update soon!! ^^
@kimiyun : Yep! He found out!! Thanks and Updated!! :D <br />
<br />
@Shizine19 : Thanks a lot~ Hope you enjoy our story~~! :))<br />