Confidence Breaming?

A boy or a girl, Love or Hate?



Eunha’s POV

Cool air rushed towards me as I stepped into SM Entertainment. Yes, it was time. Finally! My dream is going to come true!! Even though I had started my practice just a week ago, I had already perfected the Lucifer and Soom I was supposed to perform! I had promised myself when my parents died to stand on a stage and perform for a crowd, to bring others happiness.

I waited and waited. Number 183 flashed on the screen. I walked up to the judges confidently.  “Anyeohasaeyo!! Eunha imnida!” I firmly but politely introduced myself.  “You may begin.” the judges solemnly replied. Gosh! Can’t they be more energetic? When

my parents died, I didnt even cry.! But, it is understandable though, I agreed as I shuddered at the thought of the few croaking contestants before me.

Flashing a polite smile, I started with Lucifer, hitting the high note before going on to Soom, also hitting the high note! I felt so proud of myself!! Umma, Appa, are you proud up there?

“Eunha… PASS!!” Psh, expected. Muahahaah I knew it!!! I was then led into a room where I was asked my personal details.



Muahahhaaaha Jojochicky Here!!!

Haha yea i noe u all prefer Min BUT! Bear with me ^^ Please?


It's the AWESHUME MIN'S turn to edit!!!



-Edited- Thumbs up!



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Unnie I love ur story very much <3 ^^ I have waited for it soooooo long .. Please update I think u very busy so I'm not forcing u at all ! It's just that story like this won't be wasted so I will be waiting unnie I hope u will update soon !:) Kamshamsaminda !!! Can't wait omg !!
kimiyun #2
hahahahahhaa...i can't stop myself from laughing XD.<br />
this is awesome !!! can't wait for ur next update. :)<br />
minty_bear #3
SventhhYee- Thankyou^^ Its readers like you that motivate me to continue updating!<br />
Jojochicky- Unnie. CHILL. Its alright :D<br />
miss_whatever- Kamsahaminda~<br />
Shizine19- I did! haha :D Thankyou for reading~<br />
not_so_innocent- Kamsahamida! :D<br />
hunny91- Kamsahamida! :D
Omg!! Ur back!! I cant believe it.. im the co-author and i din update!! The even number chap!! Omg TT *facepalms*
miss_whatever #6
The plot is awesome
MORE!!<br />
UPDATE<br />
nice story~~~ =)<br />
<3 yoogeun <3
nice one!! update soon!! ^^
@kimiyun : Yep! He found out!! Thanks and Updated!! :D <br />
<br />
@Shizine19 : Thanks a lot~ Hope you enjoy our story~~! :))<br />