LALA Cant think of a titleeeee

A boy or a girl, Love or Hate?


I know I'm practically dead in AFF and everyone hates me blah etc

But I read the comments and even though its only like what, 4? I'm very touched (:

So, chapter and hopefully, I'll update (:





________'s POV

Ugh. The light..... Hurts.....

I covered my face with my pillow but still could hear Key's voice.

'YAH! EUNHYUNG! WAKE UP!' And with that, Key pulled the blanket off me.


Mumbling under my breath, I trudged to the toilet with Mr Teddy in one hand and rubbing my eye with the other.

'Eh, Eunhae. Psst."

"Mm?" I turned around, hearing my name.

Wait, MY NAME.

I opened my eyes and gasped. Someone knew my real girl name!?

But it was just Onew playing a prank to try to wake me up.

Flicking his forehead, I went back to washing up.

'Good Morning!" I greeted. 

No reply. Okayyyy. I looked at my members. Key was busy preparing breakfast and didn't hear me. Jjong was still in bed, I guess. Minho is lying on the sofa, refusing to open his eyes. Onew was in the toilet. And Taemin...... was sprawled on the floor, clutching his blanket!

Lightly poking him with my feet, I tried to wake him up.

"Taemin! Taemin! Wake up!"


WHAT?! Did he just call me Noona? O_O

Shocked, I took a step back. Than Taemin continued sleep-talking.

"N-Noona neomu yeppooooooooo..... argh."

Phew. Relieve. My members should seriously stop scaring me like that in the morning!


After breakfast, we all went to the dance room to practise again.


Being the perfectionist he is, Minho kept pointing out the mistakes in the choreography.

"Your arm should be bent at 45 degrees! NOT 90."

"Aish!"  Fed up, Jonghyun threw his towel on the floor and huffed away.

And I'm like O.O what to do now?

The tension was pretty tense

Till Onew decided everyone was tired and we had a 10 min break.

I was sweating . A lot. So without thinking, I lifted up my shirt to clean the sweat off my forehead.

Taemin casually commented, "Whoa, Eunhyung! I see no trace of abs and your tummy is so milky white! Are you sure you work out?"

Surprised, I pulled down my shirt and scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Erm.... You see..... I....I...." I tried to explain my lack of abs since apparently was SUPER RARE IN MALE IDOLS.

Jonghyun and Minho, both seated at seperate ends of the dance studio looked up and agreed.

Key was suspisious and raised one eyebrow but did not say anything.

I shot a help-me look to Onew and he cleared his throat, announced that the break was over.

Everyone went back into their positions and I shot Onew a grateful look.

He winked back. (;

Hope no one will think about it anymore..... ><


Key's POV


I lifted one eyebrow at taemin's comment.

Eunhyung seemed very embarrassed.

Thats weird.

I mean, which male idol would not have at least, a little ripped muscles?

But what happened next was even weirder.

Eunhyung looked at Onew, as if, sending him a plea for help.

As if, on cue, Onew ended the break.

The two exchanged looks again and I even caught Onew winking.

Winking was common, to FEMALE FANS

Not to your MALE MEMBER.


Too many weird things are happening. Esp to Eunhyung.

Must had too many diet cokes......Urgh.



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Unnie I love ur story very much <3 ^^ I have waited for it soooooo long .. Please update I think u very busy so I'm not forcing u at all ! It's just that story like this won't be wasted so I will be waiting unnie I hope u will update soon !:) Kamshamsaminda !!! Can't wait omg !!
kimiyun #2
hahahahahhaa...i can't stop myself from laughing XD.<br />
this is awesome !!! can't wait for ur next update. :)<br />
minty_bear #3
SventhhYee- Thankyou^^ Its readers like you that motivate me to continue updating!<br />
Jojochicky- Unnie. CHILL. Its alright :D<br />
miss_whatever- Kamsahaminda~<br />
Shizine19- I did! haha :D Thankyou for reading~<br />
not_so_innocent- Kamsahamida! :D<br />
hunny91- Kamsahamida! :D
Omg!! Ur back!! I cant believe it.. im the co-author and i din update!! The even number chap!! Omg TT *facepalms*
miss_whatever #6
The plot is awesome
MORE!!<br />
UPDATE<br />
nice story~~~ =)<br />
<3 yoogeun <3
nice one!! update soon!! ^^
@kimiyun : Yep! He found out!! Thanks and Updated!! :D <br />
<br />
@Shizine19 : Thanks a lot~ Hope you enjoy our story~~! :))<br />