Chicken kiss!?

A boy or a girl, Love or Hate?

Eunha's POV

"And we will have so much chicken to eat! Can you imagine it? Many piles of chicken placed in front of us. Just us and chicken!" Onew babblered on.

Ugh. Wont he ever stop fantasizing about chicken?!

I looked at him and saw his face titled slightly upwards, facing the sky and mumbling something about 'only the chicken and me' 

I must admit, he did have a sharp jawline!


"AHHHHH! WE'RE HERE!" Onew suddenly screamed.

He then grabbed my hand and dragged me into Mexicana.

I felt my face heat up at the sudden skinship but didnt think much about it.

Onew dragged me past a few bewildered passers-by and into the restaurant.

He zoomed to the counter and started ordering his meal with a wide, cute smile.

"3 Family meals, 2 Couple meals and 10 chicken tenders, please give bigger pieces!" 

WOW. How did he say all that in one breath after running all the way here?


"How about you miss?" The cashier looked at me.

"Er... Its okay, I'll just share with him." I said, expecting Onew to share his chicken with me. I mean, one person cant finish all that right?

"NO NO NO NO! You are NOT going to eat MY chicken!" Onew started freaking out.


"Err.....Then give me.... " I looked at the menu and ordered the first thing I saw, " one Combo Meal please."

"Araso, kamsahamida~~ Please take a seat as we prepare your order. It will take about 25 mins to arrive." The cashier politely said.

We sat down, with Onew chanting "Chicken, chicken, Yummy yummy!"

Soon, I started feeling bored. So I decided to start a conversation.

We are going to be group members soon, so I need to know more about them. :)

See? I put in effort! Unlike some people who judge me by my 'cover'. *Hint Hint* ;) 

"So......lets have a questionaire, since we need to get to know each other better."

"Yeah, sure."

"Whats your goal in life, Onew hyung?"

"Stop with the 'hyung'! You are a girl! And... To try every country's chicken. :)"

Okayyy, that wasn't so hard. 


"...Next question. What is important to you?"



"What means the most to you?" I tried to get him to answer something non-chicken-related.

"I told you just now, chicken."


"How much does chicken mean to you?"

"This much!" Onew did what Yoogeun did in Hello Baby, stretching his arms out in a wide circle with sparkling eyes to show how much he loved chicken.

Cute. Wait, what? Nevermind. >.<

"What do you like?" I quickly added, "besides chicken"

"Your hair" He said and smiled a warm, eye-less smile at me.

I blushed.

"Cos it smells like chicken" he quickly added



I was interrupted by the waitress serving our chicken.

"Eat well and enjoy your Mexicana chicken~" she said cheerful.

Onew smiled brightly at the plates of chicken and started gorging down the chicken after saying "I'll eat well" like a rap.

I took one piece of chicken and slowly chewed it while looking at Onew eating his chicken, amazed.

"I was wondering.... how do eat chicken so that it tastes the nicest?"


I looked at Onew. He seemed like he didnt hear me.

He suddenly said "Too long to answer." in between bites of chicken.


Suddenly, he leaned in.

My eyes widened.

"What are you t-trying to d-d-d-d-do?" I stuttered.

He placed a piece of chicken in my mouth while still biting on the other end of the same piece of chicken, staring straight into my eyes.

Peporro kiss?!

"Eat more chicken." Onew mumbled while chewing on his end of the chicken.

I was too shocked to do anything.

Pouting, Onew took the piece of chicken out of my mouth.

He bit the piece of chicken with my saliva on it

Indirect kiss!?


"Dont eat that-" I tried to stop Onew from eating the chicken but he gulped it down and looked at me with shining eyes.

"What?" He asked innocently, not aware of what he had just done.

I mentally facepalm-ed myself.

Are you sure he is the leader?!


Taemin's POV

Where are hyunggggs?

Eunhyung hyung and Onew hyung are missing!

Its been all morning and no one has seen them. I asked Umma and Jonghyun hyung too.

I snapped my fingers when I thought of where Onew could be.

Why didnt I think of it earlier?

Eunhyung must be with Onew at Mexicana!

Random Reader : "They actually called back!!"


Frantically, I dragged Key Umma with me to Mexicana to confirm my not-so-suspicious suspicions.

"You know I love you lots, Taeminnie, but dont ever drag me out on such a hot day! And dressed like this! I was arranging my Prada and Coach wardrobe! Where are we going? Aish, chincha, The heat is killing me." Key complained as he fanned himself with his hands like the diva he, ehem, she is.

I knew it!

I spotted 2 familiar faces seated in Mexicanna.

"Psst! Umma!! Look at Hyungs!" I nudged Key.

Key stopped complaining and look at where I was pointing.

Than, my jaw dropped.

Onew hyung gave Eunhyung hyung a pepo-ken kiss?!

And he ate the chicken after that.

Isn't that a .....indirect kiss....?


My hyungs cant be gay!


When I was busy wailing, Key was stuck to the window, staring at hyungs.

He looked like he was in great shock.

Umma, I understand your feelings!

He looked at Eunhyung hyung like.....he was....

Hurt. Confused.

As if Eunhyung betrayed Key for Onew.

I facepalm-ed myself.

Taemin! Dont thinking weird stuff about your hyungs. 

You are supposed to be the innocent and cute maknae!

I looked back at Key.

And I knew that something was weird between him and Eunhyung......... Nah! Im thinking too much!!



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/).(\ ... \(^-^)/ Peekaboo! Edited~ I got the "/).(\ ... \(^-^)/ Peekaboo!" from another fanfic!

I forgot which one though... O.o If u r the creater, THANK YOU VERY MUCHIE!!



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Unnie I love ur story very much <3 ^^ I have waited for it soooooo long .. Please update I think u very busy so I'm not forcing u at all ! It's just that story like this won't be wasted so I will be waiting unnie I hope u will update soon !:) Kamshamsaminda !!! Can't wait omg !!
kimiyun #2
hahahahahhaa...i can't stop myself from laughing XD.<br />
this is awesome !!! can't wait for ur next update. :)<br />
minty_bear #3
SventhhYee- Thankyou^^ Its readers like you that motivate me to continue updating!<br />
Jojochicky- Unnie. CHILL. Its alright :D<br />
miss_whatever- Kamsahaminda~<br />
Shizine19- I did! haha :D Thankyou for reading~<br />
not_so_innocent- Kamsahamida! :D<br />
hunny91- Kamsahamida! :D
Omg!! Ur back!! I cant believe it.. im the co-author and i din update!! The even number chap!! Omg TT *facepalms*
miss_whatever #6
The plot is awesome
MORE!!<br />
UPDATE<br />
nice story~~~ =)<br />
<3 yoogeun <3
nice one!! update soon!! ^^
@kimiyun : Yep! He found out!! Thanks and Updated!! :D <br />
<br />
@Shizine19 : Thanks a lot~ Hope you enjoy our story~~! :))<br />