Light and Dark

The Addams

I always thought that Dark and Light could never meet until I met you.

I was the night and you are day.

People would never expect us to be together no matter how many time we are reborn.

I never thought that my first love would be someone in the light relam.


Tiffany's Pov

I see my daugther Sooyoung runinng around with her cousin Eunhyuk in the living room.They were fencing eachother.I see Sooyoung cut off Eunhyuk's "arm".Blood was going everywhere.

"I thought them how to fake cutting each other."Uncle Heechul said happily.I smiled at him.

"Oh that remind me of the time when you thought me and Kyuhyun how to do that."I said.Heechul smirked.

"Yeah.I also remember when you would always beat me and your dad at fencing and you got me in the eye.You grow up so fast."Uncle Heechul said.

"Yes I did and now it's my darling Sooyoung who will stab people in their eyes."I said.

"If we're lucky."Uncle Heechul said.I see my mother enter the room.She clapped her hand.

"The turkey dinner is almost finish."Taeyeon said.

"Yay!"The kids yelled.I see the kids staring at me and Siwon.

"Mommy can you tell me how you and daddy met?"Sooyoung asked.I stared at Siwon and he smiled at me.

"Go ahead tell the children how we met."Siwon said.I tried to smile back but it failed.I always did stink at smiling.

"Alright."I said.

"Well it all started...."I said.


I was in college.I was studying making horror movies so I could make the best horror ever.I hear some girls squealing over someone.I turned back and see the student council president from my old school,Siwon Choi.He began to walk toward the sit next to me since it was the only empty one.Just my luck having a creature of the light sitting next to me.As he sat down he looked at me and smiled.I tried to smile and him but it look like a killer smile.I thought he would be scared but he laughed a little.I turned around back to my seat.Weird guy.The teacher went on about how little blood makes the movie better.I was bored out of my mind since I already knew this from all the horror movie I seen.All sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned to see who it was and it was Siwon.

"Hey I feel like I met you before.Did we go to school together before?"Siwon asked.I looked at him weirdly.

"Yes.I'm Tiffany Park you know the creepy girl from the "Korean Addams"family."I said.He smiled brightly.

"Ah I know you then.You guys always sticked out."Siwon said teasing me.Like I didn't know that.But it doesn't bother me that people see me weirdly.

"You know this is the first time I got to see your face close up,your really pretty."Siwon said.I looked at him weirdly.This guy is really weird for finding me pretty when I don't even act like those girls from the light.

"Tiffany?"Siwon asked me.I glared at him.

"Be very afraid of me."I said.I thought that would scary him but he just smiled at me.

"That's a great act!You should be horror movie actor."Siwon said.I felt my eyes twiched.This guy is really weird.Class was finally over and it was time for me to go home.I could see girls going around Siwon.

"Bunch of damn fangirls."I said softly as I began to walk out until...

"Oh hey Tiffany want to go home together?!"Siwon asked.The girls looked shocked even I looked shocked.

"Uh I don't care."I said.He smiled and walked toward me.He grabbed my bag and smiled at me.I looked at him weirdly.

"I'll carry it for you."Siwon said.We began to walk outside and as I expected people were looking at us.I wouldn't blame them since I'm a gothic person and he's just so....Siwon.I could hear people talking as I walked by them with Siwon.I sighed.

"And here I thought I could have a normal life with just making people run in fear as I show them my pet spiders."I said.I hear Siwon laughing a little.

"You know I have a pet spider too."Siwon said.I looked at him happily.

"What kind?!"I asked him happily.He smiled at me.

"A black widow."Siwon said.I smiled brightly.

"Those are the best.They are very poisonious.I use to have one but he ran away."I said.

"The female ones are the best though."Siwon said.I chuckled.

"I know."I said.I stared at Siwon.I couldn't believe someone like him would have a love for spider like me.

"Hey Siwon why did you join horror movie directer?"I asked him.It's weird for someone non gothic to want to make horror movies.He smiled.

"Well I adore horror movies mostly evil dolls or puppets since those are the type movie that scar people more."Siwon said.I looked at him with big eyes.

"Same here!"I said.I couldn't believe that someone like him have the same intrested as me.We began to walk toward my house.I was about to enter the gate expecting him to leave but....

"Can I see your pet spiders?"Siwon asked me.I looked at him weirdly.I thought he was joking but he was serious.I gulped.

"Alright."I said.He smiled and walked toward me.I ranged the bell.

Dong Dong

"Coming."Uncle Heechul said as he open the door.He smiled at me.

"Welcome home Tiffany and Kyuhyun."Uncle Heechul said as he began to walk ahead.

"Uh Uncle Heechul I'm right here."Kyuhyun said as he carrys Yuri my little neice.

"Oh well all you kids look the same.What's your name?"Uncle Heechul asked Siwon.

"Im Siwon."Siwon said.

"Hey Mama did Taeyeon and Leeteuk have a kid name Siwon?!"Uncle Heechul yelled.Mama enter the living room.

"I don't think so."Mama said.I see my parents walk into the room.They looked at Siwon.

"Now now who do we have here?"Taeyeon said.

"This is the first I've seen Tiffany bring a boy here.You must be lucky."Leeteuk said.Siwon smiled at them.

"Thanks.I'm Siwon Choi."Siwon said as he bowed a little to them.

"Nice to meet you Siwon.I'm Kyuhyun Tiffany's little brother."Kyuhyun said as he shakes Siwon's hand.

"Nice to meet you too."Siwon said.I see my dad and Uncle Heechul get their gun ready.I guess they are pretending to be over protective parents today.I began to walk to the garden.Siwon tagged along.I pulled out my spiders.

"These are my spiders."I said happily.Siwon looked happy.

"They are beautiful!"Siwon said.I put them back and began to walk to the door.

"Well that's my spider you can go now."I said.Siwon looked sad.

"Can't I stay for awhile?"Siwon asked.I looked at him weirdly.

"Aren't you creepyed out of my house?"I asked him.He shaked his head.

"No way!Your house is awesome!"Siwon said.

"Alright."I said.My mother enters the room.

"Siwon will you join us for dinner?"Taeyeon asked.Siwon nodded his head.

"Great.We're having Fried Newts."Taeyeon said.I bet he'll leave after hearing that.

"That's something that I seen in a movie.I'll love to have some!"Siwon said smiling brightly.

"Lovely."Taeyeon said as she heads to the kitchen.I stared at Siwon weirdly.This guy is beyond weird.I see Siwon began to touch the fence sword.All sudden Thing comes out.He scared Siwon.Thing will most likely scary Siwon.

"Wow awesome!A real hand servant!This is something I stetched in my notebook for the horror movie I wanted to do."Siwon said.

"He's a match make in heaven for you Tiffany."Mama said.I looked at her weirdly.

"Mama he's light and I'm night,we don't go together."I said.

"Ah but dark is nothing without light."Mama said before Siwon came up to me.

"This place is amazing.Your lucky you can live here."Siwon said.

" can visit anytime if you want."I said shyly.He smiled at me.

"I'll love too."Siwon said.I see my dad enter the room with his gun.

"So Siwon what do you think of my daugther Tiffany?"My dad asked Siwon as he polished his gun.I face palm myself.Dad your too over protective.

"Well I think she's a lovely lady.Unlike most girls,I think she's very fun and pretty."Siwon said.I blushed as he said that.I felt my heart beat.Oh no I have a heart!

"Dark is nothing without light."

What Mama said was ringing in my head.I looked at Siwon.He is my light and I'm his dark.

"So Siwon...."Leeteuk said until he freaked out as I kissed Siwon.I see Uncle Heechul enter the room.

"I'll shoot him in the back!"Uncle Heechul yelled.

"Run Siwon!"I yelled.Siwon ran toward the kitchen.My mom stopped Uncle Heechul.

"What's going on?"Taeyeon asked.

"I kissed Siwon."I said while blushing.My mom smiled.

"Lovely now there is hope that Tiffany will give us grandchildren."Taeyeon said.Siwon smiled but I glared at her.

"Children are treadful."I said.

"That's what I said when you guys were born."Uncle Heechul said.

"Love you too Uncle Heechul."Kyuhyun said.

"Well it's dinner time."Taeyeon said.We all headed to the dinner table.I sat next to Siwon.I whisper to him.

"I'm sorry for everything.You forget the kiss."I said.He smiled.

"How can I forget a kiss from a wonderful girl?"Siwon asked me.I smiled at him.

After Dinner

I walked outside with Siwon to see him off.We stopped at the gate.

"I had fun."I said.Siwon smiled.He walked toward me and kissed me.

"As did I.See you tomorrow my "Angel of Darkness"Siwon said before he left.I smiled as he said that.For the first time I didn't mind someone calling me their angel.I walked into the house and hugged Seohyun my sister in law.

"What was that for Tiffany?"Seohyun asked.I smiled at her.

"I'm in love."I said.She smiled brightly.

"That's great sis!I can't wait to plan the wedding."Seohyun said.

"So do I."I said.

Tiffany's Pov

"And years later me and your father married."I said.Sooyoun smiled.

"What happen next?"Sooyoung asked.

"They had you.Most been a dissappointment."Eunhyuk said.Sooyoung hits Eunhyuk.

"Oww!You fat pig!"Eunhyuk yelled as he ran from Sooyoung.I chuckled as Siwon stand next to me.He smiled at me.I smiled back.He puts his hand on my shoulder.I stared at him happily and then at the kids.

"They are lovely aren't they."Siwon said.

"Yes they are."I said.I touched my belly.Siwon's eye went big.

"Tiffany.."Siwon said.I smirked.

"I'm going to have another Park child."I said.

"That's lovely!"Siwon said as he lifted me up and spin me around and kissed me.We smiled at eachother.This child will be the fruit of our love as the light and the dark.This time I will never let the door close for the Park Family.I will always be proud to be the child of the dark and married to the child of the light.Forever and ever...

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dongpany #1
Chapter 4: hahahaha omg i just watched the 'Addam's family values' maybe a week before i found this fanfic omfg omfg i love your story <3 <3
Chapter 6: I love your story to death it was so coollllll!!!
Chapter 9: Hahahaha. really interesting.... if it's them i don't think i would mind being part of the Korean Addams Family!! :)
Really nice I enjoyed reading it! Good job authornim!XD
Chapter 9: I like this fanfic... It so different.. Creative you...

But.maybe because its too much generation, you misplace a name. Tough hyuk isn't soo's cousin but nephew? And same with the other.but its ok.. Fighting :)
Sumaiya_Sultana #6
WAAH! U R ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! My eyes became teary while reading this...:')...It is just amazing how some authors are able to make me so happy ^_^
Chapter 9: Hey I remember now I watched one of the episodes of "The Addams Family" on tv once.
Chapter 9: This is DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the BEST fanfic ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Hahahaha I really really really love this fanfic!!