The First Addams Family

The Addams

We been together for years.

I am thankful for everything.We have the most beautiful family together.

You shower me with attention like no man before has.

We have a lot treadful times together as husband and wives.

Our marriage is perfect.I'm greatful that we found each other.

Taeyeon's Pov

"Here you go Taeyeon."Leeteuk said to me as he handed me a present.

"Darling you remember our 13th anniversary."I said as Leeteuk hugged me.

"How can I forget?13th is a lucky number."Leeteuk said.I see my great grand son Eunhyuk run toward us.

"Grandma and grandpa!"Eunhyuk yelled as he hugged me.I hugged him back.I see my granddaugther Yuri enter with her husband Yesung.

"He's been begging to come visit you guys on your 13th anniversary."Yuri said.

"Grandma,Grandpa!"Yelled my granddaugther Sooyoung.She ran and hugged me.I also see Tiffany and her husband Siwon enter too.

"My what a lovely site seeing all the Addams here to celebrate on our 13th anniversary."I said.Eunhyuk and Sooyoung sat on my lap.

"Grandma,Grandpa can you tell us how you guys met?"Eunhyuk and Sooyoung asked.

"Yeah mom and dad.You never told me and Tiffany how you both met."My son Kyuhyun said as he enter with his wife Seohyun.

"Well orignally me and your father were never ment to marry eachother."I said.

"Really?"Sooyoung said with big eyes.Leeteuk patted her head.

"Yes I was suspose to marry Aunty Minzy."I said.

"Aunty Minzy?!"Kyuhyun yelled.I nodded.

"It was a beautiful sunny day when we all met."I said.

"I knew we were in trouble."Leeteuk said.


"Leeteuk your almost 24 years old when are you going to get married?"Mama asked.

"Marriage?Why do I need a woman to make my life treadful?That's why I have you Mama."Leeteuk said.

Dong Dong

"Don't worry thing.I'll get the door."Mama said as she went to get the door.

"Who can that be?"Leeteuk asked.

"That could be the Kim.One of their daugther is going to marry you."Mama said as she went to the door.

"Oh no what do I do?Where do I run to?"Leeteuk said.

"Now Leeteuk where are you trying to run off too?"Mama asked Leeteuk.

"I'm not going to lie to you Mama but I was going to run to the center of the Earth."Leeteuk.

"Enough of your nonsense Leeteuk say hello to your future wife."Mama said.

"Hello I'm Minzy."Minzy said.

"I'm Leeteuk."Leeteuk said as he shaked her hand.Minzy's mom looked around the house.

"Who are you looking for?"Mama asked.

"I'm looking for my other daugther seems I losted her."She said.

"Ah there she is.That's my youngest daugther Taeyeon.I had to bring her along since we couldn't find her a kitty sitter."She said as Taeyeon bringing in her pet lion.

"Well Lion sitters are becoming hard to find these days."Mama said.Leeteuk stared at Taeyeon.He went near Taeyeon.

"I'm Leeteuk Park."Leeteuk said.

"I'm Taeyeon Kim and that's my pet Kitty."Taeyeon said.

"What's in there?"Leeteuk asked as he pointed at the box she was carrying.

"Oh this is my plant Cleopatra."Taeyeon said.

"And the doll?"Leeteuk asked.

"Oh this is my doll Marie Antoinette,I cut her head off."Taeyeon said

"That's my dauther Taeyeon!"Her mom said.

"Is there a place where my pet Kitty can play?"Taeyeon asked.

"We do have a garden,I'll show it."Leeteuk said.

"Now now she can find it herself Leeteuk.You should spend time with Minzy."Mama said.Leeteuk walked to the garden with Minzy.

"So Leeteuk do you love to dream?"Minzy asked.

"I do when I dream of the Grim Reapor come in my dream."Leeteuk said.Leeteuk couldn't keep his off Taeyeon.He walked inside the house.

"Would you like to join us in the garden?There is enough roses outside that you cut the petil off."Leeteuk said as he sees Taeyeon cutting off the petils of the roses.

"I would but I would rather bury my dolls."Taeyeon said.Leeteuk smirked at her.

"I would do that but it'll too over powering for me."Leeteuk said.Minzy enter the room also Mama and her mom.

"You know Minzy can also cook too."Her mom said.

"I'll cook you a meal you will never forget."Minzy said.

"I'll believe you."Leeteuk said.

After Lunch

"What a wonderful cook Minzy was."Mama said.

"Leeteuk you barely ate."Her mom said.

"Oh I don't believe in eating.It's over rated."Leeteuk said.He sat next to Taeyeon.

"You barely ate too."Leeteuk said to Taeyeon.

"I don't like meal unless I killed it or it's crunch."Taeyeon said.

"Like Chicken with feather or fried Newts."Leeteuk said.

"Oh yes those are treadful meals."Taeyeon said.Taeyeon began to cut off the roses petil.Leeteuk went near her.

"Has anyone ever told you you look quite lovely?"Leeteuk asked Taeyeon.

"No until now."Taeyeon said.

"How old are you Taeyeon?"Leeteuk asked.

"I'm 23."Taeyeon said.Minzy goes to Mama and her mom.

"Congrelate me.Leeteuk wants to marry me."Minzy said.

"Lovely then we will plan the wedding."Mama said.

"Taeyeon you will be my bride maid."Minzy said.

"Lovely.I'll let bats fly around in your wedding."Taeyeon said.

"I want Dove not Bats."Minzy said.

"Well that's not fun at all."Taeyeon said.Taeyeon went to Leeteuk.

"Congrates on your wedding.Your children will beautiful."Taeyeon said.

"That's what I'm worried about."Leeteuk said as began to play with his train.Taeyeon looks at the train.

"Why not make them crash?"Taeyeon said.Leeteuk smiled at her.

"Great idea!Thing make the other train hit the other train and make a explosion when they meet."Leeteuk said as Thing pops out.

"What's that?"Taeyeon asked.

"Oh that's my servant Thing.He's been serving our family for years.You don't think he's weird?"Leeteuk asked.Taeyeon shaked her head.

"We should accept our friends for the way they are."Taeyeon said.The trains finally meet and...

Boom Boom

"Treadful!"Tayeon said.Leeteuk looked at Taeyeon and smiled at her.

"You say treadful as a good thing too?Something strange is coming to me."Leeteuk said.

"What?"Taeyeon asked.

"When I'm around you I feel treadfulness."Leeteuk said as he began to kiss Taeyeon's arm.Taeyeon stopped him.

"No Leeteuk we have think about my sister Minzy who you are going to marry."Taeyeon said.

"Your right but I love you not her."Leeteuk said.

"I love you too but..."Taeyeon said.Leeteuk snapped his finger.

"I got I'll ask my brother Heechul.He has a lot of personal experience."Leeteuk said.

"He sounds like a lovely man."Taeyeon said.

"He is.He usually up on the roof or the basement."Leeteuk said.They began to walk to roof top.

"Heechul can you help me?I'm in love."Leeteuk said to Heechul.

"And that would matter to me because?"Heechul said as he's on fire.

"Because we're brothers."Leeteuk said.Taeyeon waves her hand to Heechul.

"If you want I can shot Leeteuk on the back."Heechul said.

"Oh no save that as our last resource."Taeyeon said.

"Alright."Heechul said as he put his gun away.

Taeyeon's Pov

"So did you kill grandpa?"Eunhyuk asked me.I chuckled.

"No dear."I said.

"If only she did.It would been every mans dream to die by a lovely woman's hand."Leeteuk said.

"Grandma tell us more."Sooyoung said.I smiled.

"Alright alright."I said.

"Well back to the story."Taeyeon said.


It was the day of the wedding of Leeteuk and Minzy.

"We're alone."Leeteuk said to Taeyeon.

"No we're together."Taeyeon said to Leeteuk as he began to sit next to Taeyeon.

"Can I call you Taengoo?"Leeteuk asked her.

"Alright."Taeyeon said.Leeteuk began to kiss Taeyeon's arm.

"No Leeteuk your going to marry Minzy."Taeyeon said.

"How can I marry Minzy if I love you."Leeteuk said.Heechul comes out of no where.

"All we gotta do is get Minzy another man."Heechul said.They looked at him and smile.

"Heechul is the one who brought my two cousin to marry."Leeteuk said.

"I brought them together and the gun."Heechul said.

"Well Heechul can you do it for me?"Leeteuk asked.Heechul shaked his head.

"Oh no I'm too old to die from a woman's hand."Heechul said.

"If you do it I'll buy you a new armor."Leeteuk said.

"Deal!"Heechul said.Heechul went and talk to Minzy.Heechul comes back.

"How did it go?"Taeyeon asked.

"I'm not her type.She's into doves I'm into vulture."Heechul said.

"Well maybe I should dissappear."Leeteuk said as he walked away.Taeyeon looked at Heechul.

"What does he mean dissappear?"Taeyeon asked.

"Maybe he plans to jump in the quick sand."Heechul said.Every began to look for Leeteuk.

"Heechul did you find Leeteuk?"Mama said.

"No I looked down the toture room and nothing."Heechul said.Taeyeon went up stair to the tower.

"Found you."Taeyeon said.Leeteuk looked shock.

"How did you know?"Leeteuk asked.Heechul began to come up with his gun.

"Come out and get marry Leeteuk."Heechul said.Leeteuk hide behind Taeyeon.

"I thought you were on our side."Taeyeon said.

"I was but Mama said she was going to take my vulture if I don't hide him."Heechul said.

"But I don't want to marry her."Leeteuk said.

"Why don't you tell her?"Heechul asked.

"Because I'm a coward."Leeteuk said.

"Oh."Heechul.Taeyeon thinks.

"Well why not roleplay.Heechul you'll be my sister Minzy and Leeteuk you'll be more brave and new Leeteuk."Taeyeon said.

"Alright."They said.Heechul began to act like a girl.

"Now go Leeteuk and don't be scared."Taeyeon said.

"Minzy I don't want to marry you."Leeteuk said.

"Geez thanks."Heechul said.

"No no."Taeyeon said.

"Uh thank you very much."Heechul said.

"Heechul you have to act more femine."Taeyeon said.

"Oh okay."Heechul said.Heechul act more femine.

"Minzy I don't want marry you."Leeteuk said.

"What?I'll shot him in the back!"Heechul yelled as he chased Leeteuk.

"I'm sorry I was kidding!"Leeteuk said.

"No Heechul!Okay this is going wrong how about I'll play Minzy and your my mom."Taeyeon said.

"Oh okay."Heechul said.

"Minzy I can't marry you."Leeteuk said.

"What?!I'll shot him in the back!"Heechul yelled as he chased Leeteuk down stair.

"I only want to marry Taeyeon."Leeteuk said.Heechul stops chasing him.

"Awww."Heechul said.

It was the time of the wedding

Leeteuk waits for Minzy come up to him.

"Does anyone object this wedding?"The priest asked.Leeteuk raised his hand.

"I do.I don't deserve you Minzy."Leeteuk said.

"This may come a shocking but I have to say I'm spoil weak and stupid."Leeteuk said.

"Thats true."Minzy said.

"I have bad quilty."Leeteuk said.

"Like what?"Minzy asked.

"I'm rich."Leeteuk said.

"That's a nice quilty."Heechul said.

"Thank you."Leeteuk said.

"But you still don't deserve me.Beside I found my knight and shiny armor."Minzy said.

"Sounds like me but She's not my type."Heechul said.Minzy went to Daemin.

"I get paid either way."The priest said.

"Don't worry there will be a wedding!"Leeteuk said.Leeteuk puts his hand out to Taeyeon.She gets up to him.

"Will you marry me Taeyeon?"Leeteuk asked.

"I thought you'll never asked."Taeyeon said.

"Do you want to marry this man?"The priest ask.

"You only know him for a day?"Heechul asked.Taeyeon smiled

"What better way to know him better."Taeyeon asked.

"What's your name?"The preist asked.

"Taeyeon Kim."Taeyeon said.Leeteuk smirked at her.

"The future Misses Park."Leeteuk said.

Taeyeon's Pov

"That's how me and your grandfather got married."I said.

"What a lovely story."Sooyoung said.I looked at Eunhyuk.

"Well love stories are awfully goofy."Eunhyuk said.I hear a lovely thunderstorm.

"Now now kids lets not waste time.There is a beatiful thunderstorm outside."I said.They jump off my lap and we all began to walk toward the garden.We watched the kids play happily.

"This is our lovely family."Leeteuk said next to me.I smiled at him.

"Yes quite treadful."I said.He began to kiss my arms.I grabbed his head.

"Now darling save that for tonight."I said.He smiled happily.

"Alright hopefully the storm will keep going at that time."Leeteuk said.I stared at my kids and their kids also my great grandchildren.This is the family known as the "Korean Addams" I won't trade them for any other family.The door will always be open for our family so people can visit us and see how treadful our family are.


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dongpany #1
Chapter 4: hahahaha omg i just watched the 'Addam's family values' maybe a week before i found this fanfic omfg omfg i love your story <3 <3
Chapter 6: I love your story to death it was so coollllll!!!
Chapter 9: Hahahaha. really interesting.... if it's them i don't think i would mind being part of the Korean Addams Family!! :)
Really nice I enjoyed reading it! Good job authornim!XD
Chapter 9: I like this fanfic... It so different.. Creative you...

But.maybe because its too much generation, you misplace a name. Tough hyuk isn't soo's cousin but nephew? And same with the other.but its ok.. Fighting :)
Sumaiya_Sultana #6
WAAH! U R ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! My eyes became teary while reading this...:')...It is just amazing how some authors are able to make me so happy ^_^
Chapter 9: Hey I remember now I watched one of the episodes of "The Addams Family" on tv once.
Chapter 9: This is DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the BEST fanfic ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Hahahaha I really really really love this fanfic!!