
Listen To The Voice Of My Heart


"Here," Myungsoo tossed clean t-shirt and sweat pant in my direction and I caught it.

"They might be a little bit big but just bear with it," he said.

"O-Oh," I said and he left the bedroom leaving me all alone. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. This is crazy, I thought to myself. How could I spend a night at a stranger's house? Maybe the snowing had stopped and I can walk home, it can't be too bad right? I burst the bathroom door open and peeked outside, all I could see was snow, lots and lots of snow. I sighed. I guess I am staying at a stranger's house. I went back into the bathroom again.


The hot water was soothing against my skin and the fresh smell of soap was awakening. I stayed at the bathroom more than I need to so I could avoid awkward moments. I waited until my fingers and toes are all wrinkly to leave the shower and dried my hair. I put on the clothes that Myungsoo gave me earlier  and they were baggy on me but I didn't mind. I stepped out of the bathroom and found Myungsoo sitting on sofa in his bedroom. He looked at me with a neutral expression.

"Done?" He asked and got up from the sofa and walked towards me. I kept a distance between us.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"You can sleep on the bed tonight," he said.

"Where are you going to sleep then?" I asked and he walked up to me.

"On the bed too," Myungsoo his lips and smirked. I took a step back.

"W-What?" I managed to say and he chuckled.

"I'm joking. On the sofa there," he pointed at the sofa he was sitting on earlier.

"O-Oh....." I sighed.

"Why? You........ disappointed?" His face was closer to mine and I avoided his gaze.

"No, why would I?" I said and he moved away from me.

"I-I'll take the sofa if you want me to," I offered.

"It's okay, it is better for the sick person to be on the bed since it's more comfortable, wouldn't you agree?" He touched my chin lightly.

"I need a moment," I said and ran back into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror, my face extremely red and the fever is not helping at all. I took a deep breath and exhaled. I walked out of the bathroom in a calm manner.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing," I answered a little bit too quickly. He walked closer to me but I step back immediately.

"Don't move," he said but I ignored him and continue to step back as he take a step forward.

"Stay," he ordered and placed his palms on my forehead.

"Stay here, I will be right back," he said and left the room. I think I am going crazy tonight, I thought to myself. Soon he came back with a glass of water and pills on his hand.

"Go sit on the bed," he said and I followed.

"Eat this," he set the glass of water down.

"What is it?" I asked cautiously.

"Addictive drug," he said in a sarcastic tone.

"It's fever medicine, eat it," he said.

"How can I trust you?" I blurted it out immediately and he chuckled.

"You are right. How can you trust me? After all, I am just someone you met, just your project partner, right?" he said in a quiet voice with hints of amusement.

"It won't kill you, don't worry," he said and left the room again. I stared at the pills, having no intention to eat it at all. Not just because it looks suspicious, but I was never a big fan of pills. I had a long history with pills and I never got over it. Basically the story was I had a fever when I was little and my mom fed me pills of the first time in my life. When she fed me, I choked on the pills and it took a while to get them out. After that I have never touched them again. I kept on staring at the pills and they stared at me back. I didn't dare to blink as I continued to have a staring contest with the pills.

"For God's sake, what are you doing?" Myungsoo came back and asked.

"Nothing," I said, continued to stare at the pills with hatred. I wished lasers would shoot out of my eyes so they can disappear.

"Why are you staring at the pills?" He asked.

"Nothing," I said through my gritted teeth.

"Don't tell me you have a dark history with the pills," he said.

"I have a dark history with the pills," I said immediately and he sighed and sat down next to me.

"Look at them as friends, friends," he emphasized on the last word.

"Why should I consider them as friends if they were never friendly to me in the first place?" I asked.

"Well this is a great time to forgive and forget!" Myungsoo said.

"No thanks," I said darkly and he let out a sigh. He took the pills and played with them on his palms.

"Alright, let's get to know the pills," he said and I looked at him.

"I never thought I would be doing this," he muttered under his breath.

"Okay, this on the left is pill #1 and on the right is pill #2, they are twin brothers," Myungsoo said.

"Why not twin sisters?" I asked.

"Fine, twin sisters," he said.

"So do you know what they do for a living?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Their job is to cure fevers," he said.

"This is a boring story," I marked.

"I never said it was a story, I just said let's get to know the pills," he replied.

"Look, I appreciate what you are trying to do here, but it's not gonna work. I hate pills with a passion," I said.

"Alright, I guess I can't force you to eat them then," he sighed and put the pills down.

"Go to sleep then, since you don't feel well," Myungsoo sighed.

"Okay, good night then," I said and closed my eyes.

"Night," I heard he said.


I couldn't sleep at all, since I was feeling hot and cold at the same time and my headache got worse as time goes on. Each second felt like a minute. I glanced at the clock that reads 10:30PM on there. Can time pass any slower? I thought to myself. I started to do anything that would get me to sleep like counting sheeps and thinking about boring stuff. I sighed and closed my eyes and started counting sheeps in my head.

"Sojeong!!" My eyes flew open when I heard my name. I groaned.

"Yah! I finally fell asleep and now you woke me up?" I yelled at Myungsoo.

"No, you are burning up. Just eat the medicine already!" He said.

"No! I will never eat it!" I said.

"Look, your fever is really high, if you don't eat the medicine it's gonna get worse and I'll have to send you to the hopsital," he said.

"Then send me to the hospital!" I yelled.

"In case you haven't noticed, the roads are closed and there's no way for me to get you to the hospital!" Myungsoo said.

"But     " I began. Myungsoo took the pills and popped them into his mouth, then he cupped my cheeks with his hands and he crushed his lips against mine, his tongue slipped inside my mouth, forcing it to open. I was too surprised to process my thoughts as he kissed me. Myungsoo slowly pulled away from me and I gulped for air. Then I realized I just swallowed the pills. Then his lips were back on mine again for a quick second.

"YOU!!!!!!!" I pushed him away from me.

"What???" He looked at me, surprised.

"Y-You kissed me a-and I ate the pill!!!!!" I yelled.

"So? It was for your own good!" He argued.

"You kissed me!!" I blurted out.

"So what? I can do it again if you want," He said and his lips touched mine again.

"Stop      It       " I managed to say and he let go of me.

"Are you crazy? You can't just go around and kiss anyone for no reason!" I said.

"I was trying to help you! You should be thanking me!" Myungsoo snapped

"What if I don't need your help?" I yelled.

"You were burning up there!! Something bad could've happened to you! You should be thankful instead of yelling at me!" He yelled and left the room. I sighed and went back to bed. I placed my palm on my forehead and feel the temperature slowly dropping and I was getting more drowsy by the minute, but I couldn't get the image of him kissing me out of my head.




I woke up the next morning, feeling much better than yesterday. I looked at the couch that Myungsoo was suppose to sleep in and found it empty. Slowly I sneaked downstair and found him watching TV. Then I looked at the clock and realized it was 10 AM.

"Don't we have to go to school?" I asked.

"No, school's cancelled. This snowstorm was rare and they felt it was necessary to close the school down, but I see no need though," he said and turned off the TV.

"So I am stuck in your house for today?" I asked.

"You are free to leave if you want, no one is holding you back," he said without looking at me in a cold voice.

"Fine," I said angryly and went upstairs and changed out of the t-shirt and sweatpants into my old clothes and grabbed all of my stuff. I stormed downstairs and opened the front door and slammed as hard as I could. The moment I stepped outside I regretted my decision, but I couldn't come back in, that would be embarrassing. So I bit my lower lip and tried to walk the the snow. I barely made out of the driveway of the house and my whole body were already frozen.

"Come back in," Myungsoo's face appeared from the door and I obeyed.

"You are really stubborn, aren't you?" He said when I came into the house again.

"None of your business," I glared at him and went upstairs. Well, that was embarrassing, I thought to myself and buried my face in my palms. What a great day to start off my morning.

"You done recovering from your mental breakdown?" I heard his voice said near my ear.

"What do you want?" I asked. He placed his palm on my forehead.

"Your fever is gone, guess I don't have to kiss you again," he smiled and I sighed in relieve.

"What? You should feel happy and honoured that I kissed you, I don't kiss just anyone," he said with pride.

"There we go, another snobbish and arrogant guy," I muttered under my breath.

"I am snobbish and arrogant?" Myungsoo asked.

"Well, you are here to say how I should be glad that you kissed me and not every girl are that lucky, have you thought about the fact that maybe not every girl wants to kiss you?" I asked.

"Maybe not at the beginning, but in the end I always get what I wanted," he said with a smirk.

"Which is?......" I said.

"Making my targets do whatever I want them to do, in the case, make them fall in love with me," he said.

"Pfft, your targets? What are you? A spy?" I chortled.

"How about an assassin?" Myungsoo suggested and I froze.

"Just playing around with you, why are you so stiff?" He said in an amused tone.

"Nothing," I said.

"Well, it's gonna take a while for them to clear the roads, so I guess you are stuck with me," he said.

"Great," I sighed.

"Let's keep working on our project so we can finish it quicker," I said.

"Woah, what's the rush?" He asked.

"If we finish it earlier, I don't have to keep coming over to your house," I said.

"You don't want to see me?" He asked.

"Not really, nope," I said and walked inside his room and took my books out.

"What did I do?" He chased after me and asked.

"You didn't do anything," I said.

"Then why don't you want to see me?" He asked.

"We are just project partners, you probably don't even want me here in the first place. I am only here because none of us wants to fail," I said.

"Have you thought about maybe I asked you to be my partner is because I want you here?" Myungsoo looked at me and my eyes met his and I was at a lost of words.

"Whatever, let's work on the project," he said afterwards and looked away from me and took out his papers and books.


"Here," I handed him the piece of paper with information that I scribbled down.

"You got all of it?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said and stretched.

"Want to take a break? Unless you prefer to keep working so you could get outta here soon as possible?" Myungsoo asked while organizing papers and I scowled at him.

"I didn't mean it like that," I said.

"You wanna eat now?" He asked.

"Sure, if you want," I said and followed him to the kitchen. He opened the cabinets and took out two packs of ramyun.

"You wouldn't mind eating those right? I really got nothing else besides ramyun," he turned to me and asked.

"I don't mind," I said and he nodded.

"I can cook them if you don't want to," I said.

"It's fine, I got it," he said and boiled a pot of water and put it on the stove. We waited in silence as the water started to boil. He opened the packages and toss the noodle in and the soup base. He got a pair of chopstick and fed himself some ramyun.

"Here, try it, see if it's well-cooked," he said and fed me some.

"It's good," I said.

"Then we can eat now," he said and set the pot on the dining table. I went through the cabinets to find some bowls and carried them to the table and he filled the bowls with ramyun and soup and started eating. I looked at Myungsoo while he was eating the ramyun deliciously. Can someone be that perfect even when eating ramyun? I thought to myself. I frowned at my earlier thought and gritted my teeth. What's wrong with you?? Do you have feelings for Kim Myungsoo now? You can never ever like anyone, especially this snobbish and arrogant guy!!!! Nam Sojeong, you can't never fall for any guys, men are all dogs. You can only trust your oppa. I told myself. Maybe Kim Myungsoo is good looking and has the perfect look that make all the girls swoon at his perfection, but he has flaws too, all humans have flaws. I stared at him with a hatred expression, trying to force myself not to think about how "perfect" he is and concentrate on his bad points. Myungsoo looked up and he was startled to see my expression.

"Why are you looking at me like you want to kill me?" He asked and stopped eating.

"N-Nothing........" I said through gritted teeth.

"And why aren't you eating? It's gonna get cold soon," he said.

"It's not your business whether I eat or not!" I blurted out.

"Your business is my business," he said and kept eating.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"Nothing," he said and resumed what he was doing. I blushed and started eating the ramyun.


"Do you want to continue?" Myungsoo asked after we were finished eating and

"Continue what?" I asked.

"Continue the project," he replied.

"No, let's relax for now," I said and sat on the sofa. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"What happened to you who wants to finish this thing as soon as possible so you don't have to come over anymore?" He asked.

"I figured that we should take a break, besides it's not due until next week," I said.

"What changed your mind?" He asked and sat on the sofa with me.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Just this morning you wanted to finish this quickly, now you are telling me not to worry about it? Something's up and you better tell me," he said curiously.

"Nothing," I said.

"Really? Nothing? Nothing at all?" He leaned towards me and looking at my eyes.

"Yah! I need my personal space okay?" I pushed him away from me, flustered.

"Are you just saying that because you are........ shy around me?" He asked.

"W-Why would you think that?" I questioned.

"Hmmmm....... I don't know, maybe it's because you always blush when I do this......." Myungsoo said with a smirk and he moved closer and closer towards me while I tried to move as far from him as possible. He continued to move inch by inch closer to me even if I couldn't move any further. I stared at his eyes, his beautiful, warm yet mysterious eyes.

".........and I was right," he drew away from me with a satisfied smile and leaned back in a relaxed manner.

"What?" I questioned.

"I was right," he smiled at me.

"You are not!" I said.

"Do you even think before lying?" He said with a smirk.

"Okay. Fine. You are right. I am blushing now. But guess what? It's because of anger instead of........." I trailed off, trying to find the right word to finish the sentence.

"............instead of being with someone that you like," Myungsoo finished.

"I can finish my sentence myself and so that means I don't need you to finish it for me!" I snapped.

"Fine then, what were you going to say before I finished it for you?" He asked.

"I don't want to say it now," I said.

"What?" He asked.

"You heard me," I said.

"I gave you the chance to finish your own sentence and now you don't want it? Who ask for stuff that they don't need?" He asked with amusement.

"Well I do, you got a problem?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I do!" He yelled.

"What is it then?!" I yelled back.

"I don't know if you like me or not, because I do!" Myungsoo said and I stared at him with my mouth half-opened in shock.




Happy New Year to you all~ ♥ *throws confetti* Lots of great things happening in 2013 since INFINITE-H is going to release their new song~~! omfg I can't wait asdjkfhsjdghks yadong omo my feels Another update from me on New Year's Day ^______^ Hope you guys enjoy reading it a lot~~ XD You guys probably gonna kill me because of this cliffhanger right? I hope not >______< kekekeke but you will find out what happens in the next chapter so please anticipate it a lot and I will do my best to update the next chapter as soon as possible~~ A big thank you to all of my subscribers for subscribing, commenting, and reading and please continue to give this fanfic more love~ ♥ ♥ ♥ wow I am throwing in so many hearts I feel like our greasy Namu kekeke Anyways, I hope all of you will have a great 2013 and I will also strive to be a better writer as another year passed and I will continue to work hard to improve so I could be just as good as the other famous fanfic writers here at asianfanfics and also present my subscribers with interesting stories ^_____^ ♥ Let's all continue to work hard in 2013! Fighting Fighting Fighting!!!! ♥


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sorry for not updating often, I had a lot of work to do and plus I just started another fanfic, but I will try to update as quickly as possible ^_____^


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Chapter 7: unnie~~~ i thought u said that you would keep me posted.. pouts
Hello~! Can u take a look at my fanfics too? Main roles are infinite members. Here: ^__^ thanks a lot. Have a nice day~!
what will happen?
Chapter 5: DUN DUN DUN~
Please update
Chapter 4: new reader here!
Woah! This is very, very interesting!
I'm starting to read ^~^
I hope you can update soon!
Fighting, author-nim!