A Dream

Listen To The Voice Of My Heart


"Sojeong," a voice called at my ear but I didn't bother to open my eyes, hoping that if I don't open my eyes that voice would stop bothering me.

"Sojeong!!" The voice kept on calling my name and I was getting annoyed that I want to stuff a pillow at the voice's face, assuming that the voice does have a face.

"Ow!" I yelled when Woohyun flicked me on the head.

"I know you are awake, Sojeong. Get up now, there's someone downstairs waiting for you," Woohyun said and I was ready to ignore him until I heard the last part.

"Who?" I got up and asked.

"Huh?" He said, confused.

"You said someone was waiting for me downstairs, who is it?" I asked, hoping that it is not the guy that I had in mind.

"Something Myung, I forgot," He shrugged and I jumped off my bed and looked for him at the staircase, Kim Myungsoo was in my livingroom, looked around casually.

"Wait," Woohyun grabbed my wrist.

"What?" I asked anxiously.

"What's your relationship with that guy?" He asked with a suspicious tone.

"He is my project partner," I said and threw my pajamas at him.

"You are going to stay at 30cm distance from him when you guys work beside each other, also don't give him any chance to have any physical contact with you," Woohyun said and I punched his arm.

"Oppa?! Really?? Physical contact? I don't even know him that well why would we do that?" I shrieked.

"I mean holding-hands-and-hugging kind of contact...... What were you thinking?" He looked at me with a surprised expression and my face flushed red immediately.

"Someone's today," Woohyun muttered under his breath and I threw a pillow at his direction and he dodged it.

"Have a great day," he called after me when I was on my way downstairs.

"Whatever," I gave him a glare.

"What did you say to your oppa? Huh?" He pulled me to him and tickled me.

"N-No, oppa, I am sorry, stop it!" I giggled and screamed.

"I love how you are extremely ticklish, this gives me an advantage," he smiled and I smiled too, it's impossible for me to stay mad at him.

"Bye oppa," I gave him a hug and went downstairs.


"Hey," I called and Myungsoo turned.

"Hi," Myungsoo flashed a smile at me and I couldn't help but blush a little since he was so perfect appearance-wise. I had to tell myself to snap out of it so I would stop staring at him like a hungry person staring at a big piece of well-cooked meat.

"Uhm....... So what brings you here? Oh, right, you need your scarf," I took it out of my bag and handed to him. Myungsoo took it from my hands and put it around my neck.

"You can have it," he said.

"But it's yours," I said.

"I like to see it on you," Myungsoo flashed a smile at me.

"O-Oh..... Thanks," I said, blushing even more.

"Shall we go to school now?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said and we left the house.

"What brings you to my house that early?" I asked.

"Is it early? It's not that early," He murmured.

"Did you need to tell me something? Or did you need something from me?" I asked.

"None of those," He said and we kept on walking.

"Then.......?" I said.

"I just wanted to see you," he said without looking at me.

"For what reason?" I asked.

"No reason, I just wanted to see you," Myungsoo said to me with a smile. Our eyes were fixed on each other for a while before he cleared his throat and looked away.

"So....... Let's meet again after school to work on the project, we still have a lot to finish," he said.

"Y-Yeah," I coughed.

"You sick?" He asked.

"I don't think so, just a little bit under the weather I guess," I said and kept on walking.




It was near noon when I went to my seat and sat down. My head started to ache and I couldn't stop coughing. Feeling a little bit drowsy, I rested my head on the table.

"Sojeong-ah, are you okay?" Sungyeol peeked over my shoulder and asked.

"I-I guess," I said and coughed.

"You should go home and rest if you don't feel well, Sojeong," Sungjong suggested.

"No...... My brother has to work today and I-I don't want to bother him," I said, Sungyeol looked at me and we exchanged glances.

"The weather is cold though, you want me to give you a ride?" He asked.

"I am fine, I have to go to Myungsoo's house to work on the research project after school....." I said.

"You should just cancel with him so you can go home and rest," he said.

"I will be fine, I am just a bit under the weather, no biggie," I said.


As the day reaches to an end, my headache got worse and I couldn't stop coughing and I feel horrible as I wait for Myungsoo. The cold wind and snow made me shiver and it was not helping my headache at all.

"Hey, sorry I am late," Myungsoo came running.

"It's okay......" I said.

"Let's go then," he said and I nodded. We reached his house and went inside and I sighed in relieve but my coughing wouldn't stop.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I-I am fine, just      " I began.

"A bit 'under the weather'? I doubt it," he rolled his eyes and said. He placed his palm on my forehead.

"Are you cold now?" Myungsoo asked.

"I was, not now," I said.

"Yeah, because you have a fever now," he said.

"Do you want to go home?" He said.

"I am really fine, plus my brother is at work and I don't want to b-bother him," I said.

"At work huh," he murmured to himself quietly.

"You can stay at my house until he gets back from work," Myungsoo said.

"He is not coming home until tomorrow, he is out of the city," I said.

"Then I'll walk you home when we are finished working on the project for today," he said.

"Sorry for bothering you," I said quietly.

"It's nothing," he shrugged and we went upstairs and we started working where we left off yesterday.


"Are you sure you are okay?" Myungsoo sighed.

"Yeah, it's just that my headache keeps getting worse, let's keep going," I said.

"You have been telling me that for the past 2 hours. Go take a nap if your head hurts a lot, you can't work efficiently if your head hurts," he said, suddenly he carried me to his bed and covered me with blankets.

"What are you doing?" I shrieked a little, surprised.

"You need to rest," he said.

"We need to work on the project," I said.

"Screw that project, I could finish that in a day, you need rest," he said.

"I told you I am fine!!!" I yelled.

"Honey, you are not very convincing," he said in a sarcastic tone.

"But     " I began.

"I'll wake you up an hour later," Myungsoo said.

"Oh..... Uhm....... T-Thanks," I murmured and he smiled. I saw no point of arguing with him because I felt pretty darn tired as well. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"Where are we going?" I asked. He didn't respond however we kept on walking into the deep forest.

"Can you please tell me where are we going?" I asked, again, no response.

"Stop for a second!!!" I yelled but he didn't stop.

"Myungsoo!" I screamed and he turned to face me.

"What?" He asked, his eyes cold.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"I needed to tell you something," he said.

"What is it? And why did you have to tell me here?" I asked, the forest and the fog had an eerie feeling to it that made me shudder in fear.

"Cold?" Myungsoo asked and took off his jacket and put it on me.

"You were saying?" I asked. He took a step closer to me.

"I........." He trailed off.

"Just tell me whatever you need to say," I said.

"I           " His lips moved but I couldn't hear his voice or what he was saying.

"What?" I yelled. Myungsoo's lips moved again but I couldn't hear anything. The fog around us grew more dense and soon I could barely see him.

"Myungsoo?" I called and no response.

"Myungsoo?! Kim Myungsoo!!!!!!" I yelled.


"What? What?! Sojeong!" A voice yelled.

"Myungsoo?" I murmured and opened my eyes. It was a dream, and he is here right in front of my face.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked.

"Uhm..... Nothing," I said, realized I was screaming his name in my sleep.

"W-Were you sleeptalking?" Myungsoo chuckled, amused.

"No!!!!" I screamed, my face flushed red.

"Really?....... You kept on calling my name though when I tried to wake you up, how are you going to explain that?" He asked. I buried my face in the piles of pillows.

"Okay okay, instead of moping around something you did, let's continue with the project," he said.

"I am not moping around!" I said.

"Whatever you say," Myungsoo smiled and patted my head.




"It's pretty late now, I should go home," I said when the clock hits 8PM.

"You can eat dinner here before you go home," he suggested.

"It's okay, I don't want to bother you," I said.

"Sure, if that's what you want," Myungsoo shrugged and opened the door. In front of us was a huge pile of snow that comes up to my thighs.

"There's a snow storm now and the roads are closed," he said, already on the couch watching the news while I stood there staring at the snow.

"How am I suppose to get home?" I asked.

"You don't," he said.

"Easy for you to say, where am I gonna stay tonight?" I sighed and leaned against the wall, worries began to emerge in my head.

"Uhm, my house?" He suggested.

"I don't want to be a bother       " I said.

"Honestly, let's be real here, you can't walk home or go anywhere in this weather, so this is pretty much your only choice," Myungsoo turned off the TV and got off the couch and walked towards me.

"So you are saying          " I began.

"What I am saying is, you are going to stay at my house tonight, just me and you," Myungsoo's face was close to mine and his eyes fixed on me with a smirk.



Merry Christmas!! I guess this update is my Christmas present to you guys~ Hope y'all will enjoy it ^_____^ ♥ A big thanks for my subscribers for subscribing, commenting and reading~!! I love all of you and hope you guys have a great Christmas with friends and family~! I'll see you guys soon when I come back with an update~

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sorry for not updating often, I had a lot of work to do and plus I just started another fanfic, but I will try to update as quickly as possible ^_____^


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Chapter 7: unnie~~~ i thought u said that you would keep me posted.. pouts
Hello~! Can u take a look at my fanfics too? Main roles are infinite members. Here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/352777 ^__^ thanks a lot. Have a nice day~!
what will happen?
Chapter 5: DUN DUN DUN~
Please update
Chapter 4: new reader here!
Woah! This is very, very interesting!
I'm starting to read ^~^
I hope you can update soon!
Fighting, author-nim!