
Listen To The Voice Of My Heart



"Okay class, settle down, settle down," Professor Kwon said at near the end of the class when students started to pack up.

"So I will be gone for 2 weeks due to personal reasons        " He began.

"Yes!" Sungyeol muttered under his breath.

"          So I will be leaving you guys to do a research project while I am gone, this will be a project that worth a lot, so I am giving you guys class time to work on it, do a good job on it. You will be able to pick a partner to do it together, you can work alone if you wish, but I suggest to pick a good partner so you guys can share the workload," He said.

"Sungjong, wanna be my partner?" Sungyeol asked the moment Professor Kwon stopped talking.

"I am probably going to do it alone, sorry," Sungjong said apologetically and Sungyeol pouted.

"Why would Sungjong want you as a partner? You never do anything besides sleep or make a mess of things," I said and Sungjong grinned a little bit.

"You don't think of me that way, right Sungjong?" Sungyeol turned to him.

"Well......." Sungjong said hesitantly.

"Told you," I said.

"Shut up," he sighed.

"So who are you going to partner up with?" Sungyeol asked me and the bell rang.

"No idea," I said.

"We should be partners," Sungyeol said.

"Uhm...... No thanks," I said.

"Oh come on, not you too Sojeong," Sungyeol said and I smiled.

"Maybe, I will think about it," I told him.

"Sojeong," a voice called my name and I turned around to see the owner of that voice.

"Do you want to be my partner?" Kim Myungsoo asked.

"Isn't it easier to do this by yourself if you are really good in this subject? Since you probably have the highest mark in our class. I probably wouldn't be much of a help to you," I said.

"It's okay, I can do the whole thing if you want me to, you can just come over and check over things," he said.

"No, that wouldn't be fair, you would be doing all the work and I won't be able to contribute. Plus, I already have a partner," I said and linked arms with Sungyeol.

"What? Really? You are going to be my partner?" Sungyeol asked happily.

"Sungyeol, are you still looking for a partner? I'll work with you if you want to," Sungjong walked up to Sungyeol and told him.

"Okay! Sorry, Sojeong. You can partner up with him!" Sungyeol said and left with Sungjong. I bit my lip and looked away from Kim Myungsoo.

"So? How about it?" He asked with a smile.

"S-Sure," I said. For some reason I don't feel comfortable working with Myungsoo, even though he seems like a really nice person. There's just something about him that makes me uneasily when I am around him, and it's definitely not his good looks.

"Do you want me to come over today or you come over? Both is fine with me," he said.

"I am fine with both too, you can choose," I said.

"My house then, if you don't mind. Here's my number, it will be easier to communicate with each other for the next two weeks," Myungsoo handed me a piece of paper and his number on it and left. The handwriting looks familiar to me...... Like I have seen it before.

"Sojeong! How come you don't want him as a partner? You can just leave all the work for him to do," Sungyeol sighed.

"Sojeong is not that type of person," Sungjong said.

"Yeah I am not, thank you Sungjong. I will feel bad if I let him do all the work," I said.

"You goody two-shoes," Sungyeol said.

"Sure, whatever you say," I sighed.

"He is really persistant though, you rejected him but he doesn't budge and insists to take you as a partner," he murmured.

"Maybe he likes you, Sojeong," Sungjong guessed.

"Like me? I don't even know him," I scoffed.

"Is that love at first sight then? Our Sojeongie is not going to die alone~" Sungyeol cooned.

"Yah! Lee Sungyeol! Why would I die alone? I would drag you down with me if I am going to die," I joked.

"I mean that there's no guys who likes you, so I thought you are going to stay single forever and die alone, but now that dude likes you, he could be your soulmate!!!" Sungyeol exclaimed and I nudged him in the ribs.

"That's never going to happen, and if you don't mind, I am going to my next class, see you guys later," I said and left.


The uneasy feeling about me working with Myungsoo still remains as the day goes by, I couldn't find a reason why I feel this way, maybe it is because I don't know him very well? Or there's something about him that I should know about?

I walked slowly with Myungsoo to his house. He didn't say a word to me and neither did I. I know I have seen his handwriting before, because it looked so different from other ones I have seen and somehow it seems familiar to me. But I couldn't recall where I have seen it before......

"Sojeong!" Myungsoo called. He yanked me to him when a car honked and hugged me. I looked around and realized we are at a crossroad now and I was going to get hit if I continued to walk without anyone stopping me. I was so lost in my train of thoughts I wasn't looking where I was going.

"Where are you going? You could have gotten hit by a car," he said and his arms are still around me. My cheeks were red and I tore myself away from him.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about other stuff that I wasn't looking," I said and tried to avoid his gaze.

"You are okay right?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah," I replied.

"Okay then," He said and we continued to walk in silence until we arrived at his house.

"Your parents are not home?" I asked when I looked around the empty house.

"T-They      " He said and shut the door.

"         They passed away," he said.

"Oh, I'm sorry......" I mumbled.

"Do you know why they died?" Myungsoo suddenly looked at me, his eyes are fierce and cold at the moment. He took a step closer at me.

"I-I don't know," I stuttered as I take a step back.

"Do you want to know why they died?" He asked and walked closer to me.

"I-I       " I stuttered.

"They were murdered," he said and stopped where he was.

"They were murdered by an assassin. I don't get it, and I still don't get it. Why would anyone want to murder my parents? They were great people. They never done anything to harm anyone else, they don't deserve to die," Myungsoo continued.

"Do you know how much I despise that person that killed my parents? That assassin, who took away my parents from me....... I hate that person a lot, more than you can ever imagine......" He said and his eyes were full of hatred. The two of us remained silent for a while.

"Ahem, sorry for bothering you with this, I am just really mad and upset about this," Myungsoo cleared his throated and apologized.

"N-No, it's okay......" I said.

"We should start work on our research project," he said quietly and I nodded hesitantly. I knew how he felt. I hated the person who killed my parents, I wanted him to die, even though he was killed by Woohyun when he tried to kill me, that didn't make me feel any better about my parents' death. They were still gone and there was nothing I could do to bring them back.

We walked into his bedroom and most of the furnitures are black, which seemed a bit plain to my taste. Overall the house is really nice and well decorated, but too big for only a person to live in. I sat down on a chair and looked around.

"Aren't you lonely?" I asked.

"What?" He replied.

"Aren't you lonely in this big house?" I asked again.

"I guess, but I would never sell it and switch to a smaller house, because my parents really loved this house and they wouldn't sell it either," he said and I nodded.

"Shall we start?" He asked.

"Sure," I said.

"Let's split the work in half, you can do half of it and I'll do the rest," he suggested.

"Fine by me," I said.

"It seems like you are........ close with that guy," Myungsoo said while we were working.

"Who?" I asked.

"That guy who you picked as your partner in the first place," he said.

"Sungyeol?" I asked.

"Him, or whatever his name is," he said.

"We are close," I said.

"Are you dating him?" Myungsoo asked immediately after I finished my sentence.

"What?!" I exclaimed, wondering if I heard it wrong or not.

"Or do you like him by any chance?" He asked and I was holding back my laughter. It's impossible for me to ever like Sungyeol. We are best friends, but there's no chance of us ever becoming a couple.

"No, where did you get that?" I asked, slightly amused.

"But weren't you guys always hugging and real friendly to each other?" He asked.

"Wait...... H-How did you know we were hugging and being friendly to each other?" I asked.

"I         I see you around school with him," Myungsoo said.

"I don't think I see you around school though," I said, trying to recall times where I saw him around school.

"Because you weren't paying attention, that's why," he said and I nodded.

"So, who do you live with?" He asked.

"Just me and my brother," I said.

"You have a brother?" Myungsoo asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"What does he do?" he said.

"Uhm.......He works in a factory," I lied. There's no way that I am going to tell a stranger that my brother is an assassin.

"Interesting," he said, slightly amused.

"It's getting late, I should get home now," I said after a while and collected my things.

"I'll walk you home," He said.

"No thanks, I can walk home by myself," I said.

"The sky is dark already and it's dangerous for a girl to walk home by herself, it's better if I come along," Myungsoo said.

"Okay then...... if you want," I said and we left the house. The temperature was clearly colder than before and snowflakes fell from the sky gracefully.

"Are you cold?" Myungsoo asked when he saw me shivering.

"N-No," I said.

"It's kinda obvious that you are cold when your face is turning blue and you are shivering like crazy," He said and wrapped his scarf around my neck. I blushed in embarrassment.

"Better?" He asked and I nodded.


The walk was long and kind of dreadful since none of us were talking to each other and atmosphere was extremely awkward. After a while we finally reached my house.

"Thanks for walking me home," I said quietly. He didn't respond and put his hand on my cheek and I was caught off guard by his action.

"Go inside quickly, you must have been freezing," Myungsoo said with a smile.

"O-Oh..... I'll give you back your scarf," I said.

"No, keep it, you have plenty of other times to give it back to me since we are going to see each other quite often right?" He said with a wink and left. I feel my cheeks burning as I watch him walk away and disappear in the dark.




Hey guys~~~ Sorry for not updating for such a long time, winter break was near and I had TONS of work to do and finish...... But now I am finally on my winter break and since I am not going anywhere during the break, I will be updating more often~~ *claps* Sorry if this chapter was kinda boring, but it will get more and more interesting!! Thanks to all of my subscribers for subscribing, commenting and reading!!! See you guys next time when I update chp. 6!

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sorry for not updating often, I had a lot of work to do and plus I just started another fanfic, but I will try to update as quickly as possible ^_____^


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Chapter 7: unnie~~~ i thought u said that you would keep me posted.. pouts
Hello~! Can u take a look at my fanfics too? Main roles are infinite members. Here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/352777 ^__^ thanks a lot. Have a nice day~!
what will happen?
Chapter 5: DUN DUN DUN~
Please update
Chapter 4: new reader here!
Woah! This is very, very interesting!
I'm starting to read ^~^
I hope you can update soon!
Fighting, author-nim!