Hate At First Sight

Listen To The Voice Of My Heart

I couldn't get myself to breathe properly as I stared at the gun pointing at me. Was my mom as panicky and afraid as I was? I have never seen my mom panick, she is always calm, no matter how bad the situation could be. I was right. If today Woohyun let the 5 month old boy live, he would be back to kill the boy when he grows up so the boy won't backstab him in the future. It's a dog-eat-dog world. The man was right, at this moment I want to kill him, for taking my mom's life away, for taking the person who gave me confidence, knowledge and love away. If my mom was still around, she would never let Woohyun become one of those people who killed my dad and his parents. But it doesn't matter anyways, I won't be there to try to change Woohyun's mind, because I am about to die.

I heard a gunshot. I heard it clearly and loudly. Is this what it feels like, to be shot? It didn't hurt at all, I thought to myself. But I heard a drumming sound inside my body....... My heart is still beating. How is that possible? I heard the gunshot, then why is my heart still beating? I opened my eyes and found the man who killed my mom and now tried to kill me, lying on the ground with blood gushing out of his head. I widened my eyes in shock. Then I looked around me to locate the shooter, and I found Woohyun standing there, with a gun in his hand. It was my first time seeing my brother shooting someone, even though I know he must have done it many times already, but it was my first time witness him taking a life away. I was suddenly scared of the Nam Woohyun right now, he had the same cold eyes as the man did as he held onto the gun. Woohyun run towards me and I moved as far from him as I could.
"Sojeong! Are you okay?" Woohyun asked, his gaze is now warm and worried instead of cold.
"O-Oppa...... You j-just killed him....." I stuttered.
"He was going to kill you, and I wasn't going to let that happen," he said and tucked the gun in his pocket.
"H-He is the man t-that killed...... umma....." I said.
"He is the one? Who haunts you in your dreams?" Woohyun asked, shocked. I nodded to confirm my story. I couldn't control my emotion so I burst into tears and sobbed.
"Sojeong, it's okay, you are alright now and he is never coming back to kill you, don't worry," Woohyun hugged me close to him and comforted me.
"He..... w-was going to...... kill me like he did with u-umma......" I sobbed and clutched onto my brother's arm. Images of my mom flashed in my mind. 
"He is not going to back again, Sojeong, let's go inside so you won't catch a cold, okay?" He said and carried me inside of our house, I gave the man lying on the floor one last look, have absolutely no mercy or sympathy for him. After all, he killed my mom. We are now even. But having Woohyun kill him didn't make me feel any better about the death of our mom, she is gone and nothing is going to bring her back now.
Woohyun carried me to my room and set me down on the bed gently and covered me with blankets. He sat on the bed and my hair gently.
"Feeling better now, Sojeongie?" Woohyun asked and I nodded slowly.
"Then oppa won't bother you now, go sleep then, goodnight," he ruffled my hair and stood up. I grabbed onto his hand suddenly.
"Oppa, don't leave," I begged.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Can you stay here for the night?" I asked.
"Why? Are you scared that he might come back in your dreams?" He asked.
"N-No....." I lied and he chuckled.
"You should just say you are scared, you don't have to lie to your oppa," Woohyun smiled and I blushed in embarrassment. Weeks after our mom's death, I had nightmares every night and I asked Woohyun to sleep with me so I won't be that scared. It worked, the nightmares started to go away and soon it doesn't haunt me in my dreams anymore, but I know that today it is going to be back again and I would wake up in cold sweats and send chills down my spine. 
"Go to sleep first, oppa will be back soon," Woohyun said.
"Where are you going?!" I asked immediately.
"I need to take a shower....." He seemed startled by my question.
"Oh....." I said.
"Sojeong-ah, don't worry, I will be back very soon, you are old enough to stay in a room for 20 minutes without me. So go to sleep first," Woohyun said. I nodded and he left my room, but I wasn't going to take that chance. Sometimes I couldn't help but facepalm at my cowardice. So I stayed up until Woohyun returned to my room.
"You stayed up this late waiting for me again?" Woohyun asked and I nodded and he chuckled lightly, probably at my foolishness.
"Scooch over, make room for your big brother," He told me and I moved over so Woohyun will have room.
"Oppa...... Do you miss umma?" I asked.
"Of course I do, she was a great woman," He sighed.
"Do you think she is proud of us now?" I asked.
"She is proud of you, for being so strong and taking care of yourself and your oppa well," he smiled and pinched my cheeks and I giggled.
"But probably not proud of me......" He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because just like you, she probably doesn't like to see me as someone who takes away people's lives, like how that man took away her life and also her husband's life," he said.
"But you did it for me, so don't blame it all on yourself, umma will be proud to see you doing this for me," I said and he chuckled.
"Oh so now you accept me doing this kind of work? Last time I checked you got mad and left the house because I wouldn't quit my job," Woohyun pointed it out.
"I am sorry oppa, I won't be so stubborn next time," I said and he smiled.
"I am sorry too Sojeongie, I know you worry about me a lot," he said.
"I do, what if you are gone? Then what am I suppose to do? I have no one......." I said.
"You still have Sungyeol though, he is your best friend," Woohyun said and I smiled at the thought of my best friend, Sungyeol. He is the one that I trust the most next to Woohyun.
"But Sungyeol won't take care of me the way you would," I said.
"I will be more careful then, so you don't have to worry about those things," he said.
"Yes, you should be more careful, for the sake of yourself and your loving and adorable little sister~~" I joked and he laughed.
"Go to sleep then, otherwise you will have black circles around your eyes and you won't be my 'adorable' littie sister," he said.
"Fine, good night oppa," I said.
"Good night Sojeongie, I love you," he said and ruffled my hair.
"Love you too oppa," I smiled and fell asleep in his arms.
"Sojeong, Sojeong!!" A voice called and I opened my eyes. The first thing I see is the face of the infamous choding, also known as my best friend, Lee Sungyeol.
"Yah! What are you doing here?" I asked, startled.
"Your brother let me in, he is downstairs making breakfast, you better get ready fast if you don't want to be late for school," Sungyeol reminded me.
"What time is it?" I looked at the clock and groaned.
"Crap! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?! It's all your fault!" I asked as I scrambled out of the bed.
"How is it my fault?" Sungyeol asked.
"It's not, but I just like to blame it on you," I giggled and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth quickly and changed out of my pajamas within 5 minutes. 
"Aren't you going to comb your hair? It looks like a bird's nest," Sungyeol teased.
"Well sorry, I don't have the time to actually gel my hair into a weird hairdo like you did," I smiled at my comment as the choding sighed.
"Fine, you win this round," he said and followed me downstair.
"Is it really weird looking?" He asked me.
"No, just messing with you," I giggled and made my way to the kitchen.
"Morning Sojeong," Woohyun called from the kitchen.
"Morning oppa, did you sleep well?" I asked.
"Not really, you were snoring so loudly I couldn't sleep," he answered and Sungyeol laughed.
"Yah! I don't snore okay?" I said and blushed in embarrassment.
"Just messing with you, Jeongie," Woohyun said and ruffled my hair and set the breakfast on the table. Me and Sungyeol started scarfing the food down.
"Woah, your hair looked like a bird's nest," he said.
"Told you," Sungyeol said with his mouth full.
"So what? It doesn't matter," I said and continue to eat.
"You need to look proper and tidy for school, or other boys will think you are weird," Woohyun said and returned with a brush he took from my room and start brushing my hair.
"I don't care what the other boys think," I shrugged and he sighed.
"Oppa, I will be going now!" I said after I finished.
"Nam Sojeong! Come here," Woohyun called and I was confused.
"Why?" I asked.
"Come~" he said and I went to him and he wiped my mouth clean with a napkin.
"Gosh, you are so not lady-like, at least wipe your mouth before going out okay?" He sighed.
"Okay okay, bye oppa," I gave him a hug and darted out the door with the choding.
"Lee Sungyeol!!! Wait for me! Yah!!!!" I ran after the long-legged choding and he did a heel kick as he ran.
"I told you to wait for me!!!" I yelled.
"Not my fault that your legs are short and can't run fast enough to catch up," Sungyeol snickered and I punched him on the arm playfully.
"Ouch," he said.
"Not my fault that I am stronger than you," I said.
"You win this one again, ugh..... never seen a girl with such a strong punch," the choding made a face and I smiled as we half-walked half-ran to the school.
The bell just ran when we made it to the classroom and we took our seat. I panted heavily, glad that we made it to the school on time.
"You guys made it," A voice said and I looked at my friend, Sungjong, sitting behind me. 
"Yeah, one more late then we are going to get chewed out by Professor Kwon, I swear, that dude is scary sometimes," Sungyeol said to Sungjong.
"Someone mentioned my name?" The professor walked into the class.
"Good morning Professor Kwon," the students chanted like we do every morning.
"What were you saying about me? Mr. Lee Sungyeol?" The professor asked.
"I was saying how handsome you looked and was wondering why you are single," Sungyeol answered and evoked laughters from the class, including Professor Kwon.
"Why are you interested whether why I am single? Perhaps you are interested in me? I am flattered but sorry, you are not my ideal type, Mr. Lee Sungyeol," the professor said and the class burst into laughters and Sungyeol's face flushed red in embarrassment. Sungyeol is the class clown and it's fun to see his conversation between him and Professor Kwon everyday.
The class went on as usual, Sungyeol falling asleep after the first 5 minutes of the lecture, Sungjong copying down every single thing Professor Kwon says dilligently and me writing important things and doodles in the blank spaces of the paper. Everything was peaceful until a knock on the door interrupted the lecture. A student stepped in with a piece of paper in his hand, looking somewhat bored, he handed the paper to Professor Kwon and talked in a low voice to the professor. Sungyeol snapped awake immediately.
"You were bored in chemistry and so you want to switch to advanced chemistry?" Professor Kwon asked the student.
"Yes," he said.
"Okay, then. So you wouldn't mind if I asked you a couple questions, just to make sure you really know it all," the professor asked and the student shrugged, not caring much. The professor wrote down a whole list of chemistry related questions that none of us understand at all, and the student answered all of them with overflowing confidence that I take as arrogance and being cocky.
"That is...... all correct, so I guess you do know all your stuff then," the professor said.
"What is your name again?" the professor asked.
"Kim Myungsoo," the student said.
"I will add you into the attendance list," he said.
"May I go sit now?" The student asked.
"You may," the professor said and he went to sit in the very back.
"Who the heck is that guy?" Sungyeol asked.
"Some random and arrogant guy in our class, that's who he is," I said and went back to doodling. Sungyeol shrugged and hid behind the textbook so he can keep sleeping. The way the guy talked to the professor and the way he act like he knows everything (and maybe he does know everything) struck to me as repulsive and hateful.
After classes ended and all the students headed towards the door, Sungyeol and I waited for Sungjong to finish writing and gather his things. We were pretty much the last ones to leave the class until I saw that student, Kim Myungsoo, was following right behind me. I looked at him and my eyes met his eyes     and they were cold as ice and piercing. He looked at me as if I owed him something, as if he wants to kill me any second now for taking something precious away for him........ I looked away from him and went to catch up with Sungyeol and Sungjong who were waiting for me outside.

Hi~ I am back again with chapter 2~ (LOL I update faster than I thought) Sorry if there's nothing much going on the story, but chapter 3 will be in Myungsoo's POV and it will be more interesting ^___^ Thanks to my new subscribers for subscribing!! I hope you guys will enjoy the story :D I shall be back with chapter 3 soon :) kekeke look how handsome Myungsoo look in uniform XD 

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sorry for not updating often, I had a lot of work to do and plus I just started another fanfic, but I will try to update as quickly as possible ^_____^


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Chapter 7: unnie~~~ i thought u said that you would keep me posted.. pouts
Hello~! Can u take a look at my fanfics too? Main roles are infinite members. Here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/352777 ^__^ thanks a lot. Have a nice day~!
what will happen?
Chapter 5: DUN DUN DUN~
Please update
Chapter 4: new reader here!
Woah! This is very, very interesting!
I'm starting to read ^~^
I hope you can update soon!
Fighting, author-nim!