The Unknown

Listen To The Voice Of My Heart

I rolled my eyes at Sungyeol's comment as I walked further away from them. I tend to be a little bit clumsy and trip on things occasionally and because of my mindless actions, I usually ended up with a bruise or a cut on the arm or leg. Whenever I come home with an injury, Woohyun would lecture me on how I should be more careful and watch where I am going so I won't end up with patches of ugly bruises all the time. But most of the time I just tune out while he lectures me on those things so honestly there's no use of telling me those things over and over again since I will always be clumsy even if I don't want to. I giggled at that thought and kept on walking. I looked at my phone for the time and realized that I only have one minute to get to class and my next class is all the way in the next building. I cursed under my breath and started running. I have been late for several times and it's all pretty much thanks to Sungyeol since he kept holding me back. I ran as fast as I could until I slipped on the wet floor, as I was going to fall on my back when a pair of hands catched me and my eyes met the owner of those hands. They were the same as the cold and piercing eyes that I saw earlier.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a some-what monotone voice.

"Uhm...... Y-Yeah," I responded and got back on my feet when the bell rang.

"Damn it. Professor Yang is going to kill me," I muttered and gritted my teeth. Even though most teachers doesn't care if you skip their class or be late for their class, But Professor Yang does. He is one of those teachers who hated students who come late and interrupt the class.

"Wait," Kim Myungsoo said when I was going to run to class.

"I have him too, just come with me and I'll make sure you won't get chewed out by him," he said. His gaze is still icy cold and that send a chill down my spine.

"N-No thanks, I can handle this on my own," I said and turned to leave until he grabbed my arm.

"Trust me," he said and I suddenly felt obligated to follow his order. I nodded and walked with him to the class. We stopped in front of classroom door.

"Act like your leg is injured," he said.

"He won't buy that, you know," I said. I have used that excuse many times and Professor Yang never bought it.

"He will buy it this time," he said and put one of his arms around me and I started limping. We walked into the classroom like this and Professor Yang stared at us.

"Late? If you are late for this class then why do you even bother to come in the first place? And Nam Sojeong, this time you managed to get other student late with you too?" He questioned.

"That's not it, sir," Myungsoo said.

"Then what is it?" Professor Yang asked.

"Sojeong was rushing to class when she tripped and hurted her ankle. I saw her on the ground and I had to help her," he said.

"Is that it?" Professor Yang asked me and I nodded.

"Since you are a good student, Kim Myungsoo, I will believe your story, go and take a seat now," he said and Myungsoo helped me to a seat and sat down beside me. But...... Something smells fishy to me as I looked at the handsome and cold boy next to me. Sojeong was rushing to class when she tripped and hurted her ankle.....

When the bell rang and students rushed out of the door, Myungsoo helped me up and we made our way out of the classroom.

"Uhm.... M-Myungsoo? It's Myungsoo right?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said.

"Thanks," I said and he nodded.

"Myungsoo," I called before he left.

"How did you...... know that my name is Sojeong?" I asked. I remembered that I have never told him my name or mention it in class. Which is strange since today it's my first time meeting him and seeing him around school.

"I heard people talking about you," he answered after a while.

"Oh," I said.

"I never knew you were in this class too," I said.

"I transferred from another class to this class," he said.

"Why? What's so good about this class? Aren't all classes pretty much the same?" I murmured but he didn't respond.

"Erm.... Well, thanks, see you around then," I said and left without another glance at Kim Myungsoo.


As the day went by the stranger it seems since Kim Myungsoo was in all of my classes. During class I glanced over my shoulder and found his eyes fixed on me for several times. However we didn't say anything when we passed by each other.

"Sojeong!" Sungyeol called when I came out of my class.

"Are you done the chemistry assignment?" He asked.

"Yeah I am done. Why?" I asked as we walked.

"I haven't started on it yet......" Sungyeol sighed.

"I am not letting you copy mine this time, do it yourself," I said.

"Ahhhhh why? It's gonna take me forever," he whined.

"So? The assignment was given to us weeks ago, and you chose not to do it, not my fault," I shrugged.

"Sojeongie~~ Don't be like that~ Pity your best friend and help me~" He nudged my arm.

"Fine," I sighed and he gave me a bear hug.

"You are the coolest best friend anyone could ever have, Nam Sojeong~" Sungyeol said.

"Sure sure, whatever," I said and smiled.

"So you want me to come over or you come?" He asked.

"You come over, your house is too far," I said.

"Okay," he said.

"You staying for dinner tonight right?" I asked him.

"Is your brother cooking today? Or you?" Sungyeol asked while we walked.

"My brother, probably, if he doesn't get called to work," I said and he nodded. Sungyeol knew my brother's job. His dad was also murdered and his mom passed away about a year ago with cancer. He lives alone all by himself and have to do everything like cooking and cleaning, he comes over often and stay for dinner because he is a terrible cook, but mainly because he is lonely. And that made me feel grateful towards what I have right now because I have a brother who always stayed by my side and cared for me while Sungyeol has no relatives or siblings with him.

"Okay then I'll stay for dinner, since your brother is cooking," Sungyeol said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because you always overcook things and they taste pretty bad," he said and I punched him on the arm.

"So? I don't burn my food like you do," I said and he rolled his eyes.

"It was a one time thing okay?" He said and I scoffed.

"A one time thing? I am surprised that you didn't burn down your house yet," I said.

"You better hope my house will not burn down, because I will come and live with you," Sungyeol said.

"Who said you can come to my house and live?" I questioned.

"Your brother. He said and I quote: our house is your house, you can come and live with us if you need to," he mimicked my brother's voice and I groaned.

"He really said that?" I asked.

"Is it that bad living with me?" He asked.

"Have you looked at your bedroom         actually, have you looked at your house lately and how untidy it is?" I asked.

"Well not everyone is a clean freak like you, Sojeong," he marked and I rolled my eyes.

"What's wrong with keeping everything clean? It's healthy that way," I said.

"Sure, whatever you say," he said and we arrived at the front of my house and I opened the door.

"Oppa, I'm home!" I yelled and kicked off my shoes. Woohyun's face peaked out from upstairs and came down and gave me a hug.

"How's school today?" He asked.

"Aish, oppa, I am old enough already, you are asking me this like I am an elementary schooler who just had their first day of school," I complained and lay on the sofa.

"What's wrong with asking that?" He asked.

"She is in a bad mood today, probably got rejected by a guy or       " I threw a cushion in Sungyeol's direction and it hit him on the face.

"Shut it, don't you have homework to do?" I said and tossed my chemistry assignment at him.

"Thanks," he catched it and settle himself on a chair and started working.

"What are you doing now?" Sungyeol asked.

"I am going to take a nap, don't mind me," I said and buried my head in the cushions and fell asleep quickly.


We stood there, facing each other. He smirked and walked towards me in small steps. My brain tells me to leave, to escape from him as he approached. Yet I couldn't get myself to move at all. I looked at his eyes as he get closer and closer. He started walking around me in circles, scanning me from head to toe, then he stopped right in front of me. Even though his expression shows that he is amused, however his ice cold eyes tells me a different story.

"You are going to die," Kim Myungsoo whispered in my ear in a low and dangerous voice.


I opened my eyes and found the ice cold eyes in my dreams were gone. In its place I found a pair of big and dark brown eyes that gives me warmth, the eyes that I am familiar with.

"Wake up," Woohyun said with a smile. I was relieved to see him, I was relieved to see anything         As long it's not that pair of cold eyes I saw in my dream that belonged to Kim Myungsoo......

"What time is it?" I asked and rubbed my eyes.

"It's dinner time, so come and eat," he said.

"I am not hungry," I said.

"You should still eat a little, Sungyeol is eating already," he said and I kept on rubbing my eyes.

"Don't rub your eyes, your hands are not that clean," Woohyun caught my hand and I sighed. Our mom used to tell us that when we were little.

"Oppa, can I just sleep? I am really tired," I whined. I felt like I didn't get any sleep because of the dream.

"You can go to sleep after you are done eating," he said.

"Hyung, I will go now, thanks for the meal," Sungyeol said.

"Bye Sungyeol," I said.

"See you tomorrow Sojeong, thanks for the assignment," he said and winked.

"See ya," Woohyun said when Sungyeol takes his leave.

"Come eat now," Woohyun dragged me from the sofa.

"Oppa! Please just let me sleep, please....." I begged and he sighed.

"You are going to be starving though," he said.

"I won't," I said.

"You always say that but you ended up making ramen at 2 in the morning every time," Woohyun sighed.

"Well what's the problem with that?" I asked stubbornly.

"At 2 in the morning, you should be sleeping, not up making ramen," he said.

"But I don't wanna eat now," I said.

"Just eat half of it then," he said.

"No," I said.

"Please?" Woohyun said.

"No," I said.

"Sojeong," he said in a serious tone.

"What?" I asked.

"Please eat, or I am going to be really mad at you," he said.

"Oppa......." I whined.

"No, you are going to eat," he said.

"Woohyun oppa......." I grabbed his hand and whined.

"Fine," he sighed heavily and carried me upstairs and set me on the bed.

"Oppa," I said but he didn't respond and covered me with blankets.

"Oppa?" I said.

"What?" He said.

"Are you mad?" I asked in a small voice. He sighed and sat down next to me.

"How can I get mad at you? It's impossible," he patted my head softly.

"Don't you think I am too stubborn and spoiled?" I asked.

"Well, it's my fault for spoiling you too much, and you were born with a stubborn personality, so what am I suppose to do with that?" Woohyun sighed.

"Oppa, you are the best person in the world," I said and he smiled.

"Aren't you tired? Go to sleep now," he said after a while.

"Okay, good night oppa, go to sleep early too," I said.

"I will. Good night," he said and turn off the lights. I closed my eyes, but Kim Myungsoo keeps popping out in my brain so many times that I couldn't sleep. Why did I even dreamed of him in the first place?.......


"Slow down, you look like a begger who hasn't ate for days," I sighed as I look at Sungyeol scarfing down a sandwich as we walked to school.

"What's wrong with eating fast?" He mumbled.

"You look unattractive when you stuff all those food in your mouth, that's probably why you don't have a girlfriend yet. Girls like guys who eat prettily," I said.

"So? You are so bossy and scary, no wonder you have never dated anyone. At least I had girlfriends in the past, you never had one before. Guys don't like girls who are bossy and unlady-like," Sungyeol teased.

"Yah, can you go one day without insulting your best friend?" I complained.

"You started this first," he mumbled.

"You in the mood for a bet?" I asked and Sungyeol's face brights up at the word "bet".

"Bring it," he said with a childish smile.

"For the whole day we have to be polite, kind and caring to each other, no teasing. Whoever loses will buy food for the other person," I declared.

"Fine, I am so going to win so I am not even worried about it," Sungyeol said with confidence.

"You? Going to win? You can't go one day without teasing me. I'm going to win," I corrected.

"Pfffft, sure," he said.

"Okay then, from now on we have to be nice to each other until the end of the day," I said.

"No problem with me," Sungyeol smirked. There's no way he is going to win, I thought and chuckled. It's like telling a kid who has a sweet tooth not to touch any candy. As long I am here and alive, Sungyeol will always tease me. It has been like this ever since we met on the first day of kindergarden. While I was feeling happy that he is going to be treating me food soon, I tripped on my own foot unconsciously and fell on the ground. I scratched my head and sighed. This happens on a daily basis.

"Hahaha, you fell again?? I think you just broke a record       " Sungyeol laughed but I stared at him with a smirk.

"Uhm, I mean, are you okay?" He said again with some sympathy.

"Nice save," I said.

"What, you are not gonna be nice and help your friend up?" I asked, he smiled and pull me back up on my feet.

"Doesn't your leg hurt?" He asked and I noticed the wound on my knee. I didn't even realize it until he mentioned my bloody knee.

"Get on," Sungyeol said and he kneeled down with his back facing me. I hopped on without hesitation and he winced.

"Am I heavy?" I rest my chin on his shoulder and asked.

"Yes, you are very heavy," Sungyeol said and he started walking.

"Hey, that's not being nice," I warned him.

"That is called 'telling the truth'," he joked.

"But still, a nice person who lie to their friend and say he or she is not heavy even if she is," I said.

"Nah, lying is bad for you, you should always be honest, right Sojeong?" He asked.

"Too bad, that counts as being mean, you lost~~" I said with a smile.

"Nope, I am nice by carrying you now despite how heavy you are, so shouldn't that cancel out that 'mean' comment I said?" Sungyeol asked.

"Fine," I said and he smiled. We finally arrived at the school and Sungyeol set me down on a bench outside. He searched through his backpack and took out a small box, it was a first aid kit. He cleaned my knee and put on some ointment on it gently.

"Woah, Sungyeol, I never knew this caring side of yours, I am impressed," I admitted.

"Oh please, the caring side of mine always existed, you never realized it until now?" He said proudly.

"Nope, maybe it's because you are always teasing me so I didn't realize it?" I asked and he ruffled my hair.

"That's because you are so fun to tease~~" He said.

"Aish, you messed up my hair," I complained.

"Gosh, stop being such a girly girl, and since when do you care about your appearance?" He asked.

"Oh, is that an insult I hear?" I said.

"Nope, girly girl is a compliment, you should be happy if I called you a girly girl, they actually dress up and cares about appearance, unlike you. And there's no way you will ever be one," he snickered.

"Now that's an insult. Buy me food tomorrow then, I will eat it well~" I smiled.

"Ahh Sojeong, don't be like this~" he put his arm around my neck.

"You are choking me!!!!" I complained.

"Oops, sorry," he said.

"Thank you for your help," I said and bowed 90 degrees.

"Why are you bowing at me?" He said, then he realized what I was doing.

"Oh, please don't be like that," he bowed back. Then he got on his knees and bowed.

"Let's not be so formal," I helped him up.

"Anyways, thanks Yeollie, you are the best friend that I do not deserve, let's be friends for a long long long time~" I said and hugged him.

"Ugh dude, what's up with the hug?" He shuddered.

"It's called being nice to your friend," I said.

"In that case, I shall be nice to my friend too," Sungyeol gave me a bear hug.

"Let's go to class now unless you want to be yelled at by Professor Kwon," I said.

"Yeah you are right, I don't need another long speech from that man," Sungyeol shuddered and we went inside the classroom.


"Sungyeol, we need to end this," I said to him after school.

"Nope, you are going to be the one paying for food tomorrow, I am not going to loose," Sungyeol replied.

"Come on! Don't think of it that way, think of it like giving your friend a treat," I complained.

"I don't care if you put it that way, I am going to win," he said.

"Sungyeol......" I sighed.

"You want me to do aegyo? Bbuing Bbuing~~" I did my weird aegyo.

"No, ew, your aegyo are the worst," Sungyeol complained.

"Ah ha! You lost!!" I smiled.

"I did it on purpose, of course," he claimed.

"Sure, whatever, you are paying for food tomorrow so I don't care if it was a noble act or not," I sighed happily.

"You should at least thank your good friend, right?" He asked.

"Thanks buddy," I gave him a slap on the arm.

"Wow, whatever happened to 'being nice to your friend' hug?" He asked.

"Fine," I said and hugged him.

"Ugh okay that's enough, I think I am going to puke soon," he joked.

"Same here," I shuddered as we walked home.


The next morning was normal, we insulted each other in every possible ways we could and walked to school like how we do everyday. It was a normal morning and it was going to be a normal day, one would expect that, including me.

"Do you think Sungjong is done the project?" Sungyeol asked.

"I would think so, he is always ahead of the whole class, no wonder the teachers like him so much," I said. We walked into the classroom and only few students were in their seats, mostly sleeping or on their phone. Only Sungjong was studying and writing dilligently. In the corner of my eyes I caught Kim Myungsoo sitting in his seat, he was playing around with a pen on his hand mindlessly.

"Yah, take a break, teacher's pet~" Sungyeol teased.

"What's up?" I sat down and looked at his organized notes and neat handwriting.

"Nothing much, just studying for the test next week," Sungjong said.

"I think I need to borrow your notes if I want to get a good grade, Sungjong, they are so detailed and nicely done, that's probably why you have the highest mark in the class," I sighed.

"Your mark is really high too, you don't need my notes to get a good grade," Sungjong replied with a smile.

"Actually, I don't think Sungjong have the highest mark, not with that guy in our class," Sungyeol cocked his head in Kim Myungsoo's direction. My gaze moved to Kim Myungsoo and he smirked at me, it was something between a smile and smirk. Then he quickly looked away as if nothing happened.

"It's okay, I don't really care who has the highest mark, it's not that important to me," Sungjong said and returned to his work. Sungyeol shrugged and went to take his seat.

"Sungyeol?" I asked when I saw him standing there, frozen. I peaked over his shoulder and saw him holding a piece of paper on his hand.

"What is that suppose to mean?" He asked me, his eyes trained on that piece of paper and I snatched it from him.

"Lemme see...." I said and looked at the sticky note. Sungjong also came and looked at it with me. The note reads: You better watch your back and be careful, Lee Sungyeol, this is not a joke, The handwriting on this note was neat and unique.

"It's probably a prank, Sungyeol, don't worry too much about it," I said. Sungyeol could be a goofball and all, but he gets startled by things like these just like how normal people would.

"I agree, someone is just bored and decides to prank you, nothing biggie," Sungjong said earnestly.

"Y-Yeah, probably," he said and sat down and remained quiet for the rest of the period. I stared at the note during the whole class, wondering who could have possibly wrote this note.


Hello my lovely readers~~~ I am back!!! Did you guise miss me? I know you guys did keke OTL what am I doing I hope you guys didn't find this chapter boring! There's really nothing much going on in this chapter so I hope you guys still liked it~ Thanks to my subscribers for subscribing and reading ^____^ I hope y'all will find the next chapter more interesting >.< More..... uhm...... stuff is happening in the next chappie? n_____n Ah our Leader Gyu's solo debut is in 2 or 3 days!! XD I REALLY can't wait for the album to come out~~~ keke XD Anyways have fun reading and I am going to hide myself in a corner cuz this chapter was so poorly written that I feel ashamed OTL

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sorry for not updating often, I had a lot of work to do and plus I just started another fanfic, but I will try to update as quickly as possible ^_____^


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Chapter 7: unnie~~~ i thought u said that you would keep me posted.. pouts
Hello~! Can u take a look at my fanfics too? Main roles are infinite members. Here: ^__^ thanks a lot. Have a nice day~!
what will happen?
Chapter 5: DUN DUN DUN~
Please update
Chapter 4: new reader here!
Woah! This is very, very interesting!
I'm starting to read ^~^
I hope you can update soon!
Fighting, author-nim!