Job Well Done

Criminal; For Stealing My Heart

“Wooo~ That was embarassing.” Ji Eun sighed. 12:07, her watch says. “Oh no, It’s really late.”

Ji Eun walked faster. She felt like someone was following her. She looked back. She did not see anyone.

“Look what we have here.” A drunk guy with his accompanies appeared in front of Ji Eun.

“Get lost.” She threatened.

“Oh~ I’m scared.” The guy looked at his friends. He tried to touch Ji Eun’s hair. She slapped it.

“You’re tough. Come here.” The guy scared Ji Eun.

“Don’t touch her!”  A familiar voice appeared. They all looked behind and saw a guy wearing leather jacket.

“Yoseob!” Ji Eun shouted. She was happy but she was controlling herself. Inside, she was jumping up and down because she was too happy.

“Why didn’t you beat up these guys? Are you expecting me too come?” He entered coolly and went in front of Ji Eun. “You’re unbelievable.” She whispered.

“Are you trying to be one of those guys in movies? Those who enter from nowhere an saved the girl they love?” The guy asked annoyingly. The guy tried to punch Yoseob in the face. Yoseob ducked. Then, he realized Ji Eun was behind him. He feels like the time was ticking slowly. It’s like slow moment of Ji Eun going to be punch in the face. The guy threw his punch.

“You are a true idiot.” Ji Eun, with the help of Yoseob, started to beat up the guys. After the fight, Yoseob fell too. He was hit by a wooden stick at his back. 3 minutes after.

“Are you okay?” Ji Eun helped Yoseob stand up carefully. Yoseob smiled again.

“Stop smiling. I hate it when you smile.” She shouted.

“Why? Is my smile look ugly?” Yoseob touched his back.

“No. It’s just..just… because..” Her voice was shaking. Yoseob smiled.

“I said stop!” She gave up.

“Ok, I’ll stop.”

“You’re sick but how come you came and followed me?” Ji Eun asked as they walked towards her house.


The moment Ji Eun left Yoseob’s house. “I’m going grandma.” Yoseob stood up.

“Where are you going?” She asked.

“I just want to make sure that my future wife will be home safely.” He winked.

“You have my approval Yoseobie~” She winked back.


“Are you serious?” She was shocked after hearing Yoseob’s reason.

“You know what?” She stopped.

“What?” Yoseob looked at Ji Eun.

“I hate you.” Ji Eun said.

“Well, I love you.” Yoseob was shy.

“What?!?” Ji Eun made him repeat it.

“I love you.” He can’t meet eye contact with her. Ji Eun hugged her and ran.

“Hey! Does that mean 'I love you too'?” He run fast to Ji Eun.

“Maybe.” Ji Eun blushed.

2 Years After

“I can’t believe we ended up in here.” Ji Eun said with her head on Yoseob’s shoulder while looking at their wedding pictures.

“Neither do I.” Yoseob smiled.

“Oh come on, why do you have a pretty smile?” She rolled her eyes. Yoseob smiled. Ji Eun sighed.

“I guess that was the hardest job I’ve ever done.” He managed to changes the topic.

“What is it?” Ji Eun asked.

“Stealing your heart to be mine.” He hold Ji Eun’s hand.

“I know, I can’t believe you actually did. Job well done.” She set aside their wedding album and enjoyed the beauiful scenaries with Yoseob while holding each other's hands.




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MilkyCouple4ever #1
Chapter 8: is it a confession!!
Chapter 8: I like this story much! thank you so much for a wonderful story :))) as I said before, keep on writing i'll be looking forward to it. ^.~ fightingggg!!! :D
MilkyCouple4ever #3
Chapter 4: Awww why did u end it so early!!
MilkyCouple4ever #4
Chapter 4: Awww why did u end it so early!!
wow it ended soon. great story! :) but I expect it will have more chapters. keep on writing! ^.^ fightingggg!!!
MilkyCouple4ever #6
Chapter 2: Haha flustered Ji Eun after YoSeob said he love u:)) update soon^^
MilkyCouple4ever #7
Chapter 1: Aww wonder who's gunna steal who's heart first:P update soon^^