Our Story; Romance? Horror? Comedy? Mystery? WHAT?!?

Criminal; For Stealing My Heart

“Oh! A vending machine!” He pointed.

“Yea, so?” Ji eun stopped.

“I need drinks you know?” He pull two 1 dollars from his pocket.

“I want coke.” She let him know.

“I didn’t say that I’m going to buy you some, you know?” He teased.

“Who said I’m asking you to buy me one? I’m just..umm.. talking to myself. I’m going to buy one myself.” Ji Eun’s face started to get red. Yoseob laughed.

“You can’t fool me. I know you for like, 10 years. I know your lying. Look! You’re face is getting red again.” Yoseob teased Ji Eun and get 1 coke for Ji Eun.

“There you go.” He smiled.

“Thanks.” Embarrassed, she walked away.

“Hey! I haven’t buy mine yet. Wait!” Yoseob panicked. “Umm. What should I buy? Coke, Pepsi, Sprite? Ahh.”

“Just have coke too.” Ji Eun shouted.

“Got it!” Yoseob bought coke for himself and run to Ji Eun.

 “We should stop at a bookstore to get some books for a proof that we did search for something.” Yoseob sipped.

“At this hour?” Ji Eun spitted.

“Umm.. Yea? The public library is opened 24 hours. Remember?” Yoseob raised his eyebrow.

“Ok. I also have to get some comics.” Ji Eun stopped. “Did you bring your ID?”

“No.” Yoseob answered. “You did bring yours right?”

“I didn’t.” She ignored.

“Oh come on, I know you did. I can see it from your face.” He pushed. Ji Eun smirked.

At the library.

Yoseob sighed. “What should I get?”

“I don’t know, I’m going at that side, meet me.” Ji Eun scanned the big library. “Somewhere if you can find me.” Then she left.

“Got it ma’am.” He saluted. .

"Excuse me, where's the books for the horror, mystery books?" Yoseob asked at the sleepy librarian wearing rounded glasses. The librarian pointed him the right aisle. Yoseob bowed slightly as a sign of gratitude.

“Aisle 13.” Yoseob repeated 4 times. “There.” He got excited.

“Hum~ What should I get? This? No, there’s too many pages. How about this? No, too thin. This? No, the cover page is too scary.” Yoseob kept on passing the tall, shiny shelves.

“This is pretty amazing.” He complemented. A dark, attractive book, caught his interest. He took the book and leaned on the shelf. Yoseob is that kind of person who reads the back cover first before he starts to open the book. “They are everywhere. You might not see them, but they can see you.” Yoseob started to freak out. His eyes started to wonder and the back of his neck felt chilly. He continues reading. “Teenage friends were given this kind of super ability to see some uncommon things. Each of them died one by one after they’ve encountered them. Ghost! True or not? Wanting a proof? Look at your back.” He read.

Can’t stop himself, Yoseob slowly looked back. Eye! An eye was looking at him from the other side of the shelf he was leaning on. No stopping, No thinking, Yoseob shouted.

“What’s the problem.” Ji eun came out. Yoseob fell on his legs.

“Yoseob! What’s going on?” Ji Eun concerned. “A.. g.. ghost..” He shook. The sleepy librarian appeared. Yoseob shouted again.

“Whoa, Whoa, what’s going on here?” The librarian lazily asked. Somehow, Ji Eun figured out the reason why was Yoseob acting like that.

“Nothing. Everything is good Ms.” Ji Eun smiled widely. “Ok.” The careless librarian left.

Finally, Yoseob came back to his senses and became embarrassed. Ji Eun loudly laughed at his face. Yoseob covered Ji Eun's mouth.

“Don’t joke around.” He stood up. Still can’t meet eyes with Ji Eun.

“You’re insane! And I love you for that.” Yoseob added. Ji Eun froze. Yoseob laughed hard.

“What an expression. I was joking.” Yoseob got his revenge. Ji Eun punched him.

“Does that feel good?” He shook Ji Eun’s body. Ji Eun blankly shook her head. “That’s right. That’s what you get for laughing at me.” He continued.

♥ ♥ ♥

“Thank you.” They bowed.

“You! Make sure you don’t loss that book, or else I will kill you.” She reminded. Yoseob didn’t answer. He was looking at the bus that’s going to stopped at the bus stop, where they are standing. “Are you even listening?” She asked. Yoseob nodded his head.

“Hello Sir. You’re working hard.” They greeted the driver. The driver smiled back.

“I’m really tired.” Yoseob looked at the window. “Me too.” Ji Eun placed her head on Yoseob’s shoulder.

“Do you mind?” Ji Eun asked Yoseob when he looked at him. “No.” he answered and looked at the window again. Because of tiredness, they both fell asleep.



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MilkyCouple4ever #1
Chapter 8: is it a confession!!
Chapter 8: I like this story much! thank you so much for a wonderful story :))) as I said before, keep on writing i'll be looking forward to it. ^.~ fightingggg!!! :D
MilkyCouple4ever #3
Chapter 4: Awww why did u end it so early!!
MilkyCouple4ever #4
Chapter 4: Awww why did u end it so early!!
wow it ended soon. great story! :) but I expect it will have more chapters. keep on writing! ^.^ fightingggg!!!
MilkyCouple4ever #6
Chapter 2: Haha flustered Ji Eun after YoSeob said he love u:)) update soon^^
MilkyCouple4ever #7
Chapter 1: Aww wonder who's gunna steal who's heart first:P update soon^^